The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 9 March 2015

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"

“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread“! I have not often heard this cliché quoted and yet it most certainly has come across my ears more than once. Its source Alexander Pope used back in 1709 in one of his poems, “An Essay on Criticism”. Without having read his poem, most, if not all would understand the kernel of what it means. Not that any angel was ever consulted giving their stamp of authenticity regarding the validity of that quote. But this could well have been written 6000 years ago, in the Garden of Eden, but then it could have read; “fools rush in where the foolish angels live”. Sin the common denominator! Not foolish with the “ABC’s’” but rather disobedient to the voice of God’s perfect wisdom; they disobeyed His commands. They thought they knew better! It’s too late for them now but not for us. As humans we can still right our wrongs if we still have breath. The mercies of God, who can measure it, praise His name now and forever more, Amen!

On reflection, how often have you asked yourself the question, why on earth did I do that? I know I have! And yet God has allowed certain things to come across our paths to teach us many lessons, with grace and mercy high up on His agenda. We often ask the question why? Well it could just be that you acted foolishly! Then again you may have been blinded by your own sin and missed the lesson completely. As my understanding starts to deepen on how my life is unfolding, I am persuaded that God is in perfect control even when we aren’t. We think the world revolves around us when in fact everything we see exists because of Him. And when God has allowed a man to pen something that has stood the test of time; a quote written in the Bible, we must learn to prioritize His Word above everything else in our lives. That includes our emotions and uncertainties that look to tells us a different story. If God has allowed it to be penned in the “Good Book” it will carry His authority, so when He allows the Apostle Paul to say; “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) - It carries no other meaning, its good even when we see it as bad. However this only applies to those who have been called according to His purpose. If you remain on the fence to God’s call or you reject the gospel then this does not apply to you, it cannot! Calamity may bring about your ultimate destruction. But it will never defeat the Christian, it may bruise and scar him, but never defeat him, praise the name of Jesus!

As I was watching a news related program last night it was obvious that most believe we are capable of superseding the Word of God, no differently to the way Satan tricked Eve into believing that lie so long ago.

Let me explain…

If we increase our knowledge about climate control we will be able to put things in place that will ultimate save earth and preserve our existence. Efforts are being made to achieve this goal like never before. This is the question I pose to you and the world, answer me this; if God has declared something will it happen or can we swing what He has said causing a different outcome? For He has said; "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.” (Isaiah 65:17) or put another way and possibly easier to understand; “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” (Revelation 21:1) – Here then is my question, will man’s endeavours save our planet or will God eventually destroy it? Does mankind have more authority than the Word of God? How ridiculous that would be, puny man trying to outwit God and yet it is happening! It is a very simple reality; put the Word of God first in all you do and it will end well with your soul. This world will pass away, regardless of mankind’s efforts; God will make a new one, far better than this solitary planet and all those who trust Him and His Word first shall be part of that new world.

Talk about irony we are sending data capturing devices into the sea to learn about climate control and God will destroy this world and create a new one without a sea!

In conclusion who will you believe, I have made up my mind! Praise the Word of God who became flesh and dwelt amongst us as a man. The Lord Jesus left the portals of heaven to pay the price for our sin so that some would be saved from that type of reasoning and learn to trust His Word above every other opinion.

Signing off



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