The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Love and Spiritual Gifts!

(John 8:32)  “...and the truth will set you free."

I am considering the importance of spiritual gifts for the Christian in today’s economy, if any!  Reformed theologians like to refer to the history of the church to back up certain truths practised in the church and then obviously discard what we would call error on the basis of historical fact, and sometimes even to the exclusion of scripture. I am now finally persuaded what it is the Lord who has called me to stand on the truth of God’s Word, in whatever measure that may entail, yet without compromise. I nevertheless shudder to think that through my example in life God has called me at all. But forgetting those things that are behind, which is almost impossible as I bear the marks in my body, I stand or fall before Him; He alone knows my heart in the matter, praise His name, nothing is hidden from Him.

I just pray that my objective is to glorify His name and not to look for self acknowledgment, to somehow find acceptance from my peers. My feeling, my opinions and the estimation of others does not really carry any water if it opposes the Word of God. If this is some form of pride in my life and it is rooted in self, it will amount to a bag of bones. However if it is God who has sparked this though and this drive, then it will bring forth its fruit in its season, time will tell the story. Having said that, no matter who brings anything contrary to God’s Word and especially the Gospel, let him be accursed and even if I decide to veer off the beaten track with another skew on the truth of the gospel may I then be accused. It is a very serious thing to be involved with the exposition of God’s Word, for all who teach in whatever form will receive a stricture judgment.  “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” (James 3:1) – This is a scary thought, but with so many false prophets/teachers around who will put up their hand and be counted? If God is for us, then who can be against us, this is our consolation, praise His name! And the only time God will be for us is if we stand on the truth of His written Word. How we need the help of God the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.

I am convinced that this is my call in whatever measure, if it be but to my family and friends then I am grateful for the privilege, wherever my great God would call me to go with this message in hand; “let God be true and every man a liar”, I will go as this I now understand as His call on my life. I may have already blundered it; God alone Knows, it will be up to Him to decide whether or not He will choose to use me or not. But I am convinced that there is absolutely nothing more important than the Word of God and its direction for our lives. In whatever gauge I will be afforded the opportunity to proclaim this truth I now resolve from this day forth to be diligent with this intention; Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." (Romans 3:4) – How will it help us to accommodate error if indeed it opposes the Word of God? It could never help us, may this truth grip all of our hearts.
History may well have its place, but it can never override God’s Word. It must confirm God’s Word; if not then History itself is the liar.

Love is a more excellent way but only if we appropriate it correctly, only if we follow Pauls teaching in application, if not, we kid ourselves. Correct application to sound doctrine will equip us to stand for and on the truth; we must remember it is only the truth that will set us free. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) -  The gist of this is to abide in his Word; this alone will prove the true disciples from the false, look at the text if you choose. Even those who are true believers may be in the dark concerning many things which they should know. We are but children, and act as children. Do children not need to be taught? We have found favour in knowing the truth, to know the particular truths which we are to believe and the grounds and reasons of our belief, we must know what is truth and we must prove it to be so, yet the Word itself must be our teacher. However it is a process; “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)  - It is a gracious promise of Christ, to all who continue in his Word, that they shall know the truth as far as is needful and profitable for all who believe. Christ's scholars are sure to be well taught. And with so many voices out there today with so many differing opinions we must be sure we stand on the truth of God’s Word. We must revisit everything we have been taught to be sure we stand on the truth of God’s Word. Wherever you are now in fellowship, be sure for yourselves that the truth in its entirety is taught. As it is only the truth that will keep us free from error. Many say there are hills to die on and others to turn a blind eye too, I am not convinced that this will be in our favour as we work out the will of God for our lives. All scripture if there for correction, not only some of it; “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (2Timothy 3:16)

What then of Paul’s teaching in relation to spiritual gifts? Should we overlook them as not important, or excuse them away, as only acceptable for the Corinth church and not for us in today’s economy, or avoid them like the plague because many Charismatic Christians abused this teaching? No! I believe it would be better for us to understand the correct teaching on our application to these gifts. It is a vast subject and help is needed to understand. By God’s grace we will look at this subject in more depth over the next couple of entries. We will look into the history and the take from other experienced brethren with their understanding of this teaching, a verse at a time. Many of my colleges will object to this, but one question I will ask is this, if this subject does not have a place for believers, why then was so much space in the Bible given to the topic. It is our own responsibility as believers in Christ to seek out God’s truth in every area of scripture, not only our pet subjects.

I welcome any input as we explore the deeper truths of God’s Word over the next couple of admissions, regardless of whether you agree with my finding or not.

Signing off


Monday, 9 May 2011

Perfected by Love!

(1John 4:18) “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

Discipline may well achieve its objective in a believer’s life, but if it carries with it the banner of fear, it will never be perfected by love. What an amazing verse, trust our faithful brother John to give us this insight. I pray it may grip our souls and captivate our minds and with it bring forth its fruit in its season.

Fear is a reality for most and yet love casts out all fear.  I want us to seriously consider this. So many voices with gloomy messages of doom, and yet we instinctively turn a blind eye to those type of outcries. But the only time that would be to our benefit, was if, “wolf” was cried. Any message that carries truth on her wings must be well received, as it may mean the difference between life and death. However with many of these types of messages, they are simply designed to instil fear into the hearts of people. They come with a hidden agenda and with their master at the helm, yes Satan the mastermind behind so much confusion.

The Bible and those privileged enough to understand and teach us what will unfold through time; inform us that the Lord Jesus is coming back to earth to fetch His church (bride). It is referred to a gathering in the clouds and this will happen suddenly, in a twinkling of an eye, a blink. So we have a very clear instruction on this topic; how do you suppose the world will explain away this event? I cannot with certainty say, but what I am sure of is that doubt with its many foundational liars have and are being laid. Global warning, extinction, aliens and the like all seed of doubt sown into the hearts of people when and where needed to be presented as an answer for the unexplained. But the Bible has explained it simply and clearly. Hell will be a place that is real, but the smoke screens will only be effective while on earth, when people eventually end up there it will be too late and I wonder how many would have said that there is no such place? It is the same with the message of our planets potential destruction; one may say, “A comet may take us out”. No it won’t as that is not part of God’s plan. He is dealing with His creation and all of it according to His will and purpose, man will not determine its outcome. How does the creation have power over the creator, it doesn’t and never will although billions believe this, they are wrong! We are all left with two choices, will we believe the scientist with their convincing proof or will we believe the Word of God. It is not complicated, we are all left with a choice and it will eventually come down to an open confession on what side we stand. As for me, I have made my choice, nothing is more important that the Word of God. I may even run out of daily bread, but that will only sustain me for this life. It is eternity that captivates my mind and soul, more specifically it is the Lord Jesus my love who mesmerizes. It is too Him and Him alone that I pledge my allegiance. Remember that every day we will have to make a choice on whether we will believe man and his wisdom or the Word of God. Almost everything is designed to point us away from His Word. No matter the sirens that may sound, with their intent of sending us into hiding, we must always remember that our God is in control and that His love cast out all fear. So with the many giants in life if we look at them through the eyes of faith, they become but ants which can at times be a nuisance but no more than that. It is imperative that we begin to feast on God’s Word like never before, it is the sustenance needed for what is soon to come.

Let us now conclude with our teaching of love with Matthew Henry... (1Corinthians 13:8-13)     
“Here the apostle goes on to commend charity, and show how much it is preferable to the gifts on which the Corinthians were so apt to pride themselves, to the utter neglect, and almost extinction, of charity. This he makes out,
I. From its longer continuance and duration: Charity never faileth. It is a permanent and perpetual grace, lasting as eternity; whereas the extraordinary gifts on which the Corinthians valued themselves were of short continuance. They were only to edify the church on earth, and that but for a time, not during its whole continuance in this world; but in heaven would be all superseded, which yet is the very seat and element of love. Prophecy must fail, that is, either the prediction of things to come (which is its most common sense) or the interpretation of scripture by immediate inspiration. Tongues will cease, that is, the miraculous power of speaking languages without learning them. There will be but one language in heaven. There is no confusion of tongues in the region of perfect tranquility. And knowledge will vanish away. Not that, in the perfect state above, holy and happy souls shall be unknowing, ignorant: it is a very poor happiness that can consist with utter ignorance. The apostle is plainly speaking of miraculous gifts, and therefore of knowledge to be had out of the common way (see 1Co_14:6), a knowledge of mysteries supernaturally communicated. Such knowledge was to vanish away. Some indeed understand it of common knowledge acquired by instruction, taught and learnt. This way of knowing is to vanish away, though the knowledge itself, once acquired, will not be lost. But it is plain that the apostle is here setting the grace of charity in opposition to supernatural gifts. And it is more valuable, because more durable; it shall last, when they shall be no more; it shall enter into heaven, where they will have no place, because they will be of no use, though, in a sense, even our common knowledge may be said to cease in heaven, by reason of the improvement that will then be made in it. The light of a candle is perfectly obscured by the sun shining in its strength.
II. He hints that these gifts are adapted only to a state of imperfection: We know in part, and we prophesy in part, 1Co_13:9. Our best knowledge and our greatest abilities are at present like our condition, narrow and temporary. Even the knowledge they had by inspiration was but in part. How little a portion of God, and the unseen world, was heard even by apostles and inspired men! How much short do others come of them! But these gifts were fitted to the present imperfect state of the church, valuable in themselves, but not to be compared with charity, because they were to vanish with the imperfections of the church, nay, and long before, whereas charity was to last for ever.
III. He takes occasion hence to show how much better it will be with the church hereafter than it can be here. A state of perfection is in view (1Co_13:10): When that which is perfect shall come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When the end is once attained, the means will of course be abolished. There will be no need of tongues, and prophecy, and inspired knowledge, in a future life, because then the church will be in a state of perfection, complete both in knowledge and holiness. God will be known then clearly, and in a manner by intuition, and as perfectly as the capacity of glorified minds will allow; not by such transient glimpses, and little portions, as here. The difference between these two states is here pointed at in two particulars: 1. The present state is a state of childhood, the future that of manhood: When I was a child, I spoke as a child (that is, as some think, spoke with tongues), I understood as a child; ephronoun - sapiebam (that is, “I prophesied, I was taught the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, in such an extraordinary way as manifested I was not out of my childish state”), I thought, or reasoned, elogizomÄ“n, as a child; but, when I became a man, I put away childish things. Such is the difference between earth and heaven. What narrow views, what confused and indistinct notions of things, have children, in comparison of grown men! And how naturally do men, when reason is ripened and matured, despise and relinquish their infant thoughts, put them away, reject them, esteem as nothing! Thus shall we think of our most valued gifts and acquisitions in this world, when we come to heaven. We shall despise our childish folly, in priding ourselves in such things when we are grown up to men in Christ. 2. Things are all dark and confused now, in comparison of what they will be hereafter: Now we see through a glass darkly (en ainigmati, in a riddle), then face to face; now we know in part, but then we shall know as we are known. Now we can only discern things at a great distance, as through a telescope, and that involved in clouds and obscurity; but hereafter the things to be known will be near and obvious, open to our eyes; and our knowledge will be free from all obscurity and error. God is to be seen face to face; and we are to know him as we are known by him; not indeed as perfectly, but in some sense in the same manner. We are known to him by mere inspection; he turns his eye towards us, and sees and searches us throughout. We shall then fix our eye on him, and see him as he is, 1Jo_3:2. We shall know how we are known, enter into all the mysteries of divine love and grace. O glorious change! To pass from darkness to light, from clouds to the clear sunshine of our Saviour's face, and in God's own light to see light! Psa_36:9. Note, It is the light of heaven only that will remove all clouds and darkness from the face of God. It is at best but twilight while we are in this world; there it will be perfect and eternal day.
IV. To sum up the excellences of charity, he prefers it not only to gifts, but to other graces, to faith and hope (1Co_13:13): And now abide faith, hope, and charity; but the greatest of these is charity. True grace is much more excellent than any spiritual gifts whatever. And faith, hope, and love, are the three principal graces, of which charity is the chief, being the end to which the other two are but means. This is the divine nature, the soul's felicity, or its complacential rest in God, and holy delight in all his saints. And it is everlasting work, when faith and hope shall be no more. Faith fixes on the divine revelation, and assents to that: hope fastens on future felicity, and waits for that: and in heaven faith well be swallowed up in vision, and hope in fruition. There is no room to believe and hope, when we see and enjoy. But love fastens on the divine perfections themselves, and the divine image on the creatures, and our mutual relation both to God and them. These will all shine forth in the most glorious splendours in another world, and there will love be made perfect; there we shall perfectly love God, because he will appear amiable for ever, and our hearts will kindle at the sight, and glow with perpetual devotion. And there shall we perfectly love one another, when all the saints meet there, when none but saints are there, and saints made perfect. O blessed state! How much surpassing the best below! O amiable and excellent grace of charity! How much does it exceed the most valuable gift, when it outshines every grace, and is the everlasting consummation of them! When faith and hope are at an end, true charity will burn for ever with the brightest flame. Note, Those border most upon the heavenly state and perfection whose hearts are fullest of this divine principle, and burn with the most fervent charity. It is the surest offspring of God, and bears his fairest impression. For God is love, 1Jo_4:8, 1Jo_4:16. And where God is to be seen as he is, and face to face, there charity is in its greatest height - there, and there only, will it be perfected.” (Matthew Henry)

Signing off


Sunday, 8 May 2011

The love of a righteous man...

(1Corinthians 13:7)  “Believes all things...”

This morning I am thoughtful about the earth’s orbit and the suns association to it. I think about the prayers of a RIGHTEOUS MAN and what that entails with the inclusion of love as the ultimate banner. Maybe now you understand know active my brain can be at times. If I was too let my imagination run away from me, I could quite easily become a loose cannon under the heading “prophet of God”. Many kooks have lived out their lives misleading hundreds and sometimes even thousands have blindly followed. All that is needed is an influential Charismatic type of character, a believable topic, a person with charm, good-looking would help but not essential, with a thought they once had but now have become official in their reasoning as they believe they have the message for the hour. Many recipes for potential disaster, all around us and in fact it will only get worse as it becomes more of a problem. The Bible is clear on this!

Some facts on the earth’s orbit; “The Earth's radius is 6370 kilometres. The sun's radius is about 100 times greater. The earth orbits around the sun once per year. The orbit is slightly elliptical in shape, with the sun at one of the foci of the ellipse. The orbit defines a plane containing the sun. The average distance from Earth to the sun is about 149 million kilometres. The distance from Earth to the sun varies from about 147 million km (that is, from about 92 million to 95 million miles, or about +/- 1.4% from the mean distance). The earth rotates once per day (24 hours). The rotation defines an axis of rotation, the North Pole, the South Pole, and the equator. [Actually the earth rotates slightly more than once per solar day, because the earth moves a little bit in its orbit around the sun each day. As a result, any particular place to face the sun most directly again, the earth must rotate a little bit more than 360 degrees.] [Do you know how latitude and longitude are defined? During the course of a day, any particular location will move in a circle coinciding with its latitude circle; the local time of day (defined in terms of the position of the sun in the sky) is the same everywhere along a longitude line. At any moment the sun illuminates half of the earth. The boundary between the sunlit and unlit halves of the earth is called the circle of illumination or the terminator.” (The Department of Geosciences)

What is my point? It is rather simple, but concise; the perfect detail that God has established in the heavens is phenomenal, everything is in perfect harmony. Some of the lies that are thrown around by teachers about creation are only opinions, but they carry serious consequences as they oppose God himself. Why then have I used some of SFSU’s findings, because they are factual and not left to speculation? But when they begin to suppose this and that then I cannot and must not receive it. If I do, it could be to my own peril. Facts we welcome, but speculation must be treated with great caution. Prophets speak on behalf of God, they always have, but amongst then must be false prophets. The Bible is once again very clearly on this. 

How do I guard myself and my family from the lure of the false prophet?  It is rather simple; I only ever deal with the facts. I look to the finished work of the cross to establish the truth. I begin with an understanding that the canon of scripture is complete. The Bible has been written and nothing needs to be added and nothing needs to be taken away. How do I know that I am on the right path with my understanding? The very same bible that teachers me this truth, also teachers me to be on the lookout for that which is false; “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” (Hebrews 1:1-2) – And although He is now seated in heaven with God the Father, he has left us with the written Word, the Bible. These are the facts and this is my protection, God the Holy Spirit will guide us and lead us into all truth but He will never contradict Himself, which would be impossible. He will only ever confirm the Word. We have the facts at our fingertips, but sometimes our itching ears look to wants, contrary to sound doctrine, be warned if we lean on our itching ears we are in danger of hell and damnation. We must stand on the facts found in God’s Word, it is the only way we will ever be safe.

Just as the sun abides by God’s Word and does what He has willed it to do by a simple command. We must also find His will for our lives, how would it help us if all began to pray that the earth would change direction, it wouldn’t! As He has established His will in that regard! We must find the will of God for our lives! And we will only ever find it in His Word, which is the Lord Jesus, and we are never left clutching at straws, the answers are to be found in the Bible. For a righteous man to be effective, he must find the will of God for each and every circumstance or else he will be ineffective, we can prayer all night but if it is against the will of God how will that help us or those we pray for? It won't! We must make it our lifetime goal to find God’s will for our lives. The answers are only to be found seeking out the truth in and through the Bible. With that said; we also understand the importance of love, God’s teaching on love and not opinions. This now needs to be explored further. We will pick up where we left off yesterday; Matthew Henry our teacher...

It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1Corinthians 13:6-7) 

IX. The matter of its joy and pleasure is here suggested: 1. Negatively: It rejoiceth not in iniquity. It takes no pleasure in doing injury or hurt to any. It thinks not evil of any, without very clear proof. It wishes ill to none, much less will it hurt or wrong any, and least of all make this matter of its delight, rejoice in doing harm and mischief. Nor will it rejoice at the faults and failings of others, and triumph over them, either out of pride or ill-will, because it will set off its own excellences or gratify its spite. The sins of others are rather the grief of a charitable spirit than its sport or delight; they will touch it to the quick, and stir all its compassion, but give it no entertainment. It is the very height of malice to take pleasure in the misery of a fellow-creature. And is not falling into sin the greatest calamity that can befall one? How inconsistent is it with Christian charity, to rejoice at such fall! 2. Affirmatively: It rejoiceth in the truth, is glad of the success of the gospel, commonly called the truth, by way of emphasis, in the New Testament; and rejoices to see men moulded into an evangelical temper by it, and made good. It takes no pleasure in their sins, but is highly delighted to see them do well, to approve themselves men of probity and integrity. It gives it much satisfaction to see truth and justice prevail among men, innocency cleared, and mutual faith and trust established, and to see piety and true religion flourish.
X. It beareth all things, it endureth all things, panta stegei, panta hupomenei. Some read the first, covers all things. So the original also signifies. Charity will cover a multitude of sins, 1Pe_4:8. It will draw a veil over them, as far as it can consistently with duty. It is not for blazing nor publishing the faults of a brother, till duty manifestly demands it. Necessity only can extort this from the charitable mind. Though such a man be free to tell his brother his faults in private, he is very unwilling to expose him by making them public. Thus we do by our own faults, and thus charity would teach us to do by the faults of others; not publish them to their shame and reproach, but cover them from public notice as long as we can, and be faithful to God and to others. Or, it beareth all things, - will pass by and put up with injuries, without indulging anger or cherishing revenge, will be patient upon provocation, and long patient, panta hupomenei - holds firm, though it be much shocked, and borne hard upon; sustains all manner of injury and ill usage, and bears up under it, such as curses, contumacies, slanders, prison, exile, bonds, torments, and death itself, for the sake of the injurious, and of others; and perseveres in this firmness. Note, What a fortitude and firmness fervent love will give the mind! What cannot a lover endure for the beloved and for his sake! How many slights and injuries will he put up with! How many hazards will he run and how many difficulties encounter!
XI. Charity believes and hopes well of others: Believeth all things; hopeth all things. Indeed charity does by no means destroy prudence, and, out of mere simplicity and silliness, believe every word, Pro_14:15. Wisdom may dwell with love, and charity be cautious. But it is apt to believe well of all, to entertain a good opinion of them when there is no appearance to the contrary; nay, to believe well when there may be some dark appearances, if the evidence of ill be not clear. All charity is full of candour, apt to make the best of every thing, and put on it the best face and appearance? it will judge well, and believe well, as far as it can with any reason, and will rather stretch its faith beyond appearances for the support of a kind opinion; but it will go into a bad one with the upmost reluctance, and fence against it as much as it fairly and honestly can. And when, in spite of inclination, it cannot believe well of others, it will yet hope well, and continue to hope as long as there is any ground for it. It will not presently conclude a case desperate, but wishes the amendment of the worst of men, and is very apt to hope for what it wishes. How well-natured and amiable a thing is Christian charity? How lovely a mind is that which is tinctured throughout with such benevolence, and has it diffused over its whole frame! Happy the man who has this heavenly fire glowing in his heart, flowing out of his mouth, and diffusing its warmth over all with whom he has to do! How lovely a thing would Christianity appear to the world, if those who profess it were more actuated and animated by this divine principle, and paid a due regard to a command on which its blessed author laid a chief stress! A new commandment give I to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another, Joh_13:34. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, Joh_13:35. Blessed Jesus! how few of thy professed disciples are to be distinguished and marked out by this characteristic!

Signing off



Saturday, 7 May 2011

Love is patient and kind...

1Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient and kind...”

What do you think the Lord would prefer someone who earnestly tried or someone that was quick to give up?” A rather silly open-ended question, as there is many ways in which we could answer that. An ambiguous question which could possibly result with many varying opinions, but in fact mostly a lot of hot air, as we are often tempted to speculate and look for reasons to explore a thought, yet with bias before we start. If I was a hand on kind of guy, my motto would be God helps those who help themselves. If I was lazy and always looked for the easy way out, then I would lean on the finished work of Calvary, yet with predisposition!  It is part of our makeup we are devious in ourselves and by nature look to stretch God’s law/Grace to the limit where and when possible. I once again with great joy and with much thanksgiving thank God our Father for the Word of God and for God the Holy Spirit who takes what is written and guides all those who look to Him for direction. It must however start with the Word and it must without exception also end with it. As it is our safety zone! As soon as we step from its covering we are vulnerable to deception. Think of the games we played as children, I would play a game of “catches” but as long as I was in my den I could not be caught. It is no different to the way we take what has been written and apply it correctly to our lives. However we must be diligent to explore the text in order to stand firm on it and more importantly arise to what it teaches. While playing catches as a very young boy, even the safety zone came with rules; i.e. both feet needed to be in the demarcated area and if a foot was outside the zone I was no longer safe. It was nice to tease whoever was “On” with a foot out and then as they approached to quickly draw it back into safety. Nevertheless it was a risky tactic.

Now let us examine the way we think and reason as if our rational could be boxed; if only I could somehow twist my thoughts and somehow arrive at some elongated conclusion and yet be good with God. In other word push the boundaries and not be in breach of contract. We see this in our children; it is part of their character. What is? Pushing the limits! And yet we are no different in principle. How could we be, we all have fallen natures and ARE BORN SINNERS because of our forefathers original sin. Adam’s sin has fallen on all of mankind. We all need a Saviour, praise the name of Jesus as He is the only True Saviour who holds the keys to life and death. Remember whoever tells you otherwise are liars. Having now stated the obvious let us be on guard from our own worst enemies, SELF!

Whatever we may have believed to fall under the category of love, as this is now our subject and will continue to be for as long as it takes, let us look to the Word of God and mirror that truth against our lives, so that we may arrive at some solid conclusions.

Let us look at 1Corinthians 13:4-5 and once again we will use Matthew Henry’s findings...

The apostle gives us in these verses some of the properties and effects of charity, both to describe and commend it, that we may know whether we have this grace and that if we have not we may fall in love with what is so exceedingly amiable, and not rest till we have obtained it. It is an excellent grace, and has a world of good properties belonging to it. As,
I. It is long suffering - makrothumei. It can endure evil, injury, and provocation, without being filled with resentment, indignation, or revenge. It makes the mind firm, gives it power over the angry passions, and furnishes it with a persevering patience, that shall rather wait and wish for the reformation of a brother than fly out in resentment of his conduct. It will put up with many slights and neglects from the person it loves, and wait long to see the kindly effects of such patience on him.
II. It is kind - chrēsteuetai. It is benign, bountiful; it is courteous and obliging. The law of kindness is in her lips; her heart is large, and her hand open. She is ready to show favours and to do good. She seeks to be useful; and not only seizes on opportunities of doing good, but searches for them. This is her general character. She is patient under injuries, and apt and inclined to do all the good offices in her power. And under these two generals all the particulars of the character may be reduced.
III. Charity suppresses envy: It envieth not; it is not grieved at the good of others; neither at their gifts nor at their good qualities, their honours not their estates. If we love our neighbour we shall be so far from envying his welfare, or being displeased with it, that we shall share in it and rejoice at it. His bliss and sanctification will be an addition to ours, instead of impairing or lessening it. This is the proper effect of kindness and benevolence: envy is the effect of ill-will. The prosperity of those to whom we wish well can never grieve us; and the mind which is bent on doing good to all can never with ill to any.
IV. Charity subdues pride and vain-glory; It vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, is not bloated with self-conceit, does not swell upon its acquisitions, nor arrogate to itself that honour, or power, or respect, which does not belong to it. It is not insolent, apt to despise others, or trample on them, or treat them with contempt and scorn. Those who are animated with a principle of true brotherly love will in honour prefer one another, Rom_12:10. They will do nothing out of a spirit of contention or vain-glory, but in lowliness of mind will esteem others better than themselves, Phi_2:3. True love will give us an esteem of our brethren, and raise our value for them; and this will limit our esteem of ourselves, and prevent the tumours of self-conceit and arrogance. These ill qualities can never grow out of tender affection for the brethren, nor a diffusive benevolence. The word rendered in our translation vaunteth itself bears other significations; nor is the proper meaning, as I can find, settled; but in every sense and meaning true charity stands in opposition to it. The Syriac renders it, non tumultuatur - does not raise tumults and disturbances. Charity calms the angry passions, instead of raising them. Others render it, Non perper et pervers agit - It does not act insidiously with any, seek to ensnare them, nor tease them with needless importunities and addresses. It is not froward, nor stubborn and untractable, nor apt to be cross and contradictory. Some understand it of dissembling and flattery, when a fair face is put on, and fine words are said, without any regard to truth, or intention of good. Charity abhors such falsehood and flattery. Nothing is commonly more pernicious, nor more apt to cross the purposes of true love and good will.
V. Charity is careful not to pass the bounds of decency; ouk aschēmonei - it behaveth not unseemly; it does nothing indecorous, nothing that in the common account of men is base or vile. It does nothing out of place or time; but behaves towards all men as becomes their rank and ours, with reverence and respect to superiors, with kindness and condescension to inferiors, with courtesy and good-will towards all men. It is not for breaking order, confounding ranks bringing all men on a level; but for keeping up the distinction God has made between men, and acting decently in its own station, and minding its own business, without taking upon it to mend, or censure, or despise, the conduct of others. Charity will do nothing that misbecomes it.
VI. Charity is an utter enemy to selfishness: Seeketh not its own, does not inordinately desire nor seek its own praise, or honour, or profit, or pleasure. Indeed self-love, in some degree, is natural to all men, enters into their very constitution. And a reasonable love of self is by our Saviour made the measure of our love to others, that charity which is here described, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The apostle does not mean that charity destroys all regard to self; he does not mean that the charitable man should never challenge what is his own, but utterly neglect himself and all his interests. Charity must then root up that principle which is wrought into our nature. But charity never seeks its own to the hurt of others, or with the neglect of others. It often neglects its own for the sake of others; prefers their welfare, and satisfaction, and advantage, to its own; and it ever prefers the weal of the public, of the community, whether civil or ecclesiastical, to its private advantage. It would not advance, nor aggrandize, nor enrich, nor gratify itself, at the cost and damage of the public.
VII. It tempers and restrains the passions. Ou paroxunetai - is not exasperated. It corrects a sharpness of temper, sweetens and softens the mind, so that it does not suddenly conceive, nor long continue, a vehement passion. Where the fire of love is kept in, the flames of wrath will not easily kindle, nor long keep burning. Charity will never be angry without a cause, and will endeavour to confine the passions within proper limits, that they may not exceed the measure that is just, either in degree or duration. Anger cannot rest in the bosom where love reigns. It is hard to be angry with those we love, but very easy to drop our resentments and be reconciled.
VIII. Charity thinks no evil. It cherishes no malice, nor gives way to revenge: so some understand it. It is not soon, nor long, angry; it is never mischievous, nor inclined to revenge; it does not suspect evil of others, ou logizetai to kakon - it does not reason out evil, charge guilt upon them by inference and innuendo, when nothing of this sort appears open. True love is not apt to be jealous and suspicious; it will hide faults that appear, and draw a veil over them, instead of hunting and raking out those that lie covered and concealed: it will never indulge suspicion without proofs, but will rather incline to darken and disbelieve evidence against the person it affects. It will hardly give into an ill opinion of another, and it will do it with regret and reluctance when the evidence cannot be resisted; hence it will never be forward to suspect ill, and reason itself into a bad opinion upon mere appearances, nor give way to suspicion without any. It will not make the worst construction of things, but put the best face that it can on circumstances that have no good appearance. (Matthew Henry)

Signing off


Friday, 6 May 2011

Does love require all?

(Mark 12:44) “But she out of her poverty has put in everything she had...”

Before I continue blogging this morn, maybe I should explain how I get to the point on what I pen. It is a thought or an idea that I have read or seen somewhere that now in embryo form sparks a seed in my brain, which I then explore. But even if it is a documentary of the like that gets me to explore a little deeper, my thoughts need to be confirmed by the Word of God and that is what I look to achieve. It is not what was yesterday telephonically suggested that I hear an audible voice from heaven. Faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God. I may read someone’s blog or see something and then with that information I then explore what I now consider, whatever that may be. We must also remember that God the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance what we have already absorbed and without His assistance I would be lost. Without exception I am also looking for His direction.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:26)

In a nutshell, I look to find what would be the Lord Jesus’ take be on a particular topic, I often use far more gifted men to help me understand a particular subject. In fact at times I would rather use Spurgeon’s teaching or Henry’s commentary and quote it directly as it would be more readily receive by many. And yet I would not refer to their explanation if I did not concur. I hope this now puts to rest any further questions some may have had on the subject.

Let us now pick up from Yesterday. What is this more excellent way that Paul speaks about? And let’s use the Apostle John to draw a parley from his teaching.  I noticed yesterday while penning the account between Peter and John, that although the author was John himself he never makes reference to himself by name, he refers to the “beloved disciple” and through this simple gesture he teaches love. Let me explain. Paul teaches us what love is in Corinthians chapter 13 and a point that is made is this, “love does not envy or boast”, John had it within his power to refer to himself as the beloved disciple by name but chooses not too. He would not boast in that privilege although he could of. This shows us a reason why he is referred to as the beloved disciple, or if you like the disciple of love.

Let us now see Matthew Henry’s take on Corinthians chapter 13:1-3...

Here the apostle shows what more excellent way he meant, or had in view, in the close of the former chapter, namely, charity, or, as it is commonly elsewhere rendered, love - agapē: not what is meant by charity in our common use of the word, which most men understand of alms - giving, but love in its fullest and most extensive meaning, true love to God and man, a benevolent disposition of mind towards our fellow-christians, growing out of sincere and fervent devotion to God. This living principle of all duty and obedience is the more excellent way of which the apostle speaks, preferable to all gifts. Nay, without this the most glorious gifts are nothing, of no account to us, of no esteem in the sight of God. He specifies, 1. The gift of tongues: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal, 1Co_13:1. Could a man speak all the languages on earth, and that with the greatest propriety, elegance, and fluency, could he talk like an angel, and yet be without charity, it would be all empty noise, mere unharmonious and useless sound, that would neither profit nor delight. It is not talking freely, nor finely, nor learnedly, of the things of God, that will save ourselves, or profit others, if we are destitute of holy love. It is the charitable heart, not the voluble tongue, that is acceptable with God. The apostle specifies first this gift because hereupon the Corinthians seemed chiefly to value themselves and despise their brethren. 2. Prophecy, and the understanding of mysteries, and all knowledge. This without charity is as nothing, 1Co_13:2. Had a man ever so clear an understanding of the prophecies and types under the old dispensation, ever so accurate a knowledge of the doctrines of Christianity, nay, and this by inspiration, from the infallible dictates and illumination of the Spirit of God, without charity he would be nothing; all this would stand him in no stead. Note, A clear and deep head is of no signification, without a benevolent and charitable heart. It is not great knowledge that God sets a value upon, but true and hearty devotion and love. 3. Miraculous faith, the faith of miracles, or the faith by which persons were enabled to work miracles: Had I all faith (the utmost degree of this kind of faith), that I could remove mountains (or say to them, “Go hence into the midst of the sea,” and have my command obeyed, Mar_11:23), and had no charity, I am nothing. The most wonder-working faith, to which nothing is in a manner impossible, is itself nothing without charity. Moving mountains is a great achievement in the account of men; but one dram of charity is, in God's account, of much greater worth than all the faith of this sort in the world. Those may do many wondrous works in Christ's name whom yet he will disown, and bid depart from him, as workers of iniquity, Mat_7:22, Mat_7:23. Saving faith is ever in conjunction with charity, but the faith of miracles may be without it. 4. The outward acts of charity: Bestowing his goods to feed the poor, 1Co_13:3. Should all a man has be laid out in this manner, if he had no charity, it would profit him nothing. There may be an open and lavish hand, where there is no liberal and charitable heart. The external act of giving alms may proceed from a very ill principle. Vain-glorious ostentation, or a proud conceit of merit, may put a man to large expense this way who has no true love to God nor men. Our doing good to others will do none to us, if it be not well done, namely, from a principle of devotion and charity, love to God, and good-will to men. Note, If we leave charity out of religion, the most costly services will be of no avail to us. If we give away all we have, while we withhold the heart from God, it will not profit. 5. Even sufferings, and even those of the most grievous kind: If we give our bodies to be burnt, without charity, it profiteth nothing, 1Co_13:3. Should we sacrifice our lives for the faith of the gospel, and be burnt to death in maintenance of its truth, this will stand us in no stead without charity, unless we be animated to these sufferings by a principle of true devotion to God, and sincere love to his church and people, and good-will to mankind. The outward carriage may be plausible, when the invisible principle is very bad. Some men have thrown themselves into the fire to procure a name and reputation among men. It is possible that the very same principle may have worked up some to resolution enough to die for their religion who never heartily believed and embraced it. But vindicating religion at the cost of our lives will profit nothing if we feel not the power of it; and true charity is the very heart and spirit of religion. If we feel none of its sacred heat in our hearts, it will profit nothing, though we be burnt to ashes for the truth. Note, The most grievous sufferings, the most costly sacrifices, will not recommend us to God, if we do not love the brethren; should we give our own bodies to be burnt, it would not profit us. How strange a way of recommending themselves to God are those got into who hope to do it by burning others, by murdering, and massacring, and tormenting their fellow-christians, or by any injurious usage of them! My soul, enter not thou into their secrets. If I cannot hope to recommend myself to God by giving my own body to be burnt while I have no charity, I will never hope to do it by burning or maltreating others, in open defiance to all charity. (Mathew Henry)

Remember the account to the widow and her copper coins, the Lord spoke of her as a charitable woman by her action and she is still remembered today. A woman with very little success in the scheme of worldly recognition, but with God highly commended. This must be our objectives to find favour from God and not to win people opinion polls. This was her heart in the matter;And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."(Mark 12:41-44) 

Signing off


Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Way of LOVE!

(1Corinthians 13:1) If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

Here is a verse that has much said about it, but when we sift through the “gibberish” (straw) and we look for that which is digestible our Spirits will only ever be nourished when we settle on the verse’s focus, love!

This verse is packed with controversy amongst so many different denominations (religious groupings) and yet it seems as if Paul wants the Corinthian church to move off the topic and onto a greater theme, this is why he ends chapter 12 like this; “And I will show you a still more excellent way.” Everything in our lives must hinge on LOVE, if we are to be effective in Christ and for Christ. I know how some of your minds have now already run off in opposite directions as some resist the possibility of the wrong application with this thought as others welcomes it with a licence (do whatever we like) type of mentality.

Love does not equal compromise to God’s Word nor does it equal legalism in applying the law! What then does it really mean? As we know the love of many will begin to grow cold, this is a factual statement from the Lord Jesus and it will come to fruition: -And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12)

We must all except that our exposition must spring from common ground if we wish to be beneficiaries in our application to loving one another, false application to love is not true love. Our foundation must be the Word of God; it must be the Lord Jesus Christ himself. If we all agree with this as our starting point I trust we will learn to love God and love one another with a sincerity that may not have been part of our arsenal in times past.

But before we explore this topic which may take many posts, I would like to explain my thinking; or rather what got me thinking about the seriousness of this topic. Besides scripture being full on instruction to love one another, my mind has been taken back to an incident some two thousand years ago, an encounter between Peter and John, both Apostles. Peter the hands on in your face kind of guy, the one who walked on water, it seemed that there was nothing he would not venture to do with the Lord Jesus in his immediate vicinity. He even cut off a centurion’s ear when they came to arrest the Lord. John on the other hand was always around but somewhat in the shadows of Peter, and yet He was known as the beloved discipline, the one whom the Lord loved. In fact he leaned his head on the breast of the Lord Jesus at supper and heard His heartbeat. It was a place reserved for him. He was also the only Apostle never to be martyred, he live out his life on the isle of Patmos. It was there that he wrote the book of Revelation.

Let us set the scene; hope had now diminished as the Lord had been crucified and all the disciples were despondent, they had gone back to the old ways, they had gone back fishing. It was now the third time after the Lord’s resurrection that He now revealed himself to the disciples by way of the sea. They were fishing and had caught nothing and Jesus said to them,” "Children, do you have any fish?" They answered him, "No." He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon (reference to the old man) Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea. There Peter launches himself into the water and he is the first to make it to shore to welcome his Saviour. The others arrived in the boat with their haul in tow. The Lord then said, "Bring some of the fish that you have just caught." And again it is Peter who rushed over to haul in the net; I can picture this burly fisherman needing no help as he heaved in the busting net. A man amongst men! Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. It was now time for Peter’s next lesson as we also should learn from it. When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon (his name prior to God’s call on his life), son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." His instruction was to forget those things that we should have all left behind by now and get on with the call of the Lord in our lives. Look how the Lord now emphasis His point; - He said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" and he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep. He then gives Peter an explanation for His instruction; “Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go." (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) -The Lord was making reference to Peter’s upcoming death that he would have to endure for his faith). - {He was crucified at Rome under Nero and Crucified up-side-down at his request because he did consider himself worthy to be crucified like Jesus.}
And after saying this he said to him, "Follow me." What follows is rather familiar; Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, the one who had been reclining at table close to him and had said, "Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?" When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!"

Why did the Lord not single out John the beloved disciple? Apart from the obvious we can only speculate, and I would not want to venture into any categorical statements speaking on behalf of the Lord as it would not be a wise thing to do. However I will pose some questions. Do you think love had anything to do with it, or the state of the beloved disciple heart? I personally think it did! But be that as it may, Paul shows us a more excellent way, the way of love. What we now need to do is explore this way as it will be to our benefit. Lord willing we will look into the subject over the next few posts, so until then...

Signing off



Wednesday, 4 May 2011


(Psalms 15:1)  “Who shall dwell on your holy hill?”

Revolution, truth and resolution what do they have in common? This is what I would like to try and bring together this morning. But before I do this I need to unpack the definition of each word as I understand them, and then try and somehow tie them together for the purpose of my post. I am rather serious about these areas in my life and look to rectify them with significance.

Revolution (noun) could be use to explain an overthrow of government, it could be a major change (a drastic change in ideas or practice), or a wheel could do one complete circular movement around a fixed point.

Truth means actual facts, not what people believe. The actual facts or information about something, rather than what people think, expect, or make up.

Resolution could mean a process of resolving; a firm decision to do something; determination; or a formal expression of the consensus at a meeting, arrived at after discussion and usually as the result of a vote.

I suppose two factors got me thinking like this last night, the one was the news of “Bin Laden’s death” and the other a documentary “John Lennon vs USA”. They both were radical in their cause; they were revolutionists, one for peace and the other for war. They both had an objective. But what I would like to hone in on is this, their examples! They stood for major change (a drastic change in ideas or practice). I am not for one minute agreeing with their cause that is not my point, all I want to highlight is their commitment to their struggle.

Now with that settled I want to draw truth into the equation. Bin Laden did not stand for truth as he opposed all that is true; which is the Lord Jesus Christ; “Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) – There may be many topics of discussion that would seem to exclude this truth e.g. the wall is white, while others may say no its true colour is off white, be that as it may, our ability to see colour is because of the Creator, He was the catalyst used by God the Father to create all things and point in case He equipped us with sight and the ability to differentiate between colours. Therefore He is the truth and all of truth hinges on Him. Those who say we have evolved through any other means are liars and therefore do not stand for truth. John Lennon was big on exposing the truth, but his understanding of truth was a lie. Why? Because it was a straw man he presented and not the actual truth. The moral concept of peace is good in itself, but how will that help us in eternity if his revolution does not point us to Christ who is the truth. We get so involved with the concept of that which seems moral and good, yet we must be on guard against anything false.

Resolution, a firm decision to do something is what he stood for, he had resolved to propagate peace and not war and he fought for it with vigour. Yet so many Christians lack his determination.

I publicly announce and I implore other to stand with me from this day forth to make a resolution to stand for truth with the same indignation as these revolutionists. Whenever and wherever a liar is propagated to stand up and declare the truth regardless of the outcome. If someone propagates any other way whereby a man may be saved, we must not to remain silent in order to keep the peace, but to openly oppose them to their faces even if we are despised for it.

Having said this, it will only ever be the goodness of God that will lead a man to repentance. But faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God which is the only truth. This is why the Apostle Paul has this to say; “Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." (Romans 3:4) We (born again believers) now have true insight to all that is true and if we do not declare truth with honesty and total commitment where will that leave those who believe so many lies? Hopeless, lost and an eternal death sentence in hell.

Now a balance is needed to this train of thought so that we do not burden ourselves with more failure which in turn will only leave us feeling condemned and it is C.H.Spurgeon who once again helps us to get the correct perspective...
“I have found, in my own spiritual life, that the more rules I lay down for myself, the more sins I commit. The habit of regular morning and evening prayer is one which is indispensable to a believer's life, but the prescribing of the length of prayer, and the constrained remembrance of so many persons and subjects, may gender unto bondage, and strangle prayer rather than assist it.

To say I will humble myself at such a time, and rejoice at such another season, is nearly as much an affectation as when the preacher wrote in the margin of his sermon, "Cry here," "Smile here." Why, if the man preached from his heart, he would be sure to cry in the right place, and to smile at a suitable moment; and when the spiritual life is sound, it produces prayer at the right time, and humiliation of soul and sacred joy spring forth spontaneously, apart from rules and vows.

The kind of religion which makes itself to order by the Almanack, and turns out its emotions like bricks from a machine, weeping on Good Friday, and rejoicing two days afterwards, measuring its motions by the moon, is too artificial to be worthy of my imitation.

Self-examination is a very great blessing, but I have known self-examination carried on in a most unbelieving, legal, and self-righteous manner; in fact, I have so carried it on myself. Time was when I used to think a vast deal more of marks, and signs, and evidences, for my own comfort, than I do now, for I find that I cannot be a match for the devil when I begin dealing in these things. I am obliged to go day by day with this cry,—

"I, the chief of sinners am,
But Jesus died for me."

While I can believe the promise of God, because it is His promise, and because He is my God, and while I can trust my Saviour because He is God, and therefore mighty to save, all goes well with me; but I do find, when I begin questioning myself about this and that perplexity, thus taking my eye off Christ, that all the virtue of my life seems oozing out at every pore.

Any practice that detracts from faith is an evil practice, but especially that kind of self-examination which would take us away from the cross-foot, proceeds in a wrong direction.”  (C.H.Spurgeon) – “Taken from Pyromaniacs blog.”

I now make a public declaration that by the grace of God from this day forth I will resolve to always wherever possible stand for truth like never before. To God be the glory from now and forever more, Amen!

Signing off


Tuesday, 3 May 2011


(Philippians 4:3) “...whose names are in the book of life.”

LIFE! What a beautiful ring it leaves on the ear, it kind of gets us up and on the go, with a sparkle in one’s eye. It is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signalling and self-sustaining processes (i. e., living organisms) from those that do not, death its antonym.

This morning I would like us to consider some of life’s advantages over death’s doom...
From the outset we must conclude that creations drive all hinges on this word “life” as we all look to live and avoid death, from the smallest to greatest of all of God’s creatures. But what I find rather intriguing as I ponder this is that both have their role to play in God’s economy. Both equally needed or are they? How would we value life if we never understood death? Do we remember in the beginning when God created Adam the custodian over creation; “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." (Genesis 2:15-17) – Death is introduced for the first time, but I wonder if the concept was ever conceptualised by Adam prior to his disobedience, I somehow doubt it. The reason I say this, if he had understood the meaning of death and what that entailed, why then did he not eat from the tree of life? It was never forbidden! With that now in mind the understanding of death’s sentence now quickens mankind and all living organisms to fight for survival. We then must therefore conclude that death helps all fight for life. Nevertheless with the introduction of death arrives the “knowledge of good and evil”! (“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die”). I love to consider thoughts like these as they magnify the brilliance of God as His ingenious unfolds. When we reason with our carnal minds we will undoubtedly miss His luminosity: - “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” (Romans 11:33)

Without Adam’s sin we would never have understood the need for life and yet with it came death and disobedience, can you see a glimpse of God’s brilliance? His plan set in motion for the long haul, establishing son-ship for eternity.

Yet with death a new commandment was bellowed from the heavens, no longer were they entitled to eat from the tree of life: - “He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.” (Genesis 3:24)

From that day forth mankind has been fighting for life. The law came through Moses and stringent rules were introduced to a people that God had signalled out as His own, His promise to father Abraham. The Israelites were forced to follow a set of regulations in order to live, yet through time all it proved was that it was an impossible task. Why then was it implemented? I believe the Apostle Paul explains it well, he has much to say on the subject, but the jist of his teaching is this; the law was introduced amongst other things to teach us that we needed a Saviour to give us life as the law proved that we were sinners and needed help to bridge the gap between man and a Holy God. “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster {(pahee-dag-o-gos) - by implication an instructor, our tutor} to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” (Galatians 3:24) 

With many philosophies on life and its origin, there is only one hope for mankind and that is in and through the life giver Himself, the Lord Jesus! He has now made a way for all who would call upon His name. He lived on earth without sin and then He died a cruel death for sin and on the third day He rose again, proving His authenticity. Do you believe in His resurrection?

LIFE can and will only ever be found in Him! Look where you may but all it will produce is death. So in order to find life we must come in and through the Life-Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ as no one else has the power to grant life. Praise His name and magnify God the Father for providing a way for sinful man to find LIFE.

This is now my excitement, I now have a spring in my step, sure life has many challenges and with it may come many failures, but without Christ I would be without hope, yet now I have a hope that shines bright and sure. I owe my life to Him. Where do you stand? How I love the simplicity of the gospel, I once sang a song and I now sing it again; “whosoever will to the Lord may come, He’ll not turn one away.” Praise the amazing achievement of this great Saviour, honour and glory belongs to Him and Him alone. He will not share His glory with another, why should He? As He alone has the keys to life as He has conquered death. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. (Romans 6:9) 

I implore you to come, call upon the name of Jesus and find LIFE. No wonder Paul has this to say; “For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” (1Corinthians 2:2)

Did you know that every knee will bow to Him, even those who think that there is no need to pay Him homage! Yes ever person ever born will confess Jesus as Lord, as He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. “By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: 'To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.'” (Isaiah 45:23)

Signing off
