The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday, 16 October 2017


More often than not when a person takes something to their mouths it is with an anticipation of experiencing something pleasant. Say you roll out of bed in the early hours of the morning, the sun is just breaking the horizon and there is busy stillness in the air, a perceptiveness of serenity is obvious and yet the pleasant sounds of chattering birds and insects interfering as they compete amongst themselves endeavouring to outdo one another. However, they too have their routines and we have ours; as for me it’s about a swig of mouthwash and then straight to the chicken to fix a pot of espresso. I then move across to my desk and envisage the thoughts that are vibrant in my mind, which often are from dreams or my stirring thoughts that saturate my mind throughout the night. It is somewhat of a wrestle as I contemplate the why and the how? My objective for the day would be to seek out the righteousness of God and how I may achieve my goal, to put on the mind of Christ and combat all the evil thoughts that press home. This is a constant struggle and to lie to ourselves that we are beyond these types of struggles, whatever yours maybe would be foolish. - “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.” (Romans 7:19-20)

Although we are new creatures in Christ and praise God for that; He has paid our debt and the payment has been paid in full, we owe nothing. However, we will continue to have this struggle until we breathe our last or we are change, in that moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the trump of God sounds and we that remain are caught up into the air and given new bodies, glorified bodies, Wow! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

However as true as Paul’s teaching may be, this does not give us licence to live in sin so that grace may abound. Or at the very least we should not concede to that type of mind-set.

Our reliance is now upon the finished work of the cross, if not we have a long way to go in reaching maturity. Faith demands a shift from independence to a dependency upon that which is unseen and yet it is filled with an abundance of evidence. This is where I have another ongoing struggle, food and raiment is more often than not a concern, but then I am reminded to be content where I find myself in this area of my life, with this thought, “if God is for me who can be against me, praise His glorious name.” However without part of my routine being honoured, when something else gets in the way of it, it’s as if I forget to dress for battle and then the potential of my wayward thoughts running riots is far more likely.  

At times I am afforded the privilege of penning words about my walk with God, hence my blog. As the morning unfolds I move from my desk and to the kitchen topping up my espresso cup. I am very found of coffee and as I instinctively tap away at the keyboard I obviously reach for my fix, sipping away and then it happens, my cup has been standing for a time and my coffee is now lukewarm and my pleasant experience is now hindered and an unpleasant shock to my taste buds drives home. I had hope for a pleasant fix but now what I had expected to be enjoyable was the opposite, hostile. Instinctively I spew out what I hoped would be satisfying. With this experience the Lord Jesus gives me a great underlying principle that teaches me what he expects from me (us). So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16)

It is imperative that every morning, and not only at night that we set time aside to spend in the Word of God. Why? Because the day is just beginning and we must approach our lives a day at a time, and no more, or else our life in Christ will be so burdensome so that we will often crack under the strain. There is a song “One day at a time sweet Jesus is all I ask from you” and this song must become impregnated into our minds. It is during our meditation that we must deliberate where we stand with our God and Father, not to question if we are saved, if that be our standing, but rather examine our hearts and what it is that drives and excites us. If there is something more pressing than what God has done for us we are entering a state of metamorphism and “Luke warmness” could be where we find ourselves. If that be so, beware that you are not spewed out of the mouth of the Lord Jesus. The Bible is filled with many encouragements and praise God for that! But we must not overlook the warnings, which have been penned for our benefit. If the shoe fits then it fits.

These are the types of thoughts that drive me each and every day, am I always victorious, absolutely not, but that will never keep me from trying to reach that blissful state of righteousness that if found in the person of our great God, praise His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Tuesday, 3 October 2017

The right or wrong side of history

Of late I have heard references referring to finding ourselves on the right side of history…

Here is an allegory that should help us understand the intention I wish to highlight…

A group of people gathered with eager anticipation as a young woman deep in the throes of labour, works her way painfully through the process of her brutal birth spasms, in spite of the anguish she now faced and with a clad-iron resolve she was determined to follow through with a natural birth. Whilst her parents linger in the cold dull passageway of the Maternity Ward in the deep south of Johannesburg, and as her father had lived through the Second World War a thought flashes vividly through his mind, “hospitals always have death written all over their walls”, and then the reality of what was happening kicked in, “but not this time!” his thoughts had now become vocal causing his wife to turned to him, “What”? “Never mind” he muttered, how could he bring up death when they expected life? As this was a very happy juncture. There were endless opportunities for this new bundle of joy. The man was filled with glee and was to soon be a granddad! But not yet for there were still many uncertainties, would his daughter and the unborn child come through without any complication? Therefore he continued to pace up and down with great intent hoping that all would be well with the apple of his eye for she was but a young lass, barely seventeen. It was an anxious moment and yet it was compressed by excitement. “Is it a boy or a girl”? An exciting thought all had already considered, wanting to be the one who could gloat and say I told you it would be a boy.

Then it happened, they heard it, a babies cry. It was rather comical as they simultaneously look at each other and laying aside the hospital policies, instantaneously they all rushed into the room to examine the miracle. Maybe this baby boy would be the next president or the next greatest prodigy with a golf club in his hand. The potential endless and full of promise! Words like “cute” and “he is beautiful, he looks just like you” travelled from person to person filling the room with chatter, the overtones of joy fanned across the room bringing smiles to all. And then something outside of the norm happened God allowed them to see into the future as He commanded time to travel forward. Their joy suddenly turns to shattered heartache; a horror filled vision now became their reality and they were all privy to it; death, misery and total darkness engulfed with unquenchable flames potentially awaited not only this little newborn baby but all of mankind and God in His mercy had shown it to them.

The reality of it was that all of mankind has been condemned already. We all stand guilty before a Holy God and Hell with all its fury is our destination. It is mankind’s lot in life. Try as we may to build Arks like in the movie 2012 or the series Salvation as we rally together as one united nation, trying with paramount resolve to avoid the inevitable, the destruction of this planet as we know it, which will eventually happen. The same fate awaits us all. An eternity of horror personified! They had seen it and there was no denying it for God had shown it to them.  

The joy that filled that delivery room was now filled with regret and the remorse of this accidental conception, conceived outside of the bounds of wedlock was now forgotten. Although they were practicing Catholics and they had done everything in their power to conceal their sin removing the ridicule that would come upon the family if it became public knowledge had now dissipated as there were far more pressing issues on hand. If only this little boy had never been born was the thought of consensus and then it dawned on then, but what about us? Doomed for eternity! It was no longer an idea that some jarhead had shouted from a street corner; “repent for the end is near”! God had revealed the truth to them and they had seen the end, they now understood the ramifications! They had grasped it for God had shown it to them! As they limply made their way back to the vehicles they had arrived in. The drive back to their homes was filled with silence and remorse for they were all devastated by the reality of it all, once so oblivious to the secrets of hell but now “eyes wide open” to what was just over the horizon. “Stop the car”, the father demanded on the fringe on the highway, it was a perfect position, the car had come to rest in a blind spot, and he thought that they might be lucky enough to be taken out of their misery and be steamrolled by a passing truck. What was a man to do? What is a father to do? Climbing out of the car the man began to frantically pace up and down with strides of hopelessness; he then looked up and saw a humongous clump of sand that had been sifted from a gold mine shaft and with his gaze locked onto it he called out to it, “KILL ME”! He had finally understood that he was “condemned already” and there was nothing he could do to save himself or his family nor his newborn grandson. It was a hopeless situation!

“CONDEMNED ALREADY” was and is the state of mankind and will remain their lot in life if they do not respond to the only lifeline available…

Pay very careful attention as it may just help you understand the magnitude of your predicament and rescue you from it. The Apostle John a spokesperson on behalf of God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob penned these words a long time ago; “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” (John 3:18) 

How on earth did mankind arrive here? Here was a man who had now understood his fate, he was in total despair, crying to a hill to fall on him and snuff the life from him. And then it happen, God mercifully took pity on him and took him back to the beginning to help him understand…

He now stood in the midst of a beautiful garden surrounded by absolute tranquility, a vast contrast to his previous vision, perfection personified with harmonic melody from all its wildlife wafting on the back of a gentle breeze bringing great comfort to him and those in the garden. “Is this how it all started” he thought? He knew it to be true. At first he grappled with the contrasting visions and if this is how it began why does it end with such destruction? Walking through paradise he passed a lion lying down next to a lamb, they seemed extremely content with their surrounding and there was no aggression evident. His stride then came to an abrupt halt and he saw a woman conversing with a serpent, a creature that he was unfamiliar with, it looked like a snake but it stood upright on its legs, it hissed with a choral lyric to its voice, he could now hear what was being said, “Did God actually say?” the serpent whispered.  And then it dawned on him what was about to happen. “Stop he shouted, get away from him”! But she was oblivious to his cries and continued to peer deeper into his trickery unaware of the deception that was about to take place. If only she knew what she was actually doing, dooming my new born grandson to an eternity of total hopelessness, “wake up you foolish woman”, he shouted even louder this time, but to no avail, the lure had worked and she was now lapping up every word. Satan had ensnared her and there was no escape, he had won and defied God! That day he won a fight but he will never win the battle, praise God!

Mr. Harry Casual (the man) finally understood that it was because of this event that all of mankind has been doomed. Our great grandmother to the power of who knows the actual number, God Knows, I most certainly don’t! It was all her doing! But what of our great grandfather, he wasn’t deceived and yet he followed in the sin of his wife. As selfish as his decision may well have been the reality of it all is the pair of them doomed all of mankind to fall under Gods condemnation. Happy-go-lucky (the man) then saw God commission two cherubim’s, angels like creature with flaming swords commanding them to guard the tree of life, forbidding sinful intent to eat from it. Death had now been their sentence, their foolishness had eternal consequences and their eternity with God had been snatched from them; resulting in God banishing them from paradise as they knew it. The penalties were dismal! For the first time they saw thorns sprout out amongst the flower eventuating their folly.

As he stood at the foot of that mound of that Sand Hill just off the highway the man having seen the end and the beginning of time finally understood why all of mankind had been doomed. The prize of God’s creation, mankind had rejected Him and yielded to the voice of another created being, the serpent that is the devil. It finally made sense! The sin of one man had blinded all to the realities of life and the bigger picture with the warriors of hell keeping us all from the truth. Driving us to be engulfed with daily activities and giving very little thought to the hereafter! Sending us into a spiral filled with our own opinions and with zero recognition for the creator of the heavens and the earth. Flip, dissect, analyze, or do what you want with the reality of the truth and we must all eventually arrive at the same conclusion; we all justly deserve what is coming, JUDGEMENT! Some will still cry, “That is unfair”, but it is what it is! He knew it to be true for God had shown it to him!

It was then that the man contemplated running into the oncoming traffic, for what else was a man to do? But before he could actioned that thought a voice from heaven shouted, “STOP!” God then took him into a time of Roman rule and he saw a man crucified to a cross with the onlookers jeering at him, “if you are God save yourself” they mocked; whilst others cursed insults at him and spat upon him. It was here that the love of God became apparent to Mr. Potentially Hopeful (the man); God’s love had compelled Him to provide a lifeline for mankind; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) – A love inconceivable to our characters and yet God punished His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ the Lord was disciplined on behalf of sinners, WOW! In other words Mr. Thankful (the man) finally understood that although he was the sinner, someone who was without sin had paid the price for his sin. His mind now flashed to all the other religions of the world and the little he knew of them helped him finally understand that they could not help him as God hates sin and will deal with it and no one outside of the covering of Christs sacrifice will escape His judgement. If we are tried for our sin and found guilty of breaching even one of the smallest of God laws we will face His punishment. Hell will be our eternal destination.

Why do we need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Because he alone paid the penalty for sinners and forgives all who repent of their sin and believe on His finished work; He paid the fine and that now frees us of our sin. The fine has been paid and it has satisfied God. “Jesus in my Place”! But never forget that Jesus Christ the Lord spilt his own blood so that we could go free and escape the looming devastation that awaits the devil and his angels.

Therefore reject the offer on hand and you will end up in that devastating place it is as simple as that. This is the end for those who reject God’s free grace offer, please pay very careful attention to it and do not be swayed by the foolish opinions that those professing to be wise present with no factual evidence. Some say that we are part of the cycle of evolution and that our genealogy started with the ape-man; think it through it, use your God given brain, if that be true, why have we not found millions if not billions of those fossils? The answer is obvious, it is a LIE! Here is the end of the story for those who reject this glorious God given offer; “Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15) – Therefore it is clear that there is a book with registered names in it known as the “book of life” and the only way any individual can avoid the upcoming fate is if their name is recorded in it and the only way for this to happen is by repenting and accepting the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice on behalf of your sin. It is as simple as that!

What will you do with the mercy that God has offered you?

“For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)

I beg you call upon Him and repent if not you will end up on the wrong side of history.

Signing off


Monday, 2 October 2017

Be perfect

As I sit in front of my computer screen in the very early hours of the morning with sleep eluding me and with e-Sword (Bible) open. I wonder about the Lord Jesus’ request in the Garden; And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will."(Matthew 26:39) There must have been a deep understanding of the gravity which he faced. It could never have had been having to deal with thoughts of evil intent, for the man Jesus was born untainted by sin and he had lived his life in obedience to God’s righteousness. Whereas mankind is not made like he was and we struggle with sin in a different way. I know the struggles I have on a daily basis. Nor would I want to presume that I understand his deliberation and his willingness for the temptation to pass. We all know the outcome of that encounter, he overcame, but the cost was an intense anguish, so much so that he factually sweated blood. The pressure he endured to overcome the temptation of sin is something very few, if any, have any grasp on. The flesh is weak and it has been tainted by sin from birth. We have a natural tendency to capitulation to the pleasures of sin and the more we feed a particular area of sin in our lives the more addictive it becomes and the harder it is to put it away. However the call is to be perfect, just like our Father in heaven is perfect. Wow! We all understand that we will never attain to His perfection until we reach heaven and our bodies and minds are transformed into the Lord Jesus’ beauty and brilliance. However that does not mean we must not shoot for perfection. Perfection must be our ultimate goal.

The world teaches us to have goals and to put things in place that will allow us to achieve them. Once that goal is reached we are then rewarded. Sin is the enemy; our own sin is the greatest hindrance that keeps us from our objective, which is; You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) – Our mind-sets must be one of deliberate intent and our goal must be to put off our old natures; we must watch and pray;Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) – Interestingly enough this was the Lord Jesus instruction to some of his disciples at the very time he was tested. He understood and he understands our weaknesses. He is our High Priest as well as our Saviour.

There are two opposing forces, the spirit which is willing to pursue God’s perfection whereas the flesh is extremely weak and more often than not succumbs to temptation. What should we do on a practical level to achieve our goal?    

I have of late found a practical solicitation that must always be driven by the spirit and not the flesh, if driven the wrong way around it leaves us feeling somewhat self-contented, which in itself is dangerous territory, a place where pride is bred and we all know what happens to the proud; God resits them! It’s only the humble who find His grace to endure. So what would I like to share with others struggling in differing areas of their lives; it is a simple request but it is having profound benefits. Instead of praying to overcome the temptation and the thoughts that just pop into ones mind. Rather pray to have our minds changed so that we no longer have such thoughts. A subtle teak in our prayer, may just fine tune our receivers.

If peradventure God gives us our request, where does it then leave us, changed by His Spirit and not our own determination and fortitude that will leave us having to fend off pride! Praise God for His brilliance!

In conclusion let no one bewitch you in this regard, I was a man who once believe that lusciousness was not such a bad thing, only because somewhere deep down in the recesses of my mind I wanted to satisfy the lusts of my flesh. Perfection is contrary to our human natures. However with the Spirit of Christ now living within us the world is our oyster, perfection is attainable in principle and it must be the goal we search out. All this really means is that we must seek out God’s righteousness and daily put on the whole armour of God if we are to have any chance. Sin has and will always be the enemy of God and the sooner we realise that as our reality the faster we will be able to address our failures.

God my Father give us strength I pray to appropriate these truths to our lives, help us all to understand the areas we are weak in and bring us to a point of confession. I ask you to change our minds and help us put on the mind of Christ. Aid us all in pursuing your righteousness on our daily to-do lists. Not only impregnate that as a daily reflex but help us prioritise this as our most responsible priority.

I am persuaded Father God that by faith you will grant me my request, thank you for your love and the grace we receive on a daily basis. The road ahead is treacherous and it is filled with many twist and turns, however if God is for us who can be against us. There is a day coming when we will see our God face to face, but until then let us fight the good fight of faith.

Signing off
