The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday, 24 April 2017

Let go and let God...

We all have perceptions and arrive at conclusions in accordance with the way we as individuals think on a particular subject. We have an assessment to most things in life, and when we land on neutral ground we have shown our hand. However we are often blinded to the bigger scheme of things, the deeper unseen truths that is as real as the setting of the sun. When we do not listen to that small still voice which whispers into our ear, which steers us towards a deeper understanding, which if allowed, often lands on a tile which fills in the blanks. Listen me must! Perceptions and clarifications never land on a full stop. Accept when it comes to God, nothing of value can be added to His Character, He is perfect! However there is always more for us to learn when it comes to the goodness and brilliance of our God.

The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in unearthing God’s genius and so when we shut Him out, it is at our own peril. A thought, a notion or a prompting to do something for someone and even ourselves at times may often be triggered and sadly we disregarded it as not that important.

Was it not a though we acted upon when responded auspiciously to the glorious Gospel message? An event which changed our lives; a prompting, that showed us our sin and our need for a Saviour; I remember the day I understood that God cared for me, and quickened my mind to understand that He had saved my soul. There is no way I deserved His favour and yet I found it, thank you my heavenly Father! There was absolutely no good thing in me that drove God to choose me to be saved and yet I find myself amongst His number. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch (rubbish) like me”. God is all-powerful! The universe and all of creations bows before Him. He has it in His power to do whatever He pleases within the realm of His character. Sin has no part to play in His makeup, praise His name! Lying comes easily to us but it is impossible for God to lie, think on that! So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us” (Hebrews 6:18)   
How far apart our characters actually are and yet He chose to make a way for me to have a relationship with Him; the Love of God personified in my life and all because of the Lord Jesus’ faithfulness to the cross of Calvary and all which that entailed, WOW! And to be blown even further into orbit, He made this decision prior to the foundations of the worlds coming into existence, even in spite of so many sinful slip-ups along the way.

I am in the process of re-evaluating my life over the last thirty years as I re-examine the many blunders I have made and why. It is becoming extremely clear that as much as I would want to search out some positive contribution that I made and influence God’s decision to save me, it does not exist. Outside of His love, goodness, mercy and grace I would still be dead in my trespasses and sins, no differently to a bat in a dark dingy muggy cave blind to its surroundings. God shone his light into my life and only because He decided to do it can I cry out “I can see, I can see!” If you are one that believes God saw some good in you prior to salvation you are terribly mistaken. We are righteous on the merits of what the Lord Jesus did on our behalf, He took our sin upon Himself and for this reason and this purpose alone God now loves us.   

The sooner we learn this lesson the better; we are all cogs in His hands and we need to understand our minuscule roles and become pliable clay in the potters hands, for when we rest there it will change us and the lives of those we come into contact with. Imagine if our lives could resemble a steering wheel, a slight tweak to the left and the vehicle moves in that direction, whilst we keep the car on the road with God navigating our lives we remain nontoxic and we keep those travelling with us safe. If we ignore the rule of the road (God's rule) it will be at our own peril. Who played the biggest role in the gospel message, obviously the foundation was laid by our great Saviour, but it would have to be the Apostles. They left everything behind and yet so many of us battle to put off the luxuries that this life has to offer. No wonder we are so ineffective. It’s all about being in control of our little worlds, this must change! If not it will cost us and those we have an effect on.

Signing off


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