Again another sleepless night, how people carry on with their lives and
daily routines as if nothing else matters. Oblivious to the fact that death is
coming. Yes, death is coming for all, it is an inescapable fact. The older we
get the wiser we become to the fact that death is coming for all. Deception of
the highest order always overshadows the truth, sadly we have been sealed by
sin. You can thank Adam for that! Satan, the devil is the father of lies. The
lie started with him and from there the rest is history. SIN is the downfall of
mankind. Whether you stand in the camps of belief or unbelief, the truth will
be revealed to all on judgment day. However, that needs to be avoided at all
costs. Not Judgement Day, which we have no control over, God has instituted
that day and it is coming. But for the saint, that day will look a little
different, yes we will be judged but not for our sins as the Lord Jesus has already
paid for that.
However, the unbeliever will be judged for their sins and serve the just
recompense. This is such a shocking thought but the day is coming. The Bible is
clear on this! If it is such an obvious conclusion why do so many not
understand? Their sin has blinded them from this truth. They have believed a
lie. I must expose this lie.
God is love, we have all heard that before, and yet we have retorts like
how can a God of love let babies be abused and killed? Objections that have
been bandied around to divert us from the real issue, which is, you are a
sinner and you will pay for your sin, period! The sentence is eternal, with no
escape. We must get this, if not I don’t even want to think of the anguish behind
a sentence of eternal damnation. But for those who reject God's love your day
is coming. And make no mistake God has laid out the conditions of that contract
with no wiggle room attached. You come His way or you will pay the price. Don’t
let the lie in your head trick you into believing you will negotiate some
favourable terms on that day. Without Christ’s covering of righteousness
eternal damnation in a Lake of Fire with the devil and his angels forever and
ever will be your end. You now know the truth, obviously, for many of you the doubts will come and
the objections will rage. I have told the truth and I do not lie, unless your
name is found in the Book of Life you will end up in the Lake of Fire.
Signing off
PS Make sure your name has been penned into the Book of Life…