The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 2 May 2014

Love on display!

Considering life on earth and the short time we all have. My mind never seems to exhaust this thought! Why, why, WHY do I grow so weary of the “trial of life”? It is so foreign to the heart of thankfulness and yet I am eternally thankful for what Christ has done for me. How I long for the day when God will say enough and I will be caught up into the air to ever be with Him and all His heavenly hosts! WE all need the resolve of our suffering King, just a little longer and it will all be over! I wonder was this what motivated the man Jesus Christ? We may all be quick to say that He had seen heaven as He came from Heaven. But that would certainly be a swayed perception, we know that He loved us because of His action; he willingly died for those whom God called from before the foundation of the world! It is imperative to learn from our Master’s example; By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” (1John 3:16)  - The test of true love is not in word but proved through our actions, it is easy to say we love someone but another thing altogether to show our love with our exploits. How do we know of a certainty that we walk in love? “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” (1John 3:17) – We (I) must learn this valuable lesson, I must learn to take this to the next level, may God help me, may I seek His face and search out the riches of His mercies and learn to put others before myself, please pray for me in this area of my life! No matter what we have been given we must learn to share what we have, whether we suffer lack or whether we have an abundance, we must all learn to put our brothers need before our own wants!Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1Jonn 3:18) – The lesson the Apostle John wants us to embrace is for us to find reassurance, that we belong to God and that we are known by Him. It is one thing to claim we know God but totally another aspect when we are known of an assurance by HIM!  - “By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him;” (1John 3:19)

I remember when newly saved, signing a song, “If you want joy, real joy wonderful joy let Jesus come into your heart.” As real as that was, I believe the lesson that John now teaches, is this; “if you want joy, real joy, be quick to find reasons to help your brothers who are in need”. We instinctively look for reasons not to help! May God help us!

Here is a truth that the Lord Jesus taught; “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" (Act 20:35)

The snare of life always looking to lead us down the wrong road, may we all learn to trust our God and believe Him, helping to re-right that which society and sin has robbed from us. Our God will supply all our need! However, we must follow His instruction along the way! When we ignore it, it is to our own peril!

Help me Father to help those who are in need, Amen!

Signing off


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