Another year has passed and the years continue to
count down as the last of days begins to near. I wonder if part of my brain has
released a reflection mechanism which most certain was inactive as a child
growing up or at least not as noticeable.
Age most certainly has begun to take its toll on
me, not to say that I haven’t had my part to play with so many reckless
decisions along life’s journey. Be that as it may, God is truly wonderful! I
have certainly encountered my fair share of those who have questioned God’s
love, as for me I will most certainly be forever thankful… “Jesus in my place”
the sweetest statement to enthral my mind. Without Him I would be of all men
most miserable. For many that statement is so beyond their reach that the mere
thought of it would send their mind into cartwheels. However there are many
that would proclaim AMEN to this beautiful expression; “Jesus in my place”! The
love of God who can fathom it? Most things can be quantified, but never the
love of God. Just when you believe you have a grip on it a fresh notion arrives
and you once again realise how little you know. Nevertheless I know more than
enough to confess that I will forever be beholden to God’s love. For those who
have tasted of the sweet forgiveness of our heavenly Father in and through the
Lord Jesus’ selfless sacrifice share my sentiments, of this I am persuade.
Since his journey here on earth, millions of lives have been changed in one
form or another and praise God that I am amongst that number. There is no other
claim that I will broadcast with such vivacity bar this, that the love of God
has rescued me.
There is a day coming where those who arrive in
heaven, whose number cannot be counted will praise our God and King for all
eternity; “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could
number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing
before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm
branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation
belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:9-10) - For all the saints out there, I beseech you
to sing praises to our great loving heavenly Father. There is no other name
under heaven or on earth where an individual will find salvation for their
souls, save the name of Jesus, the only true Messiah. As for the Jews and their
understanding of this the truth it will soon also arrive for them and they too
will turn and repent and call upon the name of Jesus, the same Jesus that their
forefather called on to be crucified; “Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do
with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” And
he said, “Why? What evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let
him be crucified!” (Matthew
The Love of God will honour his covenant with their
great grandfather, the father of faith, Abraham. As a nation they will be once
again grated into the vine of Christ’s salvation and understand the meaning of
what I hold so dear, “Jesus in my place”!
What father has ever entertained such tolerance
from so many wayward children? The power of His grace is adept in turning the
most rebellious individual, that it leaves no margin of doubt, so that their
transformation is nothing short of miraculous. Within our own characters we
would never find righteousness, however once we make our way through the hustle
and bustle of life and push throw the crowed and touch the Lord’s garment we
are instantly changed and will never view life and the purpose of it all in the
same tone. God gifts us with the miracle of salvation and He gives us the mind
of Christ. We receive His righteousness and even when we stray from the call
placed on our lives. No differently to the parable of the Prodigal son we
somehow and somewhere come to our senses and find the strength to dust the dirt
from our knees as we once again find the fortitude to cry out to Jesus and seek
out his forgiveness.
What child by default through their differing
personalities does not somewhere within this beautiful relationship end up
pushing the boundaries? I would have to conclude that all of us err in one form
or another and God lovingly disciplines us where and when it is needed, praise
His name for this! He knows what is best for us! We must learn to let go and
let God… we will all learn this lesson well or at least be changed by it.
To all those out there who just can’t find the strength
to push through the crowd and reach out and touch the Lord Jesus, I am even now
praying for you and as Nike would say, “just do it”! Only then will these types
of posts truly begin to make sense.
To one day to hear the voice of God call me his friend,
how sweet that will be. How much dying I still have to endure, however, be that
as it may, I know it will be worth it all.
Signing off