The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday, 30 May 2011

The test of love!

(1John 3:18) “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”

Is it possible to measure our love for God? Not measured by others or members of our church but individually. Let us call it a self examination of the “character of love” but without any suppositions or emotions attached. As an exercise let us only draw from scripture and see what our conclusion will be. I already know the answer, but need to find proof for it from scripture. There are two questions I need answered and nothing outside of scripture will do. The first; do I love God? Obviously my answer would be yes you know I do Lord, as you know all things, nevertheless the fear I have is that I may well receive the same reply that Simon bar Jonah received; (John 21) No! I am convinced of it! Secondly what keeps me from loving God? If anything!

It seems the more I focus on achieving a certain objective the harder I find it, and I am not making reference to trivia. We must understand the theory with absolute clarity before we will be able to achieve perfect results. Take the “theory of relativity”; “The Theory of relativity was developed by Albert Einstein in the early 1900s. There are two theories of relativity. The first is Special Relativity and the second is General Relativity. Both are based on the Principle of relativity, which was created by Galileo Galilei in the 1600s.” Now I know that if you are reading this your mind has now been heightened as it is on the edge of its capacity, for some anyway! I am about to lose some of you, but stay with me as it will highlight a valid point.

“Special Relativity says that every person has their own time. One person's clock says something different from another person's clock. The reason a person's time can be different from another's is because of Time Dilation, which can be thought of more easily by the Twin Paradox.
The Twin Paradox shows how time changes because of speed and mass. The faster someone or something moves or the more mass they have, then the slower time passes for them. This is shown by a pair of twins. Imagine that the first twin moves at a fast speed, near the speed of light for example, while the other twin stays in one general location. When the first twin returns from his trip, he will be younger than the second twin. Thus time and speed are related. - Speed and mass affect how fast time moves.” (Simple English Wikipedia) 

We then could look at General Relativity which then adds gravity to the equation, but enough has been said to prove our point. We must understand the theory well to end up with accurate answers. It is no different in applying accurate doctrine to our lives, if we are to walk obediently before a holy God.

Do we love God? There are many scripture that we are able to test our love against... John the beloved disciple is full of instruction and here are some of his teachings. But remember for this exercise we would take any suppositions and emotions out of the equation. But before we look into the “mirror of love” we must understand that God will never require anything from us that He has not proved, He is the greatest of leaders as He always leads by example. He would not require us to love if He had not first loved us; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) – Here He proves His love! It is by His action that we are able to test the measure of His love.

Here are some of those tests: - “But whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him:” (1John 2:5) – “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1John 2:15) – “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” (1John 3:1) – “By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.(1John 3:10) – “For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” (1John 3:11) – “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” (1John 3:16) - But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? (1John 3:17) “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1John 3:18) 

There is much more John has to say on the subject but for the sake of time I trust enough has been said. We must come to grips with the theory before we can find the correct application in our lives, we must understand what it is that the Apostle John is teaching us, let us read through these verses carefully and then we will be able to look into the “mirror of love” with a clearer understanding. I am guilty as charged, were do you stand? We need to be more resolute in these areas of our lives and it is only the grace of God that will equip us to find true application to our lives. I now have a clearer understanding of what it is I must appropriate to my life, it would not help us to point fingers at others, we stand and fall before our Heavenly Father, and He alone will pass sentence as He chooses to discipline if need be. However, it is possible to test our love for God; scripture through John has proved it! Lord willing, tomorrow we look at what hinders us from living in God’s love.

There is a lot more to be said on his subject, so maybe over the next few posts we can unpack this a little deeper.

Signing off



Sunday, 29 May 2011

You Hate Wickedness!

(Psalm 45:7)  “Thou hatest wickedness.”

“Be ye angry, and sin not.” There can hardly be goodness in a man if he be not angry at sin; he who loves truth must hate every false way. How our Lord Jesus hated it when the temptation came! Thrice it assailed him in different forms, but ever he met it with, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” He hated it in others; none the less fervently because he showed his hate oftener in tears of pity than in words of rebuke; yet what language could be more stern, more Elijah-like, than the words, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer.” He hated wickedness, so much that he bled to wound it to the heart; he died that it might die; he was buried that he might bury it in his tomb; and he rose that he might for ever trample it beneath his feet. Christ is in the Gospel, and that Gospel is opposed to wickedness in every shape. Wickedness arrays itself in fair garments, and imitates the language of holiness; but the precepts of Jesus, like his famous scourge of small cords, chase it out of the temple, and will not tolerate it in the Church. So, too, in the heart where Jesus reigns, what war there is between Christ and Belial! And when our Redeemer shall come to be our Judge, those thundering words, “Depart, ye cursed” which are, indeed, but a prolongation of his life-teaching concerning sin, shall manifest his abhorrence of iniquity. As warm as is his love to sinners, so hot is his hatred of sin; as perfect as is his righteousness, so complete shall be the destruction of every form of wickedness. O thou glorious champion of right, and destroyer of wrong, for this cause hath God, even thy God, anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. (C.H.Spurgeon)

It is now a time to sit back and to listen, to be lead by the Spirit of God is essential. Without over mystifying what that means, it is important to listen to the small still voice of God and we know that He has now spoken to us through His Son, for this we are truly thankful! There are so many truths in God’s Word that overshadow our carnal logic and for this I am thankful, The Word of God has weight over all that is carnal, in other words, if my own logic reasons out against the Word of God and it ends up contrary to it, then it is a liar and I must reject its findings. “What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though everyone were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." (Romans 3:3-4) - We understand the point of Paul’s message was to address the conflict between Jew and gentile in early Christianity, but I would like us to view this passage in principle and to draw some parallels to our lives; this is Matthew Hendry’s findings and they are helpful if we have ears to hear... “Against what he had said of the advantages the Jews had in the lively oracles, some might object the unbelief of many of them. To what purpose were the oracles of God committed to them, when so many of them, notwithstanding these oracles, continued strangers to Christ, and enemies to his gospel? Some did not believe, Rom_3:3.” But let us remember to view our logic and our own opinions as the enemy when they do not believe God’s Word! (My thought)
“Answer. It is very true that some, nay most of the present Jews, do not believe in Christ; but shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? The apostle startles at such a thought: God forbid! The infidelity and obstinacy of the Jews could not invalidate and overthrow those prophecies of the Messiah which were contained in the oracles committed to them. Christ will be glorious, though Israel be not gathered, Isa_49:5. God's words shall be accomplished, his purposes performed, and all his ends answered, though there be a generation that by their unbelief go about to make God a liar. Let God be true but every man a liar; let us abide by this principle, that God is true to every word which he has spoken, and will let none of his oracles fall to the ground, though thereby we give the lie to man; better question and overthrow the credit of all the men in the world than doubt of the faithfulness of God.” – That would include our carnal logic when in opposition to God’s Word. (My thought)    

God is the final authority over our lives and all of His creation, this we must come to grips with if we are to be set free in those trying areas of our lives. I have found that Christians have their struggles, I have my own struggle, but what I have understood is that we do not all have the same struggle, sure it is sin when broken down, but it effects us differently and in different area of our lives, wherever we are vulnerable and drop our guard, it is there that we will often succumb to sin although we have been set free by Christ perfect work. We are taught they we should no longer be slaves to sin; “Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

Then to all who are born again and confess Jesus as Lord has a responsibility to seek out righteousness to their lives. We have found life and it is crucial that we seek out the path of righteousness to our lives. Our lives have begun a new journey, the day we were saved it began and we have an obligation, no matter how many blunder we may have incurred along the way, no matter how many times the story of the prodigal son may ring true to our ears, eventually we must arrive at this conclusion; the time for games is over, we must now be serious with God’s call to our lives.    

Have you ever really seriously considered the teaching of Paul in Galatians chapter 5; Paul exposes to types of fruit, the fruit of the flesh (sin) and then the fruit of the spirit! It is imperative that we understand the importance of both in our lives. We must read them side by side as we stand before the mirror of God and we ask Him to show us who we are. We will not be as foolish as to say; “mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of us all?” as we know that His name is Jesus and without His sanctification we would be unworthy to stand gazing into the mirror of God. However when we look at ourselves we unmistakably see many blemishes and we understand that nothing we could do would ever qualify us to call upon God. Holy Father we understand that if we were not covered by the blood of the Lamb, we would be without hope, but now we have the greatest of hopes because we are covered by His sacrifice and we have been sanctified by His blood, we now as your children we want to please you Father God, teach us to be honest with ourselves, teach us to obey your Word.

Now with that in mind, how can we say we love God but we still hanker after certain sins, God hates sin, in fact it is such an abomination to Him, that He sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to live amongst a wicked and perverse generation, He lived amongst sinners who on every side looked for a reason to get Him to fall into sin, they were unsuccessful, as He never sinned, no not once! We too must resolve to follow in His footsteps, of course we will fall along the way, but just as a child grows into manhood, we too must begin to be responsible with that which we have received. It will take a life time, nevertheless, we must seek out God’s grace to walk in obedience, and like I said even if our logic looks to excuse us when it is contrary to the Word of God we must place our trust in the Word of God, regardless of any other opposition. Help us prove you perfect will in our lives; “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) 

Teach us Father we pray to be honest with ourselves and please reveal the areas in our lives that resist the Word of God, especially all those subtle area of our lives, we call upon our Saviour glorious name to help us root out any liar that opposes your glorious name. We cry out in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King, Amen!

Signing off


Saturday, 28 May 2011

Submit Yourselves!

(James 4:7) “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

What do we do with our most prized possessions? We store them in a safe place. Look at banks and the trouble they go to secure their money, the greater the prize the tighter the security. Even we go to great lengths to secure our valuables, it is a default built into our sub-conscience. What has got me thinking along these lines this morning is I realised that we will look after our earthly possessions with great vigour, but what of the greatest of all prizes, why do we not use the same urgency when the thief breaks in to maim and steal. There seems to be an air of complacency to the spiritual realm but no lack of it in the physical. I was taught a lesson yesterday, and I am guilty as charged. I am far too complacent with God’s gracious gift and for this I ask for forgiveness. I made an effort to buy a safe to store my valuables, but what effort is taken to keep the wolf at bay when it comes to my spiritual walk in and through our conquering King, the Lord Jesus. How often do we drop our guard and let the wolf ravage as we open ourselves up to sin, is not faith in the Lord Jesus the greatest of all our possession, it is His Spirit which now lives within all who have been born of the Spirit. We must learn to value this treasure higher than any other; it must be of such urgency in our minds that we find ourselves crying for grace in time of need. We Know in whom we have believe! Yet at times is would appear that we are caught off guard. Let us not be ignorant! We know that the devil goes around seeking whom he may devour, but for him it is an impossible task as the Lord Jesus has completed the work of Calvary, He has defeated all in his death, including the devil, and He proved this though His resurrection.

My prayer is this; that we would have such a desire to find Grace in time of need, that it will provoke us to good works and not leave us lying in the dirt feeling defeated and unworthy of the high call of God. The enemy seeks out our weakness and throws us lures, and we often fall straight into his trap. I suppose this cliché often rings true to my life; “like taking candy from a child.” It should not be this way for the child of God. May we be alert to those traps and when obviously seen may we no longer be ensnared by them, but rather cry out to our Father, who is mighty and who longs for His children to find obedience. This is why the writer of Hebrews penned these words; “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16) – It is available! All we need to do is boldly seek it out. This is how we will learn to treasure the greatest of all gifts, the Lord Jesus Himself! His Spirit does live within us; we must not habitually always play into the hands of the devil.
However when we sin we must not always blame the devil, sure he has his part to play, but we are lead about by our own passions. This is what the Apostle James teachers us;You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (James 4:3) -  We must learn to put our trust and faith in God’s provision; “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

Finding grace will arm our minds for this warfare and we will in turn as good soldiers astutely pay attention to the armour of God; we must make it our priority.

May God hear our cry as I know He hears the voice of His children; help us Abba Father to find boldness in seeking out grace in time of need. To our great King and Him alone do we pay homage, Amen!

Signing off


Friday, 27 May 2011

Jesus Only!

(Matthew 17:8)  “And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.”

Back in Johannesburg and as nice as it is to be home, I am reminded of life and her challengers. But before I even begin to go down that road, we must feed our minds with thoughts of our great Saviours redeeming power and the great love of our heavenly Father. Last night as I sat on my reading chair with the fire flickering and a touch strapped to my head surrounded by darkness as I waited out the load shedding from Eskom (electricity suppliers). I flipped through the pages of a book dedicated to Charles Spurgeon, “The Forgotten Spurgeon” by Ian Murray. Spurgeon had many pressing priorities when battling with the truth of God’s Word, he was often in battle with other ministers of the time, I suppose that is the way it will always be for those who look to stand-up for the truth of God’s Word. But the greatest of all lessons he has taught me and continues to teach is this; he purposed to keep the message of the gospel simple and concise as it is a message for sinners and not the self righteous, the gospel has come to set the captive free. It is a message for the unschooled and the poor and the greatest of all priorities when unpacking or debating scripture must always hinge with immovability around Calvary and the majestic work of Jesus Christ our Lord. The less we think of ourselves the more we will magnify our Saviour. The danger of becoming to smart in our debates could leave us proud and puffed up. I am  not now condoning apathy to education through God’s Word, but we must remember to acknowledge that the only reason we are looked upon with favour and find the covering of God’s love is because of His Son, our Saviour, there is absolutely no other reason why we find favour, praise the name of Jesus! Although Charles was often at war around doctrinal truths he embraced his message of the gospel as priority and always purposed to point all and sundry to the finished work of Calvary. He possibly understood the importance of this more than most, and he was very forthright in teaching repentant sinners who had received the Spirit of God, those who were born again of the Spirit, saints! The importance of faith toward God coupled with repentance from dead works! If we could learn to be as zealous as he was in this endeavour, to always strive to decrease, to get people eyes to shift from self and onto Jesus Christ our Lord, so that Christ would have prominence. I believe this is one of the greatest legacies he has left us, Charles Haddon Spurgeon a man who died more than a decade ago and yet he still speak volumes and with absolute clarity. For this I am thankful.

Here is a great example we can draw from...  

“Mephibosheth was no great ornament to a royal table, yet he had a continual place at David’s board, because the king could see in his face the features of the beloved Jonathan. Like Mephibosheth, we may cry unto the King of Glory, “What is thy servant, that thou shouldst look upon such a dead dog as I am?” but still the Lord indulges us with most familiar intercourse with himself, because he sees in our countenances the remembrance of his dearly-beloved Jesus. The Lord’s people are dear for another’s sake. Such is the love which the Father bears to his only begotten, that for his sake he raises his lowly brethren from poverty and banishment, to courtly companionship, noble rank, and royal provision. Their deformity shall not rob them of their privileges. Lameness is no bar to sonship; the cripple is as much the heir as if he could run like Asahel. Our right does not limp, though our might may. A king’s table is a noble hiding-place for lame legs, and at the gospel feast we learn to glory in infirmities, because the power of Christ resteth upon us. Yet grievous disability may mar the persons of the best-loved saints. Here is one feasted by David, and yet so lame in both his feet that he could not go up with the king when he fled from the city, and was therefore maligned and injured by his servant Ziba. Saints whose faith is weak, and whose knowledge is slender, are great losers; they are exposed to many enemies, and cannot follow the king whithersoever he goeth. This disease frequently arises from falls. Bad nursing in their spiritual infancy often causes converts to fall into a despondency from which they never recover, and sin in other cases brings broken bones. Lord, help the lame to leap like an hart, and satisfy all thy people with the bread of thy table!” (C.H.Spurgeon)

It all started in the beginning with our great Saviour and it will end with Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega. We will only ever stand before a Holy Sovereign God because of his great accomplishments, thank you Father for loving us (all who now believe), your love remember the blind and the lame, thank you for remembering me, for remembering us, we are forever grateful!  

So I will also end this post with the words of our beloved brother, the Apostle Paul; “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” (1Corinthians 2:2) – We too confess that we wish to post a banner echoing these words, it must ring true as the flag for our lives. Continue to teach us this great value, Amen!

Signing off


Thursday, 26 May 2011

Who knows the outcome but God!

(James 5:18) “Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.”

All things must come to an end and after putting our shoulders to the plow we only initially see broken ground, but after a season, what was once a barren fruitless land has the potential to steam with life. I wonder how many times in life we have felt that our words have been wasted on deaf ears, but have they ever been exhausted, it may at times appear so, but time will tell! A lot of effort is often only ever rewarded much later. Remember the time when a ruler of the Jews came to Jesus by night, Nicodemus found himself wrestling with so many words that the Lord conveyed. It is a good thing to inquire after truth; I believe God commends us when we seek it out. Moses did not pass by the burning bush but made it his business to examine it: - “And Moses said, "I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned." When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am." (Exodus 3:3-4) 
Nicodemus felt the same way, something drove him to seek out God’s truth for his life, this is exactly what happens to every born again believer as questions need answers. I pray that God would pour out His abundant mercies on all I have had the privilege in sharing the gospel with over the last few days. It may not have always been as accurate as I would have liked, nevertheless Father please get them to enquire, get them to seek out the truth just like you chose to do with Nicodemus. I was no different, as I ran from your glorious face and yet in your mercies you gave me life and opened my eyes to see your beautiful face.

How could we ever claim to understand with absolute clarity how you choose some and not others, who are we to ever question any decisions you make, that would be blasphemous! However we do and must seek out knowledge to understand how we will please you Father God and live more obedient Christian lives. There is a willingness that God the Holy Spirit places in a man’s heart, no different I believe in character to what Moses must have inquired after; And Moses said, "I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned." When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am." There is no doubt that there is a part that man must play in the finding life and yet how can someone that is dead do anything? He can’t! This is one of the great mysteries that the Word of God and His Spirit miraculously works, getting men and woman to fall to their knees and seek out repentance.

I am convinced that it will only ever be the goodness of God that leads a man to repentance, but when He begins to stir up our minds to seek out answers, we now have our part to play, and we must just like Moses enquire why the bush kept burning and yet the source that fueled it never needed replenishment.

Nicodemus had many questions as he initially reason as a man leaving him with this conclusion; Nicodemus said to him, "How can these things be?" (John 3:9)
That is where it started for him, where did it start for us? It began somewhere! Faith is the substance of things hoped for, it cannot be seen as clearly as a sunset and yet when we receive life through repentance it is as real. My prayer for all throughout our golf tour is that they would be those who now seek out answers and with great expectations. So that God in turn would give them life. Nicodemus eventually ended up with all those who loved the Lord at His Memorial Service playing his part as one who now had been captivated by the work of Calvary; “Nicodemus also, who earlier had come to Jesus by night, came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds in weight.” (John 19:39) – I have mention some of them by name so I implore you to pray for them, help me as we put our shoulders to the plow in prayer and who knows how fruitful this particular harvest may be. The prayers of a saint never go unheard, our God is a gracious God, and He has proved it in our lives as we too were once blind but now we can see.

Signing off


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Learning to be Sensitive!

(1Corinthians 6:12) "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful.”

I am thankful as I ponder the past, reflecting on the many bad choices throughout life. Not that I should ever gloat in disobedience that would simply be madness and yet, those mistake have so much to teach, for this I am thankful. Last night was a night full of lessons learnt. We must always remember to learn to think on our feet, to tune into the surrounding frequency... all things are lawful… But! "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything. (1Corinthians 6:12) – Why should this lesson become so important for us to learn to apply in our lives? The simple retort is this; for the sake of those who have not yet found salvation. Let me use last night to explain what Paul wants to teach us, or at least get us to understand in principle.

Nothing we could ever say or do will ever change this fact that Jesus Christ the Lord, the only true God was born a baby through a virgin woman, who then grew into a man. The only man who ever lived a life of sinless perfection; He never once broke the law of God. Nevertheless He was accused of many things; they address Him as a friend of harlots, a wine bidder and the like, but all these charges were false in God’s eyes. We know this to be true as God received His sacrifice on Calvary as an innocent lamb led to the slaughter. It was upon the hill of Golgotha that Jesus Christ made a way for sinners to find repentance. Without His perfect sacrifice all of mankind would have been doomed to hell for eternity. This is a fact and the simple message of the gospel! It proves that nothing we could do or say will ever change this truth, as Jesus Christ the Lord was the One to overcome hell death and the grave; God confirmed the acceptance of His Son’s sacrifice by raising Him from the dead. Once we grasp the truth of this reality, we should also then understand that we will not find acceptance from God outside of His Son’s perfect work. Everything we do without the covering of Christ’s finished work is but smoking flax and will eventually amount to nothing when viewed under the light. It was and will only ever be Christ’s sacrifice that enables us to find forgiveness and acceptance before a Holy God.

However having said that Paul then teaches us that there are those who look on, looking for reasons to reject His message, which has now become our message as we have found life in and through Him, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

If a Christian was to drink a glass of wine or drink a beer, would that then be a sin? Absolutely not! But if a Christian was to get drunk it would now become sin. Here now comes the lesson; although a couple of beers would be perfectly acceptable and lawful, if people looking on were looking for an excuse to disqualify our message, which is God’s message, that the only way to be saved is in and through the Lord Jesus. When they look to undermine the truth of the gospel we must learn to read the signs and be sensitive to those around us for the sake of the Gospel. Although I only had a few beers with supper  last night, I saw how those around honed in on it to try and disqualify the message I now continually endeavour to put out there, that without finding repentance in and through the Lord Jesus they will be doomed to a Godless eternity and hell will be their destination. Although a beer is now lawful it is now no longer helpful! If I continued to drink in their presence it will excuse their conscience not to earnestly seek out repentance. Not that I will get them to find salvation through my abstinence, but it will alleviate an objection, it is only the goodness of God that can turn a man from the error of his ways and open his eyes to life. Nevertheless from today I have now resolved never to drink alcohol in their presence, for their sakes!

This is Matthew Henry’s take on this verse…

“Even in lawful things, he would not be subject to the impositions of a usurped authority: so far was he from apprehending that in the things of God it was lawful for any power on earth to impose its own sentiments. Note, There is a liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, in which we must stand fast. But surely he would never carry this liberty so far as to put himself into the power of any bodily appetite. Though all meats were supposed lawful, he would not become a glutton nor a drunkard. And much less would he abuse the maxim of lawful liberty to countenance the sin of fornication, which, though it might be allowed by the Corinthian laws, was a trespass upon the law of nature, and utterly unbecoming a Christian. He would not abuse this maxim about eating and drinking to encourage any intemperance, nor indulge a carnal appetite:” (Matthew Henry)

Last night has brought home the truth of this principle with a fresh and new perspective. Everything in life is there to teach us to be on guard and to help us stand and be helpful to those who perish. I am thankful to the greatest of all teachers, God the Holy Spirit who illuminates the Word of God and quickens understanding into our lives.

Signing off


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Here today gone tomorrow!

(Psalms 6:9) “The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD accepts my prayer.”

It is never easily received, the Word of life, it is rather fascinating how volatile we are as humans. Yesterday one of our golfers almost opened his eyes on the other side of death. A golf ball hit Sean on the head a couple of centimeters to the left and he may no longer be breathing to tell his story. One thing is for sure, God has afforded him another opportunity to find repentance; will he find it I wonder!  Pray For him by name, Sean Tarry! 

How much thought was actually given to the seriousness of this encounters potential outcome? One minute he sat obliviously staring at his phone probably contemplating some business proposition without any fear of danger and the next instant he lay hunched over in his golf cart as he clutched his head in agony with the thought of his two young son’s flashing through his mind as he wondered would he ever see them again. The three bystanders who made up their four-ball looked on in total despair after hearing a crack as the ball rocketed against his skull with panic setting in as their adrenaline race and their minds wondering, would he live. He was shipped off to the Margate Hospital and thoroughly examined; thankfully I can say after a cat-scan he was released from hospital and this morning he seems to be recovering well.

It is rather surprising how God opens doors for us to proclaim His goodness, I am thankful that an incident like this opened the door to speak about death, judgment and our great Saviour victory on the cross. He has heard the greatest of all stories ever told, he knows about Calvary and our great Saviours sacrifice, but then again so do so many know it as a distant story, I pray it becomes his reality.

Then there is Lawrence a man full of questions, I take absolute comfort in the fact that our God is the God of impossibilities, He is able to save from the uttermost to the uttermost, and my prayer is that He chooses to do exactly that in this particular case.

Lets us be obedient children as we constantly commit those who God brings across our paths to Him in prayer. We can but only ever leave them at our Great Redeemer feet depending upon His mercy and His saving grace, remembering that there was a time in our lives when we where prayed for to find repentance. Again I mention names and ask that we pray for them in person; freely we have received now freely we must give; Lance, Mark, Derek, Mitch, Christo and Sean have heard about the Gospel and have no doubt obviously processed that information is some form, but we also know that even the demons believe and tremble; it will never be enough to believe as a bystander we must find repentance in Christ as He then becomes our personal Saviour. I love the simplicity of the Gospel and the Apostle Paul teachers us its essence; “For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame." For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.(Romans 10:11-13) – Let us understand what that should mean for us who now believe as well as for those who are have enquiring minds seeking out this truth…

For this (Rom_10:11) he quotes Isa_28:16, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed; ou kataischunthēsetai. That is, [a.] He will not be ashamed to own that Christ in whom he trusts; he that believes in the heart will not be ashamed to confess with the mouth. It is sinful shame that makes people deny Christ, Mar_8:38. He that believeth will not make haste (so the prophet has it) - will not make haste to run away from the sufferings he meets with in the way of his duty, will not be ashamed of a despised religion. [b.] He shall not be ashamed of his hope in Christ; he shall not be disappointed of his end. It is our duty that we must not, it is our privilege that we shall not, be ashamed of our faith in Christ. He shall never have cause to repent his confidence in reposing such a trust in the Lord Jesus. The first words express the design of the apostle through these verses, that there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, but they stand upon the same level in point of acceptance with God. In Jesus Christ there is neither Greek nor Jews, Col_3:11. God doth not save any nor reject any because they are Jews, nor because they are Greeks, but doth equally accept both upon gospel terms: There is no difference. For the proof of this he urges two arguments: -
I. That God is the same to all: The same Lord over all is rich unto all. There is not one God to the Jews who is more kind, and another to the Gentiles who is less kind; but he is the same to all, a common father to all mankind. When he proclaimed his name, The Lord, the Lord god, gracious and merciful, he thereby signified not only what he was to the Jews, but what he is and will be to all his creatures that seek unto him: not only good, but rich, plenteous in goodness: he hath wherewith to supply them all, and he is free and ready to give out to them; he is both able and willing: not only rich, but rich unto us, liberal and bountiful in dispensing his favours to all that call upon him. Something must be done by us, that we may reap of this bounty; and it is as little as can be, we must call upon him. He will for this be enquired of (Eze_36:37), and surely that which is not worth the asking is not worth the having. We have nothing to do but to draw out by prayer, as there is occasion.
II. That the promise is the same to all (Rom_10:13): Whoever shall call - one as well as another, without exception. This extent, this undifferencing extent, of the promise both to Jews and Gentiles he thinks should not be surprising, for it was foretold by the prophet, Joe_2:32. Calling upon the name of the Lord is here put for all practical religion. What is the life of a Christian but a life of prayer? It implies a sense of our dependence on him, an entire dedication of ourselves to him, and a believing expectation of our all from him. He that thus calls upon him shall be saved. (Matthew Henry)

As we have called and continue to call upon the name of our Great Saviour I pray that these men may also learn to become dependent upon Him and call upon the name of the Lord as they find life in Him, whatever the cost!

We know that we do not pray to some dumb idol but to the only true living God, a God who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities and we know that our prayers do not fall on deaf ears. Praise the name of Jesus! He alone has it in His power to save, Amen!

The words of David; “The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD accepts my prayer.” (Psalms 6:9)

Signing off


Monday, 23 May 2011

New Surroundings!

(Matthew 10:8) “Freely ye received, freely give.”

How new surrounding play their part in our lives, it’s not that we are privy to change by choice, at times they take us out of our comfort zone and even our dreams take on a different perspective. But regardless, we must learn to apply the Word of truth in every situation wherever possible; a while back I resolved to speak the truth even if that meant being despised. I have such a wonderful opportunity this week to be put to the test. Thank you Lord, I pray that your name may be exalted, this is the desire we must find… “In the word of truth, in the power of God; by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,” (2Corinthins 6:7) – It is times like these that the Word teaches us correct practice and we must look to it to find direction. It is the greatest of aids! But we must be quick in remembering to seek out God the Holy Spirits direction in uncovering its truth, never forgetting to put on the Armour of God.

Here is Matthew Henry’s take on what we should do…

“The apostle went by a good principle in all he did, and tells them what his principles were (2Co_6:6, 2Co_6:7); namely, pureness; and there is no piety without purity. A care to keep ourselves unspotted from the world is necessary in order to our acceptance with God. Knowledge was another principle; and zeal without this is but madness. He also acted with long-suffering and kindness, being not easily provoked, but bearing with the hardness of men's hearts, and hard treatment from their hands, to whom he kindly endeavoured to do good. He acted under the influence of the Holy Ghost, from the noble principle of unfeigned love, according to the rule of the word of truth, under the supports and assistances of the power of God, having on the armour of righteousness (a consciousness of universal righteousness and holiness), which is the best defence against the temptations of prosperity on the right hand, and of adversity on the left. (3.) By a due temper and behaviour under all the variety of conditions in this world.” (Matthew Henry)

It is true that all things are lawful but not all things are expedient, simply put we must learn to be all things to all men and yet without compromising the truth, never where possible leaving it suffering reproach. Nevertheless this is a journey, may God help us be faithful! We make mistakes in this area of our lives, but I suppose the intentions of our hearts need to be examined.

Wherever we may find ourselves we must always look to be the salt of the earth and within ourselves that will be an impossible task, but with the help of our great Saviour, the One who has overcome, we can be more than conquerors. As I sit on a beautiful balcony overlooking the sea in total darkness I am mindful of this verse; “Neither do men light a lamp, and put it under the bushel, but on the stand; and it shineth unto all that are in the house.” (Matthew 5:15) – We cannot and must not go into hiding as Christians with so many souls blind to the truth of God’s Word; I pray that God would place such a heavy burden upon our hearts that we would not find rest until we skillfully offload His truth to this dying generation, there are those dying around us who are doomed for hell, unless they find repentance in and through Jesus Christ our Lord. This is a serious responsibility we are commissioned with; we must be the light to this dying generation, whatever the cost.

Imagine finding ourselves at the White Throne Judgment as billions then face their sentence and we glimpse over to the person on trial, the one we knew who now faces the wrath of God and they look over at us without hope in absolute horror and with desperation in their voice cry out, “but you knew the truth but never found it in your heart to wrestle with me declaring the truth that without Christ as my Saviour I would be doomed for hell.” Then it will be too late!

Father God I pray place urgency in my heart, in our hearts, help us wrestle with men with great vigour until they reject or accept the grace of God, in and through the Lord Jesus. Until we are able to truly clean the dust off our feet, as disciples we must learn to presented the gospel with clarity to all those who are blind to your truth of your Word.

Freely we have received now freely we must learn to give…

Signing off


Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Ministry of Reconciliation!

(2Corinthians 5:18) “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;”

Today is a new day with lots of fresh possibilities, we may be taken out of our comfort zone and have to face new surrounding which in turn will bring will it new challenges. I will now be blogging over the next week or so like I did over December, I will be on the move in Natal on a golf tour, but with it will come lots of challenges, and I am not talking about my golf swing. Some of the men claim to be Christians while others often enquire after its truth and then some out rightly reject Christ’s victory on the cross. I am in two minds this morning on whether or not this golf tour is a good idea, and all that will accompany it. Caution must be the order of the day, especially with my personal track record as one who is volatile; yet having said that, there is also a time in a believer’s life that they need to come of age and stand up and be counted, to take the punches head on and to declare our allegiance to our great Saviour the Lord Jesus. I am rather excited about this possibility; although some will openly mock when the Lord opens the door unbolting deliberation around the truth of His Word, while others will be forced to make a stand one way or the other. I pray for Derek as He has the most inquiring mind of all, that the Lord would save his soul.

Whatever today holds or wherever the Lord may lead us, we must remember that today is a day full of new possibilities; will we glorify our great God and exalt His majestic Name or will we shrink back into the corner and take up our normal cowardly stance? I pray we will be bold and zealous for Him, as we now carry the torch of life. Yes, Jesus is the one and only hope!

We may have made many bad choices along life’s journey, but let our minds now move from the “woe is me” kind of attitude and let us shift gear into “overdrive” (the gear of hope). Our mentalities must swing as we now hold the key to eternal life for all those who cross our path. The baton is now in our hands and we have a responsibility to offload it to the next person in line. Remember the Lord’s instruction to His disciples; “And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:15-16) – We understand that this instruction was specifically intended for the disciples as God had specifically signalled them out to lay the foundation for the church. We often like to claim that which is not ours. Yet we all have a measure of reconciliation; I do not say this to put a yoke upon our shoulders and leave us walking in condemnation as some may find it hard to share with others. But we must realise that we may be the last of all hopes for some.

I remember many years ago and I sadly confess that I was not walking obediently before my gracious heavenly Father. I can distinctly recall the urgency I felt to share the gospel with a certain individual but held my peace; sin has that effect on our lives! It will keep us from being effective, we must make it our absolute priority, and we must find grace to deal with sin in our lives. It was my sin that disqualified me from sharing a message of hope with this man, I am not saying he would have repented there and then, that is God’s domain and not ours, but I am nevertheless guilty of failing in my responsibility of sharing a message of hope with him, even if he had heard the Gospel a number of times before. He died in a car accident the following day; he could not have been older than thirty.

Lets us look at today as a day full of merciful opportunities, today may just be the day that the Lord chooses to save a soul using us a spokesperson on His behalf, what a wonderful thought!

Signing off


Saturday, 21 May 2011

The meaning of a Word!

(1Peter 2:3) “If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”

The bible is full of words that read the same to all and yet means something totally different. I am not making reference to “bias manipulation”, where we may look to exploit scripture and place a false spin on it. Let’s now deal with specifics; God is sovereign and therefore everything and everyone is subject to His rule, whether we agree or not! It does not change this truth. – “Then the LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? (Exodus 4:11) - It is obvious that God has total Sovereignty over all our God given abilities, both saved and unsaved alike. Let us call this common grace, as it is common to all, even those who despise the Lord Jesus have voices to influence their opinions at will, how often on a daily basis are we exposed to our great Saviours name being blasphemed? We must clearly understand God has so permitted it, for now! When people, such as philosophers or scientist speak about creation and it origin with so-called new found evidence tying their utmost to prove their theory and it confuses millions if not billions of the population, God has allowed their voices to bellow lies, for now!  He is Sovereign. Why one may ask? He is working out His plan according to His will and His purpose, even if some things along the way are difficult for us to understand. He is in perfect control, in fact so in control that it would be impossible for His plan to fail! So then a verse like Romans 8:28 will prove my point; “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) – Believers as well as unbelievers will read this verse and it will be understood differently, it will cause the unbeliever to question God’s sovereignty, why this or why that? Whilst on the other hand the believer will understand that so long as they rest in the Sovereignty of God, even though they may not understand all things, they will find comfort in this verse. The same verse with two different outcomes! Although both may pick up the bible and read, it will be life to the one but Braille to the other.  

What do I mean with my opening statement? This is what I mean; most of the human population have their sight, they are able to see and yet the Lord referred to many parables whilst amongst the masses; “And he told them many things in parables, saying...” (Matthew 13:3)

When you read God’s Word is it but a parable, a nice distant story or does it give you direction and give you life and life more abundantly, does it fuel the hope within? “If” is a word that appears often throughout scripture, but what does it mean to you. The way we live our lives will speak louder than words! I leave you with this thought...

“If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” – (1Peter 2:3)

“If:-then, this is not a matter to be taken for granted concerning every one of the human race. “If:”-then there is a possibility and a probability that some may not have tasted that the Lord is gracious. “If:”-then this is not a general but a special mercy; and it is needful to enquire whether we know the grace of God by inward experience. There is no spiritual favour which may not be a matter for heart-searching.
But while this should be a matter of earnest and prayerful inquiry, no one ought to be content whilst there is any such thing as an “if” about his having tasted that the Lord is gracious. A jealous and holy distrust of self may give rise to the question even in the believer’s heart, but the continuance of such a doubt would be an evil indeed. We must not rest without a desperate struggle to clasp the Saviour in the arms of faith, and say, “I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him.” Do not rest, O believer, till thou hast a full assurance of thine interest in Jesus. Let nothing satisfy thee till, by the infallible witness of the Holy Spirit bearing witness with thy spirit, thou art certified that thou art a child of God. Oh, trifle not here; let no “perhaps” and “peradventure” and “if” and “maybe” satisfy thy soul. Build on eternal verities, and verily build upon them. Get the sure mercies of David, and surely get them. Let thine anchor be cast into that which is within the veil, and see to it that thy soul be linked to the anchor by a cable that will not break. Advance beyond these dreary “ifs;” abide no more in the wilderness of doubts and fears; cross the Jordan of distrust, and enter the Canaan of peace, where the Canaanite still lingers, but where the land ceaseth not to flow with milk and honey. - (C.H.Spurgeon)

So then “If” plays a major role in our lives, but for those who haven’t tasted that the Lord is Gracious, fall to your knees and call upon the name of the Lord and find life, for “If” you don’t you shall surely taste death.

Signing off



Friday, 20 May 2011

Follow-on from Yesterday!

Here is another perspective from a great bible teacher on yesterday’s blog...

“Lukewarmness or indifference in religion is the worst temper in the world. If religion is a real thing, it is the most excellent thing, and therefore we should be in good earnest in it; if it is not a real thing, it is the vilest imposture, and we should be earnest against it. If religion is worth any thing, it is worth every thing; an indifference here is inexcusable: Why halt you between two opinions? If God be God, follow him; if Baal (be God), follow him. Here is no room for neutrality. An open enemy shall have a fairer quarter than a perfidious neuter; and there is more hope of a heathen than of such. Christ expects that men should declare themselves in earnest either for him or against him.
2. A severe punishment threatened: I will spue thee out of my mouth. As lukewarm water turns the stomach, and provokes to a vomit, lukewarm professors turn the heart of Christ against them. He is sick of them, and cannot long bear them. They may call their lukewarmness charity, meekness, moderation, and a largeness of soul; it is nauseous to Christ, and makes those so that allow themselves in it. They shall be rejected, and finally rejected; for far be it from the holy Jesus to return to that which has been thus rejected.
3. We have one cause of this indifference and inconsistency in religion assigned, and that is self-conceitedness or self-delusion. They thought they were very well already, and therefore they were very indifferent whether they grew better or no: Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, etc., Rev_3:17. Here observe, What a difference there was between the thoughts they had of themselves and the thoughts that Christ had of them. (1.) The high thoughts they had of themselves: Thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, rich, and growing richer, and increased to such a degree as to be above all want or possibility of wanting. Perhaps they were well provided for as to their bodies, and this made them overlook the necessities of their souls. Or they thought themselves well furnished in their souls: they had learning, and they took it for religion; they had gifts, and they took them for grace; they had wit, and they took it for true wisdom; they had ordinances, and they took up with them instead of the God of ordinances. How careful should we be not to put the cheat upon our own souls! Doubtless there are many in hell that once thought themselves to be in the way to heaven. Let us daily beg of God that we may not be left to flatter and deceive ourselves in the concerns of our souls. (2.) The mean thoughts that Christ had of them; and he was not mistaken. He knew, though they knew not, that they were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. Their state was wretched in itself, and such as called for pity and compassion from others: though they were proud of themselves, they were pitied by all who knew their case. For, [1.] They were poor, really poor, when they said and thought they were rich; they had no provision for their souls to live upon; their souls were starving in the midst of their abundance; they were vastly in debt to the justice of God, and had nothing to pay off the least part of the debt. [2.] They were blind; they could not see their state, nor their way, nor their danger; they could not see into themselves; they could not look before them; they were blind, and yet they thought they saw; the very light that was in them was darkness, and then how great must that darkness be! They could not see Christ, though evidently set forth, and crucified, before their eyes. They could not see God by faith, though always present in them. They could not see death, though it was just before them. They could not look into eternity, though they stood upon the very brink of it continually. [3.] They were naked, without clothing and without house and harbour for their souls. They were without clothing, had neither the garment of justification nor that of sanctification. Their nakedness both of guilt and pollution had no covering. They lay always exposed to sin and shame. Their righteousnesses were but filthy rags; they were rags, and would not cover them, filthy rags, and would defile them. And they were naked, without house or harbour, for they were without God, and he has been the dwelling-place of his people in all ages; in him alone the soul of man can find rest, and safety, and all suitable accommodations. The riches of the body will not enrich the soul; the sight of the body will not enlighten the soul; the most convenient house for the body will not afford rest nor safety to the soul. The soul is a different thing from the body, and must have accommodation suitable to its nature, or else in the midst of bodily prosperity it will be wretched and miserable.
4. We have good counsel given by Christ to this sinful people, and that is that they drop their vain and false opinion they had of themselves, and endeavour to be that really which they would seem to be: I counsel thee to buy of me, etc., Rev_3:18. Observe, (1.) Our Lord Jesus Christ continues to give good counsel to those who have cast his counsels behind their backs. (2.) The condition of sinners in never desperate, while they enjoy the gracious calls and counsels of Christ. (3.) Our blessed Lord, the counsellor, always gives the best advice, and that which is most suitable to the sinner's case; as here, [1.] These people were poor; Christ counsels them to buy of him gold tried in the fire, that they might be rich. He lets them know where they might have true riches and how they might have them. First, Where they might have them - from himself; he sends them not to the streams of Pactolus, nor to the mines of Potosi, but invites them to himself, the pearl of price. Secondly, And how must they have this true gold from him? They must buy it. This seems to be unsaying all again. How can those that are poor buy gold? Just as they may buy of Christ wine and milk, that is, without money and without price, Isa_55:1. Something indeed must be parted with, but it is nothing of a valuable consideration, it is only to make room for receiving true riches. “Part with sin and self-sufficiency, and come to Christ with a sense of your poverty and emptiness, that you may be filled with his hidden treasure.” [2.] These people were naked; Christ tells them where they might have clothing, and such as would cover the shame of their nakedness. This they must receive from Christ; and they must only put off their filthy rags that they might put on the white raiment which he had purchased and provided for them - his own imputed righteousness for justification and the garments of holiness and sanctification. [3.] They were blind; and he counsels them to buy of him eye-salve, that they might see, to give up their own wisdom and reason, which are but blindness in the things of God, and resign themselves to his word and Spirit, and their eyes shall be opened to see their way and their end, their duty and their true interest; a new and glorious scene would then open itself to their souls; a new world furnished with the most beautiful and excellent objects, and this light would be marvellous to those who were but just now delivered from the powers of darkness. This is the wise and good counsel Christ gives to careless souls; and, if they follow it, he will judge himself bound in honour to make it effectual.” (Matthew Henry)