(Psalms 113:1) “Praise
the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD!”
We have been
created to praise the Lord, and when we learn to praise Him as we ort, our
lives will be full of unspeakable joy. Here the psalmist encourages us to
praise the Lord. Why would he do such a thing? He understood the benefits of
such an action! In context to the Word of God this is what I have learnt and by
the grace of God that is available to me I am in the process of seeking to
establish a way of life that revolves around God’s instruction more than ever.
Why? It has an unlocking power that unhinges the shackles of death. It is ever authoritative
and if and when we learnt to trust it as we ort, we will most certainly reap God’s
reward. If we can learn to become obedient to it in spite of our logic that at
times drives us in the opposite direction it will bring with it life in abundance,
of this I am convinced. The true confessing Christian whom God has saved will
all echo this sentiment; the brilliance of God who can know it, who can fathom
the depths of it and yet we have been given the mind of Christ what a glorious God
given tool, we are now able to see heaven through the eyes of faith but how
skilled are we with those God given senses? We must continuously learn to walk
by faith!
It is a very
simple equation to understand, follow God’s instructions and live. Second guess
it at your own peril. There is no greater example than the serpent (Satan) and
Eve as they conversed over God’s instruction. Gods command was clear with no
ambiguity; but God said, 'You
shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden,
neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" - A clear instruction with a
very perfect warning; if you eat it you will die! Because we sometimes do not
see immediate consequences to our disobedience that does noes no mean we won’t
bear the brunt of our actions. Trust God’s Word, apply it to your lives in
faith and the joy of the Lord will be our reward. In fact the warning goes even
deeper, “neither shall you touch it”. Why? If we flirt with the forbidden fruit
we prove that we are not being careful but rather reckless with the call God
has placed upon our lives as Disciples of Christ. What then in context is our
forbidden fruit? Anything and everything that is pitted against the Word of
God; Why? Because its sin looking for an occasion to rebel against the voice of
God. I heard someone once say that they believe that the Bible is a book filled
with broken telephone messages; what do you believe it to be? If it is filled
with truth then our understanding of it will change the way we receive
instruction from it. If not we will continue in the way we always did! Therefore
test yourselves by studying the Bible and it will soon become apparent to what
level we have understood God’s instructions for our lives. If it becomes your
first port of call we know that we are on the right road, if not then maybe we
are but babes in Christ or worst still, we do not belong to Him. Repent
therefore and ask God to be merciful to you and to give you sight.
I love God’s Word because it is the greatest leveler as it silences the gainsayer and yes our old natures will always look
for justification if we run contrary to God’s instruction in and through His
Word, the Bible! God has given His children the wherewithal to apply His
tuition into our lives but we need His grace to apply it the way we ort too.
Therefore seek out whatever message is require for the day thanking the Lord
for His goodness and mercy that He so freely gives us equipping us to glorify
His name, now and forever more, Amen!
It’s never about us and our accomplishments, but
it’s always been about His goodness, let us never overlook this truth.
“Not to us, O LORD, not to us,
but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your
faithfulness!” (Psalms 115:1)
Signing off