(Matthew 24:11) “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”
It is a terrible thing when we try and shift gears with a car that has a slipping clutch, it makes a grating noise and trouble will soon be paying us a visit if drastic measures are not taken and soon. The vehicle will no longer serve its purpose, and another mode of transportation will soon be sort out as the original mode of transport would have run its course and need repairs, more specifically a new clutch and possibly a new gear box. We (Christians) must be on guard against apathy in our daily walks. Life tends to fly-by and before long we are asking ourselves, “When last did I fall on my knees and have a soul searching session with my Saviour”? Have I regularly serviced my soul with His Spirit and with His Word to steer the rudder of life, have I gazed with earnestly under the “bonnet” of my life to ensure that I do not get caught sleeping when I should clearly be awake. For many years I have heard Christians of all shapes and sizes tell me that the Lord is coming soon, even I have been amongst that number. The truth, no matter how you choose to reason it out, the return of the Lord Jesus to earth is sooner now than it has ever been; tomorrow will be sooner still, if God would tarry just a day longer. The only reason he has not yet returned is there are still those to be saved. That is the pinnacle of God’s reasoning as His mercy continues to tarry and give mankind an opportunity to turn to Him, for them to repent and believe on the finished work of the Lord Jesus. But there is a day coming when the archangel will blow a trumpet. Then it will be as it was in the days of Noah. Did you know that it had never rain up until then; the ground was water from below; “and a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground—“ (Genesis 2:6)
Try and picture the reactions from those upon the earth as they saw in their minds eye a madman building a boat and warning people that the judgement of God was coming and on top of that water would fall from the sky. People must have jeered mocking them and calling them simple, but ultimately who had the last laugh, not that anyone would have laughed it was a serious encounter, God judged the world and sinner for their sin by water and only eight souls where saved in the days of Noah. That thought should rock us to the core, yes God is long suffering and full of mercy but He also has a side to Him that says enough is enough and when that time is up He will give a command to the archangel to blow the trumpet; “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” (1Corinthians 15:52)
Trumpets depict salvation for some and judgment for others, the archangel blows a trumpet that ultimately culminates the entire hope of the Christian faith, and hope will no longer be hope as she would have arrived for the believer. What a day that will be!
As strange as that may sound to some, this is the hope of every true believer; the Lord Jesus is coming back to earth to fetch His church and then God will pour out His judgement on the earth like never before and this time fire will be one of His weapons of choice. We may have to endure some hardship, some struggles and some ridicule but it will be worth it all, one day we will see our Saviour’s soon return and it may be sooner than you think!
I will now show you why God loves His children so! He has given us so much of Himself, we Have His Spirit that lives within us, we have the gifts that He has freely given to us individually and they do differ one from another, all will have a part to play in one form or another in the church, this is His design!
However there are many voices that have already put up their hand to be noticed, they have much to say and want to be heard. How do we know if they speak on behalf of God or not, in fact how do you know I am not a fraud? We have been given the greatness of safeguards, the glorious Word of God. If I had to say that God has spoken directly to me and what He has had to say goes against what has been written, then He would be a liar and we know that it is impossible for God to lie; “so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie,” (Hebrews 6:18)
It would then make me a liar and in turn a false prophet, it is not hard to reason out. God has spoken through His Son and His words have been penned for all to use as a road map, if skilfully used we will not get lost along the way. Remember to “KISS”, keep it simple stupid! This is an old selling slogan, but apt when used wisely if we can view the bible with a childlike simplicity. We must become like little children and begin to believe what is written with childlike faith. Have you ever watched a son with his father as they play and the father puts him on a ledge as says jump, the danger of being hurt is real, if his father had to move out the way and or fumbled in the catch, the child would suffer injury. But no thought is given to the potential danger, only trust form child to father is on display, in fact the kid often ends up saying, “more!” with absolute glee written all over his face as the sunlight glints off his teeth. Why do we then look outside of what has already been written to find extra confirmation, we should not and must not look beyond the bounds of scripture, be warned, for when we do we will enter into error.
What does the Word tell us about this upcoming event, “the rapture”, the return of our Saviour to earth? Let us look at but a few warning to help us remain alert... lastly, the gospel will and must be preached throughout the whole world before the end will come. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
Has the gospel reached the entire globe, has every nation heard about the Lord Jesus? My answer would be if not every nation it must be just about there. It does not say every person but every nation. The bushman have heard and I know this as I was amongst a team that paid some of them a visit in Botswana and some confess Jesus as Lord. I am not to sure how much they understand, but God knows! The mercy of God extending His hand to the most primitive of people as they to could say, I believe! Ghumtai is the brother’s name, pray for him and his family. You then make a decision on where you think we stand with regard to the gospel message being preached worldwide.
We are warned that the day and time of His return is not for us to know, but the sign of the times we must be on the lookout for and understand. Only a fool does not set up sentinels to be on the lookout for the enemy in hostile territory. Likewise if we ignore the sign of the times we will be caught offgaurd. So what must we be on the lookout for? It is observable, that what Christ said to his disciples tends to be a warning more than to satisfy their curiosity; and in like fashion we should also look to be warned rather than to be intrigued by the subject. It must more prepare us for the events that should happen than to give a distinct idea of the events themselves. Keeping that in mind let us look at some warnings; “And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray.” (Matthew 24:4)
Deception is the Lords first and main concern, this then must mean that many will try and distort this message. There will be wars and rumours of wars, but we must not let that alarms us, it has happen and will continue to happen. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places; do you see any of that happening? Obviously you do as God cannot lie and He had told us that it will take place and it is taking place. I love the analogy the Lord Jesus gives; He uses a pregnant woman and the contractions she has prior to birth which warns her that her time is near. “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” (Matthew 24:8)
With what we see happening around us in the world, is the time near?
As we lack time to discuss all these warnings in detail let me highlight the Lords greatest concern, He warns against deception more than once.
Deception against what we should ask? Many will lie, tricking believers for their own gain. In other words they have another agenda and that is to make money out of the gospel, they preach Christ for their bellies sake. Nevertheless they will stand as we all will stand and have to give God an account of our lives.
The Lord is deeply concerned about these liars, not that he gives them much thought their days we soon be numbered, but he has an unfathomable concern for His sheep; these men and woman will scatter the fold and cause some panic.
“And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” (Matthew 24:11)
It says many not a couple, be sober be vigilant for your adversary goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Yes they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. How will you tell the counterfeit from those that are real, simply, THE WORD OF GOD!
Now many say we will have already be rapture by the time of the great tribulation, it may well be true, but then again I cannot say that with any certainty, but God knows. All I know is we must heed the warning as our Saviour has given them to us...
“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. So, if they say to you, 'Look, he is in the wilderness,' do not go out. If they say, 'Look, he is in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:21-27)
We have been warned and told what to lookout for, if we ignore our saviour warning, it will be to our detriment.
Give us eyes to see Father as we want you’re name to be glorified in and through whatever it is you have in store for your children, if it is grace we need help in time of need, let us be bold to ask for it.
Signing off