There always seems to be some cause or voice we can attach ourselves to without too much effort. Just as I scroll through the first few posts on my Facebook page and I realize that the catch phrase “much to do about nothing” plays its part in our lives. Not that any given topic may mean nothing to us, on the contrary, because a certain topic grabs our hearts we are quick to get involved, it gives us a voice and a purpose. There is much we can learn from social media platforms like Facebook.
At times it doesn’t take much be noticed, but I have a concern, what about the real issues of life, heaven, hell and the perfect work of Calvary? We do not see too many getting involved with the Christian cause and we do not see many reposts about our love for Christ. If only I had the ability to open a person’s eyes to the truth of what Christ achieve on Calvary, if only I wielded a magic wand, and yet I actually do to some degree, not because of my ability but because of what God has equipped us with, His Son’s Spirit and we are able to cry “Abba Father”.
All those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord, have all been given the measure of reconciliation. Our words, when declaring the simple message of the gospel carry with it an enchanted power and the Apostle Paul explains it like this; “I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish. So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:14-16)
Not enchanted abracadabra but we rather have a duty in some measure at least to declare the simple message of the cross, not only to those who we think will listen. We must wherever and whenever the opportunities arise speak about what the Lord Jesus Christ achieved on earth for mankind. Even if we think a person will never respond, the power of the gospel resonates with God’s ability and not our feeble projections, never forget that! Paul understood and now teaches us that he is not ashamed of the gospel and neither should we be, why? “For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.”
Our great God and Father has chosen to unfold His perfect plan in this manner, He could have rather of chosen to prove His existence by miraculously appearing in the heaven doing mighty signs and wonders and yet He chose to be a small still voice, possibly your voice will be used as a tool by God to open a sinners eyes and to cause him to fall to his knees and to find repentance. If that isn’t glorious then I am not sure what is! A man dead in his trespass and sins, damned to hell for all eternity unless he repent and God may use our voice to help him turn, what a glorious thought! A man hard as nails and then by just sharing a simple message about Christ’s accomplishment on their behalf and wallah; a grown man brought to tears as God comes and makes his abode in that individuals life.
KISS (keep it simple stupid), the simple message of the gospel, not with big swelling words or with might, all we need to do is simply declare the truth and then to watch God the Holy Spirit where and when He chose to save. I saw my entire family get turned around from believing our own independent lies, who we thought God was and what He meant to us as individuals. We all had our own ideas! Within a year almost my entire family was confessing Jesus as Lord. Why, because someone was not ashamed of the Gospel and had gone out of his way to preach it to us.
Faith then comes from hearing, and hearing the word of God. We must be sure to keep the unadulterated message of the cross simple and concise and not to start running off with big swelling words. Just get a person to understand what Christ came to do; He died for sinner so that they could go free, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! People must be brought to this point; do they need a saviour or will their own works get then to heaven? But unless words bring them to a place to make that decision, no decision will need to be made. It is not enough to simple believe. Individuals must believe in the resurrection and then confess Jesus as Lord. But there can be no hard and fast rule when it comes to salvation; “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)
But this I will say and echo the words of Paul; “I am not ashamed of the gospel as it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes”. Let us therefore remember to tell people the “old story”, how God became a man, went to a cruel death for a crime He never committed, and He did it for whosoever. What that individual does with it is out of our hands; but let us must remember, “The gospel is the power of God unto salvation for everyone that believes”.
Signing off