The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 25 July 2015

An Intriguing thriller...

With any intriguing thriller, you will find twists and keys to solving the mystery merged between the overarching plots. It often takes great commitment and dedication with your undivided attention engrossed upon the screen if we are to stay on point. If not, we will soon be clutching at straws and asking the question, “What’s going on”? And yet when these types of productions hit the mark with the box office and rake in astronomical sums of money, it is still a production that originates from the “created”. Simply put, it’s a production driven by mankind’s intellect, where their thoughts must be accompanied with differing  tools and material to create their production; without a movie camera it would be impossible to capture the production on film and then play it back on demand; whilst God’s brilliance only needs a word spoken by Him to create whatever He chooses. He SPOKE the worlds into being and out of darkness He created all things; which obviously gets me to conclude, that His production is far more intricate and that His brilliance is way above ours. Sadly the majority of the world’s population find themselves grappling in the dirt when it comes to God’s production and what fascinates me is the authority with which the fool makes certain assumptions. As if their opinion supersedes God’s! Claiming to have more insight than the Creator of the heavens and the earth; the blind leading the blind and both will fall into the ditch.

King Solomon was a very wise man and throughout the book of proverbs we see insight into his penned words of wisdom. He teaches us this; The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7) – On the basis of this quote examine where you stand; are you a person that claims to be wise but gives no thought to God and his dealings with you? Do you have no fear for Him? True knowledge must start with our understanding that we must give Him his rightful place if it is to end well with our souls. If our opinion has no place for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we are simply men and women that claim to be wise but have been blinded by our own pride and remain fools. Sadly the world’s system has hoodwinked the majority of its population into the class of fools. It teaches civilization that if we have certain qualifications or degrees then what we have to say must be taken seriously when in fact we are blind, ignorant and have been tricked into believing a lie.

But before I go off on a tangent and exalt myself as someone more knowledgeable than the next person, I am reminded that I too once thought like the majority of the world, I too was blinded by my sin. I was a man driven by the lust of my eyes, the lust of the flesh and by the pride of life; a man who has repeatedly fallen into the traps of sin, trying to escape the realities of life. But God who is rich in mercy has opened my eyes to understand certain truths. I will be amongst the first to confess that I am slow to understand but God has extended an abundant amount of mercy to me, for which I am forever grateful. It is the grace of God that found me, rescued me and plucked me from the miry clay and not the other way around. Even after my eyes had been opened to the truth of God’s production I have since erred. Needless to say when the thought of “Jesus in my place” penetrates my understanding I am filled with thankfulness and I am quick to say Amen to King Solomon’s quote, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge“. For those who have been amongst the weak, of which I am chief, there is nevertheless hope in Christ, “whilst we have breath we have hope.”

Again I remind you that it is God’s production and not mankind’s that will stand the test of time. It is vital that we look to Him from here on in until we breathe our last breath. We must not let the cares of this life overshadow the reality of our existence. Regardless of our mistakes if we look to our God for deliverance He has proved that He is slow to anger and quick to forgive, Wow! Bless His name now and forever more, Amen!

God’s production is filled with characters that will be for or against His overarching plan for humanity; the offer has gone out to all. Turn to Him in repentance and find life. It is the way He has chosen to direct His production. We need to decide where we stand with His call upon our lives. The buck stops with us and one day we will give an account to Him and there will be no escape; “…Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:12-14) – There is a day coming when we will all stand before the only Almighty God and our lives will be played back to us; and for those who claim to be good rejecting God’s free grace offer will soon see their own wickedness and be judged according to what they did whilst on earth. The only covering that will save us from judgement is to be covered with the robes of righteousness that can only come from the Lord Jesus Christ. How do we get this robe? Simple, we turn to Him in repentance acknowledging our sin and our need for His forgiveness. It isn’t rocket science, even the simplest and the uneducated can relate to this call.

God’s production involves all of us; everyone who has ever taken a breath of oxygen is part of His masterpiece. We will only ever find ourselves in one of two camps; those for God or those against Him. We cannot claim to be neutral. Neutrality proves our unwillingness to commit.

To be continued…

Signing off



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