The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas Day

It’s not the thought that causes sin to sprout but the action to that idea. In like manner today is such a day filled with festivities, from childhood we have been trained up in idolatry and simply put Christmas is a day fill with so much of it, it’s our default to accommodate the whole enchilada. We lodge everything that is thrown at us, the birth of Santa Claus; Saint Nicholas was a bishop who lived in the fourth century in Asia Minor in Myra. Today we know it as Turkey. This was a process of evolution, and he evolved into the person known as Santa Claus or Father Christmas. Subtle nuances which very much remind me of the Garden of Eden. There is no denial of Christ but the shift is clear. Just like Satan or the serpent said to Eve, “has God said”? Here we have a day which the world believes is the day that Christ was born. Masses of people across the globe paying homage to one another, giving each other gifts with their houses decorated with trinkets and pointing us in the opposite direction of our great Saviours birth. Just enough of a distraction to soften the gospel message, a strawman if you like. Today should be a day fill with opportunities in highlighting our sin and the need for a Saviour.

My prayer is that we would focus on God’s perfect gift, a son born of a VIRGIN not a queen, a precious woman and yet the focus is not on her but on Christ. There will be a constant shift throughout, driving us away from Christ. Keep your focus on why God sent him into this world and use today as an opportunity to highlight God’s purpose. God so loved! He has made a way for us to escape His Judgement, which is coming for the unbeliever and the one who refuses to repent. Remember to be accurate with your delivery, it's important!  A deliberate action is required; confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead. Once this truth resonates repentance will follow if it hasn’t already.

Signing off


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