The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 25 April 2010

With so many voices out there it is sometimes confusing to know which voice to pay attention to. Politicians tell us one thing while parents have their own opinion; teachers teach subjects and friends endeavour to influence us according to their understanding of life. Everywhere you turn there is something or someone that wants to have influence over our lives. Even the marketing world is designed to influence our shopping habits. The truth be told, all these voices have and are still playing a role in our lives. But, there is another voice that we often overlook and that is the voice of our creator. Why is this important?
Let us pretend that we knew the beginning form the end. Let’s say I knew a certain stock on the JSE would, after one week of trading, end up 20% higher than what I could initially bought if for. This was not a maybe, but a certainty. The reason I was able to predict this - I could see into the future. What would I do with this information? Obviously it is a no brainer and I would find as much money as I could, buy the share and make an easy profit. Yet in reality, when I look back on my life I realise how often I chose to ignore information as good as that. How foolish I have been!
Surely we should all use this wonderful wealth of information that God has left for us to find? The Bible is the inerrant truth of the beginning and the end and how we as individuals fit into the history of time. I obviously am not referring to a stock but rather something far greater and with eternal consequences. It has taken a lifetime to conclude that there is no greater purpose than to endeavour to understand God and His plan for mankind. This is where it begins, but I found another problem. Just as everyone has an opinion about life, so do preachers and different Christian denominations. So which voice do I listen to? I have often wanted to go with whatever fits into my lifestyle. So some preachers preach what is known as a seeker friendly gospel. Just believe and continue with your life in the same old way - Jesus the add-on. Others say - give your money and you will be blessed a hundred fold. In other words tithe R10 and you will get R1 000 back - Jesus the answer to all my financial turmoil. Others say - be good to others and then one day my good deeds will outweigh the bad ones and you will get to heaven. I could go on and on. What is the gospel, the real true gospel and how will I find it?
We need to go to the source, the place without error, the final authority. Not my opinion or yours but rather what does God have to say. The One, who designed, created and used His own Son to execute it.
What is the true Gospel?
The bible, the final authority...
Signing Off

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