The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 21 January 2018


The effects that sounds have on us is rather enthralling, even Hollywood worked this out some years ago. The right type of jingle can instil terror, joy or even sadness; music an extremely powerful tool in the hands of those you know how to work it.

Then we have the sounds of nature which have a calming effect on those who are fortunate enough to find themselves amongst an array of early morning bird calls. - The list is endless; God has given us an ability capable of helping us evaluate and then capture so much information through our ears. Just one of the five senses that we so often take for granted. However, these sense thrive within our earthly make up and we process everything through our human intellect and as great and brilliant as that is, it will always miss the voice of God because He is SPIRIT!

Our brains are most certainly capable of understanding that God exists, but who, how and where will always elude us. Creation proves HIS existence; but until we come face to face with our God or hear his small still voice whisper into our ear we will remain opinionated on so many different levels. To hear the voice of God we must be plugged into the source. No differently to the beginning of time when GOD spoke and creation sprung to life. Without God’s intervention in our lives we will never be saved; He is the ONE who initiates the process, without Him we will remain oblivious to His brilliance. With that established we must now seek out the truth and the Holy Bible is the platform from where He has chosen to speak. The words pen in this magnificent book is ink on paper, however it’s as good as if God’s voice penned the words. Obviously that thought is rather irrational when we view it through the eyes of common sense, but we are instructed to put on the mind of Christ, which is a spiritual discipline and then a miracle occurs, we are born again and a spiritual faculty is added to your senses. God gives us understanding, He opens our eyes and our ears to His World.

Examine those who now claim Christianity to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, those whom you know on a personal level. How did they once view life, where they energized differently, and if the change is obvious, why? Could it just be that God has opened their eyes to His world and they now see it and because of it seem somewhat obsessed? Many who claim Christianity as a way of life have faulted in many areas of their lives, I know as I am amongst the chief of sinners, however because of my many mistakes should I now deny what I know to be true? Absolutely not! I have repented and I will by the grace of God press on to the high call of God in my life. I have understood the magnitude of the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice on my behalf. How far am I willing to take it, even death will not keep me from calling upon the name of Jesus, He is the love of my life.

Sadly there will always be the liar and the thief pretending to something they could never be, ministers of the light! Money preachers who pretend to be an ambassador for Christ, when in fact they are in it to win it, money, money and then more money. They will not escape, judgement is just over the horizon.

Obviously unless an individual is born again these wonderful truths that I am now privy too will elude the shunner. Those who consider this concept a fairy-tale will never understand what I am talking about, but for those who have stepped out in faith and called on the Lord Jesus Christ to open their spiritual eyes will understand.

What is it that keeps us from stepping out in faith, the most obvious of answers in my opinion would be that we gravitate towards a mentality that society on a whole does its utmost to keep alive in our lives, which is; “self-acceptance” a notion that we deserve so many things that in fact when examined without any emotion attached to it, I find that we live with a delusional mind-set as the norm. We live for the here and now, what will soon follow is ignored. Judgement is coming, but only for those who reject the Lord's mercy.

With a clear conscience I have voiced what I know to be truth, my prayer is that it will strike a nerve that will drive you towards repentance, calling upon the name of Jesus to quicken your understanding to these truths.

Signing off


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