The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday 11 July 2024

Thank You!

Another early morning, is the highlight of my day, as I find myself sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening for his voice. A challenging concept for many to understand and yet for the privileged few as real as sipping a cup of coffee and experiencing satisfaction as the warm liquid hits your taste buds. So long as you come in faith believing that you will receive. No fanfare or boast just a romantic moment between an individual and God. A troposphere that is filled with peace. Thank you, Lord, for moments like these, where you allow me the privilege to cut out all the noise and allow me to thank my Saviour for saving my soul. You see it's all because of the brilliant work of my glorious Saviour the Lord Jesus. God sent His Son born of a woman under the law, that we (born-again believers) might receive the adoption of sons. And now because we are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, allowing us to cry ABBA FATHER! – However, what is even more glorious is that we know God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the great I AM! The switch in a believer's understanding has been activated by knowing the truth and it is one thing to know God but to be known by Him is a whole different ball game. Billions of humans over time, but to be known by God as one of His sons, Wow! Where do you stand when asking yourself that question? To have a place in His eternal plan is a mindboggling thought which blows my mind into orbit. To have a place as a son with the creator of the universe, stop, and ponder that for a minute. What makes me so special? Absolutely nothing, in fact despite myself it is Jesus who is glorified. Justified Christians are not enemies of the cross, those doomed to eternal damnation, those destined to an eternity of torment in the Lake of Fire. Sadly all who end up there will be surprised at first, but when all has been revealed they will understand the error of their ways. I must reiterate many false prophets will have something to say about the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice, and all who oppose his resurrection are liars and working for the enemies of God. I know what I believe, how about you?


With all this overload of thought, I am brought back to reality, to think that God would consider saving a wretch like me blows my mind. I AM THANKFUL! God understands the beginning from the end, knowing all things and not bound by time and yet in hindsight, with all my mistakes, there are many. I have begun to understand my life and all its blunders and being bound by time, is irrefutably the most amazing gift an individual will ever receive, the forgiveness for their sins; when they have no merit in themselves to warrant forgiveness. And yet, God sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to pay the price for the sinner, sadly, of which I am utmost. It is the self-righteous that seem to miss their need for a Saviour. Nevertheless, even someone like me finds themselves sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to his sweet voice, don’t get me wrong it is not audible but rather a consciousness that triggers thoughts of thankfulness and love for what one has been saved from, the wrath of God. For all those who refuse to repent, Judgement is coming! It will be very fearful to fall into God's hands if you are on the wrong side of His love. Today is the day of salvation, call out to Jesus, the day is soon approaching when the door to God's love will close for the sinner…


Signing off




Anonymous said...

Thank you Tyrone!! Truly blessed by this! Have an awesome day with our Lord and Saviour!

Tyrone said...

Blessing Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Praise His Holy Name!! Thank-you Lord Jesus for saving a wrech like me!!

Tyrone said...


Anonymous said...
