The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday, 29 March 2021

Behold the King is Coming

Behold the King is coming to rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of Lords. This will be the second time he visits our planet in bodily form. Two thousand years ago he willingly came to his own, the Jews and they rejected him as their messiah. Thankfully this opened the door for the gentiles, you and me. He presented himself in meekness with a purpose which he achieved in spades. He came to do the will of His Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; a lamb who we sent to the slaughter, where he was spat upon, and then crucified, a time of humiliation, but this is imperative to note, he willingly laid down his life and paid a price we could never pay. He died for the sins of the world, a sacrificial lamb without spot or blemish, in other words he was without sin, and he took the brunt of our sins. WHY? To open a door, which in turn enables the seeker to find forgiveness for their sins. Prior to his sacrifice this door remained shut. So unless we are forgiven in the Lords sacrifice our prayers will fall to the ground unanswered. Mankind trying to reach the great “I AM” on their terms, an impossible feat. It’s like me picking up the phone wanting to speak to the president and expecting his undivided attention, but to the power of trillions. But now I can, because Jesus has bridged that divide through his death. My sins are covered, he paid the price for them, and it is a done deal. I am forgiven, I cannot be tried for something I have already been tried for, and the law refers to that as double jeopardy. Although the sin is mine and I own it as such, once I call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, He has it in his power to forgive or not. Why? Because he has already been judged for it. My sin has been judged, Jesus took my punishment. Now if that doesn’t melt my heart nothing will, thank you Father for sending your only begotten son to die in my place and for my sin, thank you Lord Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit and opening my eyes to this truth. I have settled on the fact that some see this truth whilst others frown upon it, that’s just the way it will be, but I will shout it from the roof tops, MY JESUS SAVES! And on that note, I have a confession to make, forgive me Father for always squirming as I look for wiggle room when it comes to the sin in my life, no more! Help me, aid all of us lay down our lives to the full intent of your call. “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” is an offer that is reaching its expiry date. WAKE UP all of you on the fences.     


Did you know that there is a book in heaven and it’s called the Book of Life? For the angel to inscribe your name into it, it can only be once you have called upon the name of the Lord that you will ever peak his attention. I was ask a question from a dear friend, “Why can’t God just forgive you?” The answer is he will and he does but only if you come through the finished work of the cross. No one else has that accolade to their name, NO ONE! God hates sin and he will always judge it, a penalty for that breach must be paid, there is no impartiality with God, HE is righteous. Hence the sentence Jesus paid on behalf of sinners, therefore if I ask God to forgive my sin in person without the Lord Jesus’ cloak covering me, my sin remains, and hence that day will soon arrive where it will then be judged, the Bible refers to this event as the Great White Throne Judgement, where every sin that hasn’t been accounted for, those sins that Jesus has already nullified and already been judged for will be brought into the light and judged by God. Once a guilty verdict is passed, the Lake of Fire is where that sentence will be served.


It’s simple to understand, the only question you need to ask is do you believe it to be true or not?


Behold the Lord is coming and this time he won’t be on a donkey with a meek demeanour willing looking to laid down his life as he once did, THIS TIME! He will be riding a white horse and arriving with grandeur as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, where He will rule with a rod of iron. Best you be found wearing His coat of Arms. Or else!


"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.  His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords." (Revelation 19:11-16) 


Signing out




Friday, 26 March 2021

The will of God


The obvious actions where we fail is clearly the link to our carnal passions, our insolence to God’s law, often referred to as sin, which proves where we stand. Whatever that looks like for you. It is tailor-made, the time when our wills get the better of us and instead of resisting, we yield to the temptation. We even twist sin to slot into the grace of God. what do I mean by this? we accommodate sin in our lives and play the grace card, the card that excuses our sin with the words boldly inscribed, "we are under grace not law". we have been deceived if we ever cling to that type of mindset. All it proves is that our will at that time is far more important than the will of our heavenly Father. It’s a tragedy! That why the scripture is so full of warnings: be careful, do not be unequally yoked, and do not forsake the assembling of yourselves to mention but a few. It’s because we are dull of hearing and we make it harder for ourselves and sadly we all fall in this area of our lives. But our mind-set must be looking to overcome, period! We have storerooms of grace open to us. The unbeliever does not! Both camps have what I would call God’s general grace; we are all privileged enough to breath oxygen that keeps us alive, but special or specific grace only ever belongs to the believer. Those who have believed in their hearts that Jesus has been raised from the dead and who confess Him as Lord of their lives, the Christian has the ability to push through the temptation as God has given them the wherewithal to find grace in time of need. It only when we revert to our carnal way of thinking that we fall back into our sinful ways, “to be carnally mind is death.” God wants us to find victory over our sin, which is His will for all of his children!

In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”  (Romans 8:4-8)

The voices out there are getting clearer, with an under arching cry of FOUL! Race/ homosexuality/equal rights/ freedom to choose and whatever else people deem right in their minds eye, no one has the right to challenge their choice. But now I say with clear intention, what about God’s choice? It’s time for some of us to stand up and be as passionate as the voices out there. Enough! I say. Christian let us remember to echo the sentiments of our beloved Saviour. “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”  (Matthew 12:50)


Will we echo the words of Joshua “as for me and my household we will serve the Lord”, But I say, regardless of my households persuasion and by the abundance of God’s grace in my life, I will serve the Lord! My prayer is that I would truly learn to put God first in every area of my life, so beloved please pray for me.


If we had to summarize the Lords objective and why he came to the earth as a man to free some to serve the living God, what would your answer be? Some would say to conquer death and sin, others might say to free mankind from the traps of their sin... I will leave you to voice your own findings in your minds eye. And although all of these truths play their part in the Lord’s objective there is a far greater driving force that we need to uncover, which is, the Lord Jesus came to do the will of His Father, period! Whatever that was going to take is what drove our Saviours intent. The Garden of Gethsemane highlights this beautifully; “And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”” (Matthew 26:39) – his flesh, his natural instinct was looking for and out and yet regardless of the anguish he faced there and then, he was driven by something greater, the will to please His Father.


The question we need to ask ourselves is simply this, am I living for myself or for the will of my Heavenly Father? Please pray for me and let us be mindful to pray for one another.


Blessing to all in the finished work of the cross and glory to the One and only true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


Signing off



Thursday, 4 March 2021



We all have wills that we look to satisfy. These types of thoughts seems to occupy our minds most of the time. My will this morning was to have a cup of coffee and so I know punch keys and simultaneously drink coffee, my will accomplished. Without looking for more evidence to prove my point, just let your mind explore the driving force behind our wills and it will soon become apparent what our lives are about. “I” is what really matters, it’s "my will" that counts. It’s my number one priority. However, as a Christian my precepts now need to change. Not that God has changed, He is the same “yesterday, today and tomorrow”. His requirements remain constant, His expectation are impartial and His law the yardstick. Both the Christian and the unbeliever will be judge by the same set of rules, in the highest court in the universe, which I will call, “the Court of Judgements”. A place where every individual who has experienced life on earth will be judged. And nothing less than perfection will suffice. The Bible refers to this event as the “Great White Throne Judgement” and make no mistake it will be a grand event. All those who do not have Christ as their advocate and clothed in His righteousness will be found wanting.


With this in mind what should our wills look like? The unbeliever has absolutely no chance of pleasing God. Why? He has turned a blind eye to to the lifeline God has thrown sinners, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ the Lord. It’s not enough to believe that he exists, did you know that even the demons believe and they tremble. Why? They also know that their judgment is coming. You see it all comes back to our wills, we must align them with God’s will and his endowment for salvation, which is, Jesus Christ. If not we will fall short on Judgement Day. The key to success isn’t monetary security, its finding forgiveness for our sins so that we may be exempt on Judgement day. And the only way we can achieve this is through repentance and calling out to the One who has the power to save, Jesus Christ the Lord! Regardless of the score you are trying to keep, which looks to excuse your sin and excuse others of theirs. If your will constantly chases that objective, you will come up short, end of story.


Our wills must shift from selfish motivations, to this type of mind-set “What would Jesus do?” It’s really all about the will of God and until we understand this, we will at best, remains babes in Christ. I want you to do me a favour and break down some of your actions. Habitual actions that happen without too much thought. Dissect them and it will become very apparent where we stand on our commitment to the will of our heavenly Father. We are so busy with life that we “just do” what we do. A thought springs to mind, our will is then ignited and more times than not we succumb, we scratch the itch even when it’s contrary to the will of God. We buckle to sin. As Christians we must learn to avoid kicking against the goads? We needn’t look any further than our Saviour example, explicitly in the Garden of Gethsemane. There is much we can learn from this event. We must take on theory before we can apply it into our lives. We must have the right understanding of what is required from us as children of God ("Because a double minded man is unstable in all their ways"). Jesus the man was under such pressure in the Garden that he began to sweat blood. Now medically, I am not sure how far one needs to travel to reach this point but Jesus endured and all because he wanted to please His Father. If that doesn’t melt your heart, I am not sure anything can.  What is the Fathers will? For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. (John 6:40) 

Even if we don’t understand what we are going through at the time, when we finds God’s will for the situation, blessings always follow and when we are blessed spiritually it certainly revitalizes our bodies. Look at the result of the Lords victory, because Jesus endured how many look and have looked to him for salvation? Too many to number… Why? All because he endured the temptation as it was the will of his Father.


“Not my will but thine be done” must become our mantra if we want to reach the lost for the sake of their salvation. Hopelessness is what leads a person to the foot of the cross and once there, they then look up, see the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice and that’s where they will make a choice either way. Only those clothed in the righteousness of Christ will escape the wrath of God. Why? Because only the man Jesus lived a life of sinless perfection, yes! He never breached one of God laws thus making it possible for the “whosoever” to find forgiveness for their sins in HIM. Outside of that, hell will be your final destination.


Signing off

