The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Seeking out Wisdom

 Folly (lack of good sense, foolishness) as opposed to wisdom (wise with the ability to impart good judgement to any given circumstance). God gave wisdom to Solomon, he was gifted with knowledge, and an ability to understand. Now, considering both options what should we pursue, wisdom or folly? It would be foolish to assume we haven’t walked as fools somewhere along life's journey. To be honest I am tired of the folly that surrounds my life. We tend to see foolishness as a small thing at times. But it has dire consequences in eternity. Any selfish decision that looks to gratify the flesh is folly.


Every decision that is not focused on the will of God our Father is folly in one form or another. No matter how you slice and justify an action if we are the sole beneficiaries of a particular action, then we need to rethink our understanding of wisdom. Let me qualify that statement, it must be read in the context of Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Therefore everything outside of this mindset would fall into the follies zone.


Any action outside God's will is laced with folly, even if we have our children's interests at heart at the expense of a God-first mentality. When we use the systems of the world, we find security in mankind’s ideals, not the wisdom of God, and yes you can take that as far as you like. We have a natural tendency to justify the actions we take whilst looking for acknowledgements along the way. We call wisdom financial security at the expense of the will of God, the truth be told that is simply folly dressed up in branded gear.


Ask yourself the question, how can I obtain wisdom? How can you qualify to be gifted wisdom? Buckle up! It all starts with the fear of God. Like any journey has its beginnings, so too, wisdom begins with the fear of God in our lives. Judgement is coming, that is set in stone, and God has been extremely clear on that. Every sin committed needs to be accounted for. God is a holy God, and did you know? He can't LIE! It's impossible! 


Sins of every kind have their benefits, they bring temporal relief or satisfaction. Take a bribe and that money brings value whilst it lasts. But that action will eventually need to be judged. Fornication or adultery has the same results, a fleeting moment of pleasure but judgment is coming. Sodom and Gomorrah were laced with homosexuality and the wrath of God annihilated all, save Lot and some of his family. The list is endless, however, nothing in our lives will change if we do not hold a reverence “A fear of God” in our understanding, wisdom will continue to elude us.


When we pray remember the Lord Jesus’ instruction, the very first point is to give reverence to God and hallow HIS NAME! He has a plan for the universe, he has a plan for the angels and mankind and to be more specific, he has a plan for you. The script for all of this was written before creation came into existence. Every “t” crossed and “i” dotted. Stop reading and think about how mind-blowing that is. It may be time to put our self-opinioned sentiments aside and bask in God’s brilliance. As if we know anything…


However, I do know this, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and so if it is wisdom you are after, this would be a good place to start.


Signing off




Anonymous said...

Thanks Tyrone! Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Tyrone for your timely word. Indeed, Apocrapha chapter 1 verse portion and verse 2..."...Think of the Lord with uprightness, and seek Him in simplicity of heart. For He is found of those who do not put Him to test, and reveals Himself to those who do not distrust Him." 🙏🌻

Tyrone said...
