The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 20 December 2015


Once again this morning a solemn thought has pressed home. Scripture is full of statements that will eventually play themselves out. There will be no wiggle room within the accuracy of so many actual declarations found within the covers of the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible! This book is filled with brilliance as it allows men and women an insight into the great “I AM”; the only true God, with the words quickening our understanding as God the Holy Spirit guides and leads us into deeper truths, revealing so many pleasantries to the believer that allude the masses.

The brilliance of God who can fathom it! Two men read the same text and to the unsaved individual it is dry and meaningless, whilst to the child of God it speaks volumes and enlightens his understanding, causing him to revel in the goodness of God crying “Abba Father” (daddy daddy) at will and all because of the perfect work of Calvary, Wow! What privileged people we are! God is so filled with goodness and mercy; bless His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Mankind instinctively hankers after all things positive. As Christians we do not welcome adversity as we ort; for it is honing us for the imminent. In other words we are in training! There is a day in the not too distant future where things are going to spiral out of control for the Christian in many first world countries and we will be seen as the enemy and targeted as such. However, this is not what concerns me, but rather the conflict it will spark amongst family and believers…

“And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:10-13)

The human race are masters of disguise, it is easy to hide our actual guises from others and even ourselves. Sin has taken care of that! We smile at those we hate but only when the cost is cheap. Once the pressure begins to mount even the tightest of families will begin to crumble. There are many that claim to be Christian; “time will reveal all”! Did you know that it is only when you apply pressure to the olive that it produces the valuable oil we all enjoy? Trials test our faith and the Apostle James teachers us this very valuable lesson; “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds… (James 1:2) – for  they have a purpose, so do not ask yourself why is this happening to me, but rather what can I learn from any given situation. For by now we should all understand that we are in training for the greatest position in the universe; to co-exist with the great “I AM” as heirs and children with benefits of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Testing’s produce a resolve that prepares us for adversity, but without it we will battle to overcome the easiest resistance; when the Christian is singled out as the great arch enemy of the world! Will you and I be amongst the number that holds true? Or will we be exposed as imposers?  It’s the trials of our everyday life that prepare us for our final test whenever that may arrive. Let us therefore remember to welcome adversity for it is meant as an aid and not a hindrance.

Who then will be among the number that endures unto the end? I would dare to suggest that those who have been born of the Spirit and welcomed adversity, being trained by it, will most certainly be amongst that number.

With that established let us never forget that we are God’s work and He is the mastermind behind His brilliant plan. All we are required to do is find obedience in and through any given incident we face, applying faith toward God one day at a time.    

Signing off


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