Life is all about choices, but we need to investigate this with a microscope to understand better how we make those choices. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. However, we all know what we believe God to be differently. But faith is the driving factor behind it all. We all live with a measure of faith. A new buzzword “manifesting” is circulating; the Cambridge dictionary rates it as the most popular word searched for 2024. It’s all about our foundational understanding of who God is, get that wrong and we will never arrive at the right result. The new generation loves to refer to the universe as their god. A typical technique would be “to manifest” something into your life (believing it will happen) and trust the universe to give it to you. That is faith in the unseen, but misguided. Romans 1 also comes into play here; “Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity…” (Romans 1:22-24)
This is a crucial
fundamental principle to base our deductions. If we do not believe that Jesus
Christ is the way, the truth and the life, forget it, our conclusions will
always be flawed. Why? God is a Spirit being and we are carnal beings, without
eyes opened to the spiritual realm we are all like blind people groping in the
dark hoping that we won’t fall into the ditch. Sadly without God’s
intervention, we will all fall into that ditch. A treasure hunt can be
exciting, especially if we are the ones who find the treasure chest. However,
what use is an impregnable treasure box without the key opening it? Here is the
first clue for all to uncover, pay careful attention to it; John 3:3 “Jesus
answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless
one is born again he cannot see
the kingdom of God.”” – If anyone has seen the “Book of Eli” with
Denzel Washington, it was about a tyrant who looked to find a book with the
answers to life, he searched far and wide and eventually it was uncovered, but
when he opened the pages it was written in braille. He was missing the key like
so many miss the Lord's statement. You can be standing in a church or with a
Bible in your hand and unless God intervenes, your eyes will remain wide shut. And
yet this is a mystery; why do some receive sight and not others? ”unless” there
needs to be an event in a person's life which unlocks their sight into the
spiritual world. Without that key blindness remains and deception reigns. Many
may believe that God is a high priority in their lives, hence so many religious
factions, but sadly most are based on morals and ethics. On the surface, these things
keep our conscience at bay and the yearning to unlock the truth in an irredeemable
state. How can this be? We all know about good and evil, it’s God's design for
the human race. However, some factions operate in the spiritual world and
govern both good and evil. Satan who Jesus refers to as the “father of lies” is
all about deception and he is the enemy of God who wants at all costs to thwart
God's plans for mankind, his objective is to take as many humans down with him
as possible. How does he do this? Deception! Those whom he deceives will end up
in the Lake of Fire. This is not an opinion but rather a fact confirmed by John
the Apostle in the Book of Revelations; Rev 20:10 “and the devil who had deceived
them was thrown
into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were,
and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Unless you find forgiveness for the sins you have committed unless you
cry out to God in humility and seek his forgiveness you will be amongst that
number. There is no wiggle room here, nor any secret passages, there is only
one way to find forgiveness; call upon the name of Jesus. He alone has the key
to eternal life, ask of him and find forgiveness, this is how one is “born
again”, this is where we are gifted eyes to see into the spiritual world and
this is where true faith in God, the only one true God, the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob is unlocked and where eternal beneficial faith germinates.
Signing out