(Romans 1:16) “For I am not
ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who
believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
The Gospel and the
beauty that lies within, there is such beauty there and if only we would dare
to enter in. Sadly with the brilliance of God on display, there must also be
evil intent that looks to thwart. When mankind ate from the forbidden tree, it
unlocked the door to both the knowledge of good and evil.
Equally competing to gain victory and it is no different with the Gospel of
God. As great and as liberating as the Gospel can be, so too can its message be
frustrated to the extent of falsehood. A message that is full of half-truths,
tricking someone into a false sense of God’s intervention into their lives when in
fact their experience remains superficial. They may even believe that they are
born of the Spirit, born again, when in fact nothing truly changes in their
lives. They see Christianity as a help to benefit them in this life. A means to
lighten their load. True salvation brings with it an abundance of peace but a
struggle through life that would be impossible to endure without a daily
measure of Gods grace in our lives. Therefore it is crucial to address the
Gospel with the merit it deserves.
God in His brilliance
has place this burden on some who have understood their responsibility to
tackle this subject head-on. Its iron that sharpen iron. Take an iron rasp,
stroke it across an iron blade and observe. It’s obvious that although the
pressure is fierce, they work in harmony to achieve the required result; a
sharper blade. We sometimes need the hard truth without the frills of a
vacillating love to set us free and bring us to our senses. Please pay careful
attention to what is penned, we need to be sure of our understanding of the
gospel and how it fits into our lives.
Unequivocally Paul
Washer is a man whom God has burdened with a deeper understanding on this
subject, so I will look to examine some of his findings and then share what I
find appropriate. Although the sinners prayer is often prayed by many. Those
who have responded to an alter call seems to be extremely encouraging for the
rest of those attending the meeting. However, if the message is a dispatch that
God will fix your finical woes, those who have responded have the wrong idea of
the gospel. And so there are many other reasons why people may respond and come
forward. These types of messages are evil because they promise what is good,
when in fact it is a lie. A false gospel message has lured them to answer the
preachers call.
Let us look at what
the gospel is and then hopefully you will be able to appropriate it into your
lives accordingly. That old adage, if the shoe fits, wear it. If a knife is
dull take an iron rasp to it.
The gospel means good
news and it is a message accomplished by the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob for a fallen people through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ the Son of God. Jesus who is equal with the Father and the exact
representation of His Father willingly left the glory of heaven. Conceived by
the Holy Spirit into the womb of a virgin and then was born the God man, Jesus
of Nazareth. He walk this earth in perfect obedience to the law of God.
Eventually he was rejected by man and they crucified him. On the cross of
Calvary he bore man’s sin, suffered God’s wrath, in other words was punished
for our sin and then died in man’s place. On the third day God raised him from
the dead, this is the proof that God the Father accepted His Son’s sacrifice as
an atonement for mankind’s sin. Jesus paid the penalty for our disobedience,
satisfied the demands of justice and pacified the anger of God. Forty days
after the resurrection the son of God ascended into the heavens and sat down at
the right hand of God the Father and was given glory, honour and dominion over
It is therefore
imperative that theses truths be highlighted when presenting the gospel
message. There is no wiggly room when it comes to our sin. Our sin has offended
God, we need to own it and repent, seeking out God’s forgiveness. It’s not an
altar call that invites us to try it out as if we are in a fitting room trying
on a pair of slacks. How dare we venture down that road, the liberty found in
the gospel came with great cost, the death of God’s only begotten Son. It’s
only those that acknowledge their sinful state before a Holy God that God will
pardon and then declare righteous, not because of what we have done but because
of what HE has done. But we must own our sin as the offence that drove Christ
to the cross.
Paul washer highlights
a point that he refers to as one of the greatest crimes committed by this
Christian generation is its neglect of the Gospel. “It’s not that the world is gospel hardened but
rather gospel ignorant.” On reflection, how true that is. Money
preaches and the like spewing out filth and the masses eating it up. Religious
organisations accommodating sin as progressive application to entice new
membership. GOSPEL IGNORANT! We will all stand before the judgment seat of God
and just like the laws of the land, ignorance will not excuse us.
The work of God in an
individual’s life is miraculous. He causes the blind to see, the deaf to hear
and the lame to walk. If you have not had a similar experience, I wonder how
real the encounter. I’m not talking about the mistakes we may make along the
way, as I know I am chief of blunders. However, I will not cling to the grace
of God so that His grace may abound, accommodating my sin, living in a breach
to God’s Word and expecting his grace to cover me. Jesus died for it. Do we
have a burning desire to find grace to rid ourselves of every offence that
nailed Jesus to the cross? If not, have we responded to the correct Gospel
There is much more to
be said on this topic but time does not permit.
It’s crucial that you
examine where you sand in relation to the correct Gospel message. Why did you
respond to the altar call? Are you activity driven of Christ centred? If your
blade need sharpening pull out the iron rasp of the correct gospel, fall to
your knees, repent and ask for forgiveness and if God steps in, your life will
change. You will begin to cry, I can see and begin to seek out God’s grace to
right those areas in your life that offend. You will have a desire for Christ.
Signing off