The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 28 September 2019

The war must rage on

The grace of God is not there to hide our sin but rather to destroy it and until we settle upon this truth we will always be looking for a way to mask it. God is omnipresent, he is ever-present and regardless of all the feeble attempts we may have made through our lifetimes looking to cover the darkness that separates us from true fellowship with our heavenly Father, that annoying voice condemning our actions and the other, thankful that no one else is privy to our behaviour, or so we would like to believe.

However there is only one way forward for a Christian soldier and that is to confront the darkness head-on, it’s time to face our fears and seek out the grace needed to overcome. We needn’t stand on our strength that would be an impossible task, we stand upon the finished work of Calvary. But we also do not act as if all is well, if in fact that is far from the truth. Yes a Christian will always have his sins covered, past, present and future. The Lord Jesus Christ our beloved brother has taken care of that. But where the fox looks to destroy the vine in our minds is the sin that so easily besets.

I have witnessed the reaction we have to this chink in our armour; we look for justification to continue, a justification to excuse our behaviour, normally looking to pass the buck. A hot-headed European man would say, it’s not my fault I was born Italian, I can’t help it that I lose my temper. Wrong! A Christian is a new creature in Christ, we have armour to push on through the clash, but unless we dress for battle we will always fall. Shoot a bullet at a man’s chest and what happens? He will probably die. But slip on a bulletproof vest and he will live. We have been commissioned to put on the breastplate of righteousness. It’s only the born again Christian that has this arsenal in his closet. But we all have it, whether we wear it or not is up to us. A masochist loves pain, the drug addict loves the high, an alcoholic loves the escape, a sex addict loves the chase, a madman loves to vent, and a rich man loves the power. The list is endless, but these actions are linked to darkness and are fruits of the flesh, initiated by sin. The very thing that caused a cruel death for our beloved Saviour. How then can we as Christians continue down this path as if it is our right, God forbid! For such a long time I could never get my head around this truth, but God who is rich in mercy is able to bring his children around, praise His name, Amen! He is not only able, He will bring you around.

The next question that springs to mind would be why do I struggle so? Although we are righteous because of what Jesus has done we will never be perfect while we are in our earthen vessels. Yes we have been justified, but the war rages on. It’s how we view the war that is critical. A good soldiers must not entangle themselves with the sin that so easily besets. But to pretend that it isn’t real would be a mistake. What now? We must confront our sin, whatever they may be, although there be many, we press on to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus our Lord. Although we will continuously slip and fall is some area of our lives, we never excuse our actions but are quick to confess our faults and to seek our forgiveness. This is the day in the life of a Christian. However when we get to heaven this will all change and we will be like our glorious Saviour. We will receive a body like His. But until then the warfare must rage and it will persist until we breathe our last.

“If a person were free from all tendency to sin, he would not be liable to temptation any longer. He would not need to guard against it. There is an evil inside us that makes us exclaim from day to day, “O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death?”” Romans 7; 24.  (Charles Spurgeon)

To those who believe and stand upon the doctrine that this verse refers to us prior to salvation I echo Charles Spurgeon’s sentiment, which is; “If a person were free from all tendency to sin. He would not need to guard against it.” Does an unbeliever guard against sin as the Christian does? The answer is an obvious one, No! How could he? He does not have God the Holy Spirit living within him.

What are we to do with this information on a practical level? We are to use the grace of God available to every believer, to squash any sin that looks to rob us of the peace of God that is our privilege to enjoy. We will never be totally free from this conflict until we are changed, the day we receive our new bodies, but fight we must and we know what is expected of us, so we are without excuse. To God be the glory now and forever more.

I am convinced that God will bring all those around who has not yet made this their own, He is capable, able and He will do it. His desire for all His children is for us to find a liberty to serve Him without distraction. This is where the His brilliance comes into play, the trial of life working together for the good of all those called according to His plan and purposes. Without it we would never learn much.   

It’s all about understanding a truth and them making it our own. “For whenever we encounter truth, it is both our duty and our privilege to lay hold of it.” (Spurgeon) 

Signing off


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