The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 16 October 2017


More often than not when a person takes something to their mouths it is with an anticipation of experiencing something pleasant. Say you roll out of bed in the early hours of the morning, the sun is just breaking the horizon and there is busy stillness in the air, a perceptiveness of serenity is obvious and yet the pleasant sounds of chattering birds and insects interfering as they compete amongst themselves endeavouring to outdo one another. However, they too have their routines and we have ours; as for me it’s about a swig of mouthwash and then straight to the chicken to fix a pot of espresso. I then move across to my desk and envisage the thoughts that are vibrant in my mind, which often are from dreams or my stirring thoughts that saturate my mind throughout the night. It is somewhat of a wrestle as I contemplate the why and the how? My objective for the day would be to seek out the righteousness of God and how I may achieve my goal, to put on the mind of Christ and combat all the evil thoughts that press home. This is a constant struggle and to lie to ourselves that we are beyond these types of struggles, whatever yours maybe would be foolish. - “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.” (Romans 7:19-20)

Although we are new creatures in Christ and praise God for that; He has paid our debt and the payment has been paid in full, we owe nothing. However, we will continue to have this struggle until we breathe our last or we are change, in that moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the trump of God sounds and we that remain are caught up into the air and given new bodies, glorified bodies, Wow! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

However as true as Paul’s teaching may be, this does not give us licence to live in sin so that grace may abound. Or at the very least we should not concede to that type of mind-set.

Our reliance is now upon the finished work of the cross, if not we have a long way to go in reaching maturity. Faith demands a shift from independence to a dependency upon that which is unseen and yet it is filled with an abundance of evidence. This is where I have another ongoing struggle, food and raiment is more often than not a concern, but then I am reminded to be content where I find myself in this area of my life, with this thought, “if God is for me who can be against me, praise His glorious name.” However without part of my routine being honoured, when something else gets in the way of it, it’s as if I forget to dress for battle and then the potential of my wayward thoughts running riots is far more likely.  

At times I am afforded the privilege of penning words about my walk with God, hence my blog. As the morning unfolds I move from my desk and to the kitchen topping up my espresso cup. I am very found of coffee and as I instinctively tap away at the keyboard I obviously reach for my fix, sipping away and then it happens, my cup has been standing for a time and my coffee is now lukewarm and my pleasant experience is now hindered and an unpleasant shock to my taste buds drives home. I had hope for a pleasant fix but now what I had expected to be enjoyable was the opposite, hostile. Instinctively I spew out what I hoped would be satisfying. With this experience the Lord Jesus gives me a great underlying principle that teaches me what he expects from me (us). So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16)

It is imperative that every morning, and not only at night that we set time aside to spend in the Word of God. Why? Because the day is just beginning and we must approach our lives a day at a time, and no more, or else our life in Christ will be so burdensome so that we will often crack under the strain. There is a song “One day at a time sweet Jesus is all I ask from you” and this song must become impregnated into our minds. It is during our meditation that we must deliberate where we stand with our God and Father, not to question if we are saved, if that be our standing, but rather examine our hearts and what it is that drives and excites us. If there is something more pressing than what God has done for us we are entering a state of metamorphism and “Luke warmness” could be where we find ourselves. If that be so, beware that you are not spewed out of the mouth of the Lord Jesus. The Bible is filled with many encouragements and praise God for that! But we must not overlook the warnings, which have been penned for our benefit. If the shoe fits then it fits.

These are the types of thoughts that drive me each and every day, am I always victorious, absolutely not, but that will never keep me from trying to reach that blissful state of righteousness that if found in the person of our great God, praise His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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