Genesis 5:24 “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”
Here was a man that lived life by pleasing God, he so please Jehovah the great “I AM” that after 365 years God took him from earth to heaven, just like that, one day he was walking on earth and the next instant he was in heaven no longer in a flesh and blood body but with God in spirit. He had walked and talked with God and he had pleased God and therefore God decided that he would be more useful to Him in heaven, why? Does God need to explain Himself to anyone, God forbid we would reason as if he did? But we have eyes to see the hidden mysteries of God, if we have been born again, then God the Holy Spirit is merciful to teach us from scripture the hidden truths of scripture according to the measure of the gift of God. “Therefore it says, "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men." (Ephesians 4:8)
It is now up to the individual to take that gift, the gift that God has imparted to that person, it cannot be bought or earned, it must however be honed. Have you ever seen a gifted professional tennis player not practising by putting in long hours and still becoming the very best? It won’t happen! Charles Spurgeon is an example in point; He was given too much study, but never obtained a theological degree. God had gifted him with a great teaching gift, he put in long hours through prayer and study, and he depended upon the help of God the Holy Spirit, which can be clearly seen when we study what he had to say. He was not a man wise in his own eyes and yet although he is dead or rather sleeps; the name he has been given which still rings true today, the “Prince of Preachers”. Did you know that before he opened his academy to help equip wannabe preachers, to teach them to wield their sword with precision and skill, they had to already have fruit to their ministry. They didn’t need a university exemption; they had to be able to read, but they needn’t have been great scholars, with a proviso that their ministry must have lead new converts to Christ. He understood the gifting of God! They all had been born again; they had received the spirit of God and they were God’s children, each with a measure of Christ! Boasting is to be excluded and God alone must be exalted! However he compiled a list of “must have books” in ones library, where and when they could be afforded, the purpose behind this list was to help equip the preacher to hone his gifting and to glorify God in bringing a balanced message to their congregation. But, prior to this list, he read 3000-4000 books, this would not have been a skim read but rather a study when warranted before complying his list. I am not sure if the man ever slept! He had at least 1000 men through those doors.
“I say some of the modes, since I suppose that as the Lord Jesus left his disciples free from rubrics and liturgies, each church worshipped according to the working of the free Spirit among them; one with the open meeting of the Corinthians, and another with a presiding minister, and a third with a mixture of the two methods.” (Charles Spurgeon)
As I was saved in a Pentecostal church similar to that of the church of Corinth in application. Although I saw a great freedom in purpose amongst the believers in the body of Christ, even if much of what I was taught I can no longer hold too. I still see great benefit in many areas to their application. A question in point, would be the misappropriation of scripture taken out of context. Let me explain or rather let Spurgeon explain! “We cannot expect to deliver much of the teaching of Holy Scripture by picking out verse by verse, and holding these up at random. The process resembles that of showing a house by exhibiting separate bricks. It would be an astounding absurdity if our friends used our private letters in this fashion, and interpreted them by short sentences disconnected and taken away from the context. Nowadays since expository preaching is not so common as it ought to be. They must get that instruction from us, or nowhere else; nor do I see how we are to give them such spiritual assistance except through the regular practice of exposition.”
However their application in giving an opportunity to all individuals within the body of Christ, from the greatest to the least of the congregation to freely impart their gifting I am yet to see elsewhere. It may have been very loose at times and this would allow for error, but then it should be up to the leading brethren to put that right. On the other hand the reformed churches I have witnessed or been a part of in some small measure lack this application in allowing each member to bring their gifting to the body of Christ within the same capacity. They lack the understanding that Paul endeavoured to teach the church at Corinth. God has designed a pattern to help conform his children into the image of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, Paul give us teaching on the subject. He explains how we need one another in the body of Christ, it is not about social circles for the sake of conformity as people huddle within groups within the church, but about our place individually in the church even in ministry, because you have a doctorate in theology does not necessarily mean you have been given the gift of teaching. It may, but not certainly! That is why Paul speaks to the church at Corinth explaining how and why we need each other in the body of Christ (church), we are a member of the body of Christ in as much as we supply. As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you," nor again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you." (Corinthians12:20-21)
We need one another to get to understand our Saviour with a fuller measure and to help equip us to become more like Him. How ridiculous it would be to for us to blindfold ourselves and then expect our ears to see! However what I do love about reformed theology or at least the church I now fellowship with, is the seriousness they take on expository preaching (verse for verse through a chapter), it helps us get a clearer understanding of the bible and how we should live our lives. There are fewer margins for error in this methodology of teaching.
I am yet to find a church that has a mixture of both, Spurgeon must have witness it otherwise he would not have mentioned it. How I would love to find a congregation with that balance. It is like what was said and I quote, “I say some of the modes, since I suppose that as the Lord Jesus left his disciples free from rubrics and liturgies, each church worshipped according to the working of the free Spirit among them.”
Having said all of this, who am I? I have hashed so many opportunities in my life, how could I ever expect people to take what I say with any seriousness, I may be heard to some degree, but the likely hood of changing the minds of those who lead would be futile.
Regardless of where we find ourselves in fellowship, let us look to our great God and Saviour seeking out His will for our lives and let us remember to supply in whatever measure it is afforded us for the edifying of the body of Christ, for the equipping of the saints, until we come into the full unity of Christ. Until like Enoch, we no long have to walk and talk with God veiled from His awesome presents, until the day that our ship finally arrives in the “Port of Heaven” and we will commune with God our Father. No longer having to veil our conversation as they veiled theirs, but conversing in humility eyeball to eyeball with the only true God. “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” What a pleasant thought!
Signing off