(John 8:32) “...and the truth will set you free."
I am considering the importance of spiritual gifts for the Christian in today’s economy, if any! Reformed theologians like to refer to the history of the church to back up certain truths practised in the church and then obviously discard what we would call error on the basis of historical fact, and sometimes even to the exclusion of scripture. I am now finally persuaded what it is the Lord who has called me to stand on the truth of God’s Word, in whatever measure that may entail, yet without compromise. I nevertheless shudder to think that through my example in life God has called me at all. But forgetting those things that are behind, which is almost impossible as I bear the marks in my body, I stand or fall before Him; He alone knows my heart in the matter, praise His name, nothing is hidden from Him.
I just pray that my objective is to glorify His name and not to look for self acknowledgment, to somehow find acceptance from my peers. My feeling, my opinions and the estimation of others does not really carry any water if it opposes the Word of God. If this is some form of pride in my life and it is rooted in self, it will amount to a bag of bones. However if it is God who has sparked this though and this drive, then it will bring forth its fruit in its season, time will tell the story. Having said that, no matter who brings anything contrary to God’s Word and especially the Gospel, let him be accursed and even if I decide to veer off the beaten track with another skew on the truth of the gospel may I then be accused. It is a very serious thing to be involved with the exposition of God’s Word, for all who teach in whatever form will receive a stricture judgment. “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” (James 3:1) – This is a scary thought, but with so many false prophets/teachers around who will put up their hand and be counted? If God is for us, then who can be against us, this is our consolation, praise His name! And the only time God will be for us is if we stand on the truth of His written Word. How we need the help of God the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.
I am convinced that this is my call in whatever measure, if it be but to my family and friends then I am grateful for the privilege, wherever my great God would call me to go with this message in hand; “let God be true and every man a liar”, I will go as this I now understand as His call on my life. I may have already blundered it; God alone Knows, it will be up to Him to decide whether or not He will choose to use me or not. But I am convinced that there is absolutely nothing more important than the Word of God and its direction for our lives. In whatever gauge I will be afforded the opportunity to proclaim this truth I now resolve from this day forth to be diligent with this intention; Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." (Romans 3:4) – How will it help us to accommodate error if indeed it opposes the Word of God? It could never help us, may this truth grip all of our hearts.
History may well have its place, but it can never override God’s Word. It must confirm God’s Word; if not then History itself is the liar.
Love is a more excellent way but only if we appropriate it correctly, only if we follow Pauls teaching in application, if not, we kid ourselves. Correct application to sound doctrine will equip us to stand for and on the truth; we must remember it is only the truth that will set us free. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) - The gist of this is to abide in his Word; this alone will prove the true disciples from the false, look at the text if you choose. Even those who are true believers may be in the dark concerning many things which they should know. We are but children, and act as children. Do children not need to be taught? We have found favour in knowing the truth, to know the particular truths which we are to believe and the grounds and reasons of our belief, we must know what is truth and we must prove it to be so, yet the Word itself must be our teacher. However it is a process; “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) - It is a gracious promise of Christ, to all who continue in his Word, that they shall know the truth as far as is needful and profitable for all who believe. Christ's scholars are sure to be well taught. And with so many voices out there today with so many differing opinions we must be sure we stand on the truth of God’s Word. We must revisit everything we have been taught to be sure we stand on the truth of God’s Word. Wherever you are now in fellowship, be sure for yourselves that the truth in its entirety is taught. As it is only the truth that will keep us free from error. Many say there are hills to die on and others to turn a blind eye too, I am not convinced that this will be in our favour as we work out the will of God for our lives. All scripture if there for correction, not only some of it; “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (2Timothy 3:16)
What then of Paul’s teaching in relation to spiritual gifts? Should we overlook them as not important, or excuse them away, as only acceptable for the Corinth church and not for us in today’s economy, or avoid them like the plague because many Charismatic Christians abused this teaching? No! I believe it would be better for us to understand the correct teaching on our application to these gifts. It is a vast subject and help is needed to understand. By God’s grace we will look at this subject in more depth over the next couple of entries. We will look into the history and the take from other experienced brethren with their understanding of this teaching, a verse at a time. Many of my colleges will object to this, but one question I will ask is this, if this subject does not have a place for believers, why then was so much space in the Bible given to the topic. It is our own responsibility as believers in Christ to seek out God’s truth in every area of scripture, not only our pet subjects.
I welcome any input as we explore the deeper truths of God’s Word over the next couple of admissions, regardless of whether you agree with my finding or not.
Signing off