The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Tuesday 8 November 2016

For your consideration

As a man who has been on both side of the fence concerning doctrinal truth when it comes to Calvin’s theology of election as opposed to Armenian’s theology of free choice. I have notice a weakness in both camps…

“John Calvin was a famous French theologian and a major leader of the Protestant Reformation. He helped popularize the belief in the sovereignty of God in all areas of life, as well as the doctrine of predestination. The theological approach advanced by Calvin has come to be known as 'Calvinism'.” I also believe in predestination, for when I look in the mirror I realise that I have nothing in myself that would coil God into action, nothing I possess to sanction his favour into finding a reason to save me. There is absolutely no merit in me outside of the Spirit of God in me, which drives me towards the will and purposes of God. For when I have been left to my own devises I have failed dismally. Therefore it can only ever be the Christ in me that now drives me towards the will of God in my life. Which leaves me with this conclusion; if God didn’t choose to save me I would never have been saved (election in accordance with His will); I owe Him everything! There is nothing I can lay claim too earning His favour which fits with the text that He has excluded boasting in any believer’s life; “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)   

God’s mercy covers us because He is merciful and not the other way around.  We have been saved by grace; HIS MERCY is on show and not our so called achievements. People gravitate towards their own brilliance when they see mankind’s achievements on display, its part of our makeup. This is why sport around the globe is so popular. Everyone loves a hero. My focus is drawn to the perfect sacrifice of my Saviour, the One who died on my behalf as He paid the price for my sin. It’s imperative that we understand this and make it our own.

However, the irony of Calvinistic institutions is that they are big on theological degrees and you will have to look far and hard to find a pastor without a doctorate ministry preaching from the pulpit. I am not saying that it never happens, but it is rather the exception; men’s achievements to do God’s bidding. The focus is the degree and the title. Whereas we are taught that God gives gifts to men, once again the focus should be on Him and not men; “grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.  Therefore it says, "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men."” (Ephesians 4:7-8) – A gift is something given, it is never worked for. Let me make it very clear, I am not suggesting that once a man has received his gifting from God that He does not have a responsibility to hone and shape that gift whilst sitting at the feet of Jesus in his closet. That is an obvious necessity if he is to grow in his gifting.   

Whereas many Armenian institutions do not insist on degrees in order to oversee local churches or preach from the pulpit and yet they contend that we have the ability to chose God. Which in turn leaves the door open for pride to rear its head, how one may ask? There is a shift to self and away from the Sovereignty of God; they find merit in themselves as they believe that they themselves have chosen God, leaving them with a sense of pride as they compare themselves to the ones who haven’t chosen God. It will never be admitted, but strip it down and consider if what I say has any merit and then make up your own minds. When it comes to the body (the members of the church) exercising their gifting, some Armenian churches are far wiser, they do it better and with a greater liberty in praising our God and Father. Their eyes have been opened to taking steps of faith as the Holy Spirit leads and directs them and equips them with the will to cry out “pick me”. This may be hard for some to comprehend but for those who know what I am talking about it will be easily understood.

These are just some of my thoughts on how we need to shut the door to pride as we run into the arms of God as we seek out His favour with grace as our reward.

Signing off


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