The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday 27 February 2020


The Christian has an arsenal of quotes that freely slip off the tongue when called upon, it’s a gift from God. No different to the air we breathe. Gifting is exactly that, a gift from God. It’s just the entombing of it that petrifies me, the burying of a talent never ended well for the cautious man. We have been called to stir up our gift, get the spoon in deep and work the stodginess free. The more we blend, the freer the flow. This all sound good on the surface, but have you noticed by implication this implies the work is left up to the individual. Without the work of God the Holy Spirit in our lives it would be impossible. Because we received the Holy Spirit at salvation, does not now mean we should look to shelve Him and take over the reins per say. However, when prompted how will we respond? Or have we been so severely seared that our conscience is dead to touch no differently to the effect of a burn from a hot iron? Has the idea of church and the like, fellowship with others from the body of Christ become a distant memory, if so then we best fall to our knees and ask God to restore what the canker worm has eaten.    

There are obviously certain truths that we must never overlook if we are to bear fruit…       

Always look to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. Seek out God’s kingdom and his righteousness in our daily walks, in other words remember to put Him first not last. We are very restricted when it comes to so much detail in our lives; our dreams for instance are hard to control, it’s obvious, that whatever the conscious mind absorbs somehow effects the vision when asleep. 

However what we can control is our application to an action first thing in the morning, the time we stir and open our eyes. This is the time to put our Heavenly Father first. “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” and let’s face it who amongst us does not want to be acknowledged by Him? To be comforted by our heavenly Father is top of the pops, there is no greater comfort and the only way we will ever experience that is because of the grace of God. It’s because God so loves that He gives of Himself. How has He given? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Everything hinges of this fact, the love of God pivots off His son, period! Miss this truth, or miss inform those seeking the truth and God’s comfort will elude you and them. Repentance begins and ends with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the gateway to the Father and there is no other way that will get you there. Zero, nil, nada!

The first covenant, the law of God through Moses, demanded repentance and sacrifice and that was all up to the individual to implement. The second covenant, which is a far better pledge is a finished work, praise the name of Jesus. He has done the work. He lived a life without ever breaking a single commandment. He accomplished what we could not. One of the reasons I believe God introduce the “First Covenant” was to teach us that we needed be saved from ourselves and until that lesson is learnt we will never repent correctly. The world’s message is love yourself because you deserve it and it has been designed to keep you from God. A simple choice needs to be made. As for me, I will acknowledge my sinful nature and embrace the work of Calvary, come what may!  

There seems to be so much against me, and then I am reminded, fear not Jesus has conquered all. So how would I be reminded of that if I wasn’t kneeling at his feet? There are certain truths that are never sweep aside; “faith comes from hearing the Word of God.” The word corrects us and God the Holy Spirit aligns our rudders and trims our sails.

God will not accept any other attempt to attract His attention. Long repetitive prayers, praying to the Virgin Mary (a women blessed of God and extremely privileged to house baby Jesus) she did not die on a cruel Roman cross for your sins. Or calling on the universe to grant you your wishes, all feeble attempts, in fact man made attempts to make yourselves feel better, I suppose it’s like playing the Lotto that on the off chance you may arrive.

The only repentance (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing) God the Father will accept is this; “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”” 

There is so much focus on our sin that we could miss the boat completely and overlook our application to find forgiveness. ONE MAN, ONE DEATH, ONE RESURRECTION! Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and it may just be time to leave all the other jargon behind as you repent and call out to Him. He alone has the power to save.

Signing off


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