Part 2
The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)
Monday, 6 July 2020
Visions, dreams and sound doctrine - part 2
Part 2
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Vision, dreams and sound doctrine - part 1
Visions, dreams and sound doctrine and how do or should they play a role in our daily lives? This is a topic that certainly needs some clarity. The gullibility faced by so many Christians worldwide is of serious concern. The way in which whatever seems to be spurred out of the mouths of whoever has anything to say, so long as they fly a Christian flag, regardless of their teachings seems to be devoured. Babies are the ones that put everything to their mouths. But as we grow we learn to be selective. As Christian we should have the same objective and be like the Bereans (a people in the book of Acts that tested what the apostles taught to make sure they were legit - Acts 17-11), we must test what is being said by all, against the Word of God, the Bible! Please test what I am saying...
The very First question I want us to ask is this? What is the most important lesson in life? And before you read on, think about it and then see what comes to mind… This gives us insight to where we are with our Christian travels.
In my opinion, it must be the aligning of our wills to the Word of God. God’s voice must be our number one priority, and obviously this encapsulates the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle John, the one known as the beloved disciple, the man who had a place of rest reserved for his head on the chest of Jesus. The Disciple of love, starts his gospel with these words and it would be good for us to digest and then allow this to become a mantra for our lives; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)
We see creation and we are gobsmacked by the beauty of it all. It’s the way God has informed us of His existence - see Romans 1, but for us to shift our attention and place all our energies on the planet at the expense of the Creator is where so many have erred from the potential relationship available to them in and through the finished work of the cross. Creation is not God’s supremacy but rather the evidence of His influence. His power resonates with his voice, it’s only when we do not value His voice as our number one priority to our lives, that we lose our way.
Let us go back to the beginning; “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” God said and it happened, period! Mankind’s power echoes with “stuff”. Money brings with it positions of power, but only in this world, which will eventually be thrown into the fire. We need material to create something, a carpenter needs wood to build a table, God depends upon his Word and it happens, “God speaks” and it materializes. How often do we say something but end up not following through or doing the exact opposite to what we have openly confessed?
How did sin enter the realm of humanity? Sin entered in when Satan the serpent deceived Eve. How did it happen? He challenged the word of God; “Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1) – Any deviation to God’s word should send out alarm bells in our heads. As it could be a trap to deceive.
However, until we understand the awesomeness of God's voice in and through His Word, the Bible, we will always be clutching at straws to find motivation for our lives. If it sounds palatable, so many of us are quick to put it to our mouths and swallow, No! We must not comport ourselves like this, it is time to grow up, for the time of great testing for the believer is not far away. The Apostle Peter reminds us that testing must begin with the household of God, “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”" (1Peter 4:17)
With that fundamental truth laid as our foundation, the building blocks we add to our understanding must be reinforced by the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever is declare across social media platforms must be tested against the Word of God, the Bible must be referenced correctly and contextually for us to arrive safely.
The Spirit of God teaches us, those who have ears to hear must realise that “some will depart from the faith” and it’s imperative that we are not amongst that number, wouldn’t you agree? How will they be lured? They will devote “themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons”. This is not a possible reality but rather a fact, it will happen, end of story. Liars who have had their conscience seared will spurt out all sorts of garbage for their own gain in this life. We must be warned about them and resist them will all we have.
Another warning that we must observe; “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness (holiness- added), he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing.” (1 Timothy 6:3-4…)
Therefore when a scripture is quoted out of context or twisted in any way we must be careful, we may want to conclude that it’s an honest mistake, and it could be, but it shouldn’t be, if we have given the topic any study at all. At the very least, a red flag must be applied to our understanding.
Yesterday’s on a communal group I am part of, a teaching from Joyce Meyer was shared. She opened her service with Matthew 6:33 and I quote “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you”. The danger of this type of delivery, is that when a part of the verse is left out the meaning takes on a different perspective; In the Bible it reads, “seek ye first the kingdom of God, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and all these things will be added unto you. Now I have referenced 5 different translations and “his righteousness” is penned in all of them. The King James Bible, ASV, HCSB, NIV and the ESV. It would then appear that leaving that out must have been a calculated move. I’ll leave it at that, you must come to your own conclusion.
Father God, please give us eye salve, so that we may see clearly and bring you the due benevolence you so richly deserve. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen and Amen!
Thursday, 2 July 2020
(Philippians 4:6) “Do
not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
There are times in our lives that we
who have the Spirit of God know exactly what it is we should be doing but
somehow find the resolve within not aligning with the will of God for our
lives, this is a place of absolute frustration. I believe we are all the same
to some degree when it comes to our struggles within. However, it is impossible
to speak on behalf of another without at least having travelled in their shoes
for a time. This is why we have a high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, the One
who has done exactly that. He has been tempted with the enticements of all who
have ever lived and yet without sin. That is an impossible truth to digest, it
remains foreign to our natural understanding, and it must be digested through
the eyes of the Spirit and faith. A miraculous feat achieved in a natural body.
Anxiety is a real enemy that constantly
is fed by our defeat, or at least our perceived defeats. This is why we have to
constantly commune in prayer, with thanksgiving, through the finished worked of
the cross and in the name of Jesus as we plead our case with our heavenly
Father. It’s our means of trimming our sails and just like the sailor navigates
the dangers of the sea, we too need to check our bearings and then trim our
sails accordingly. But all of our reasoning must be rooted on the correct
foundation, our beloved Saviours achievements and not our failures, which when
analysed correctly are many. And yet we cannot brush them aside as if they
should have no bearing on our lives. That would be like having the spinnaker
out when trying to tack. They are there to remind us how reliant we are
upon our husband, the Lord Jesus Christ. When the pressures of life begin to
mount, remember this, we have been called to work it out, that by testing we
must get on with. It’s about the will of God in our little worlds. What is it I
need to do, in order trim my sail and to bring glory to the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob? Now before we run off at a tangent, and make the error of the
Galatian church; “Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being
perfected by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3) – This seems to be our default switch that we constantly engage
when we realise that we have fallen short of the glory of God. It’s the way we
are naturally programmed. But it has to change, we must learn to walk in the
Spirit. We know that we will never lose our way when the sails of the Spirit is
aligned correctly, in fact, did you know it is impossible to lose our approach
when we are walking in the Spirit; “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify
the desires of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16) - The only time we choke, is when we allow the reigns of our flesh
(the carnal way of thinking) to once again captain the ship, calling out his
orders that only ever brings confusion. It’s his voice that we must learn to
silence. Now that is a task for each individual. And it’s up to the particular
person to work it.
Here are some aids that will help us
trim our sails when we lose direction. Our struggles happen on a daily basis
and we need to remember that we walk one day at a time. Anything more than this
could become too difficult to endure.
· “Therefore
do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for
itself. Sufficient for the day is its own
trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)
· And
without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to
God must believe that he exists and that
he rewards those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)
· Matthew chapter 6 read the whole chapter and focus in on the Lord’s
Prayer – spend some time here…
The purpose behind us working it out, hinges
on this truth and if we miss it we will always be grappling with misdirection.
God has instigated a perfect plan and it’s up to us to derive a place of
understanding our roles in His masterpiece. Our journeys are about accepting
and then finding grace to implement our part correctly, playing that perfect
role He envisaged before the foundation of the world. Pay careful attention to
this verse; “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
Let’s make this personal as we break
this down; through salvation, our born again experience and baptisms both into
water and the Holy Spirit, sets us up to achieve the objective, “that we should
walk in them”. Walk in what? The good works that God prepared beforehand. We
must eventually come to a place of understand our roles in “HIS PRODUCTION”, we
have a specific role, but without being swallowed by the magnitude of that
thought, know this, all we need to really work out is to make every decision
possible with the intent of bringing God glory and the rest will fall into
place. Our lives are filled with tests, to see where we stand on the matters of
life, and we need to learn to test our own action and how they play their part
in God’s masterpiece. Hollywood has Oscars, God has eternal glory waiting for
the faithful.
Let me leave you with this though, if
some of what I have shared is missed. There is one overarching truth that we
daren’t miss, and it is this. In order to achieve our objective, we must
develop our relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. He has overcome and
He will see us home. He is the Alpha and the Omega. If we find ourselves facing
any dilemma, run to Jesus. If He has allowed us to snuggle into His chest, move
even closer and finally when the cares of this life look to swallow us up,
remember we have a brother that is touched with the feeling of our infirmities,
To God be the glory now and forever
more, Amen and Amen!
Signing off
Monday, 29 June 2020
Friday, 26 June 2020
Reflections… it’s good to be reminded
about our past so long as it leads us towards the light. But like any truth in
our live we have to recognise the storm in order to value the calm. How would
be appreciate the light in our lives if we never understood the darkness? It
would never be as grand, who hasn’t fumbled around in the dark looking for
something by feel alone? Where have all experience partial blindness in some
form or another, but until we are brought into a light so grand that our
carnality cannot contain its sheer magnificence, the place where we come to
have our spiritual eyes opened, where for the first time, we gaze into the
realm of the eternal and every other illuminating experience seems somewhat of
an anti-climax. The day when God affords the individual the privilege of
looking into the Lord Jesus’ beautiful face. Not to say we see him as He is, a
spirit being clothed with His glorified body, the same type of body that every
Christian in heaven is waiting for. But we are given the eyes of faith to see
without seeing, a sight fed into our understanding that we know what we now see
is absolute and without doubt the truth. A certainty where we realise that we
have been seeking out this reality for all of our lives. The missing link
uncovered, praise God for His genius and the way he has chosen to unearth this
truth into a believers life.
Faith (sight into God's unseen world)
comes by hearing the Word of God. Which gives us an ability to believe that
what we are hearing is full of truth and not tainted by the sins of men’s
interventions. It feeds that part of us that cries out “I believe, I believe”
and only then does our understanding align with what it meant for the Lord
Jesus to die and pay the price for our sin. When I unpack the working of it
all, I am left with a gaping mouth and a mind that silently screams,
“Ingenious”! God is awesome! A message that remains foolishness to the Gentile
and a stumbling block to the Jew. The Gentile cannot see it so he will not
believe it, he is blinded by his own wisdom. The Jew does not believe that
Christ is their messiah and therefore looks for another, someone who will come
with a majestic ability to entice with signs and wonders, they await a miracle
worker. The anti-Christs hour is not far away, he will deceive with marvellous
feats of grandeur. But to the believer, everything aligns in perfect harmony
and just like that blind man in the temple, once we encounter our beloved
Saviour and we are touched by Him, we run around shouting “I can see, I can
see”. To see and understand what we have been saved from. A life of sinful
capitulation where our sin has blinded us and habitually driven us from God,
until that day arrives, where Jesus enters our lives and as I can vividly
recall the happiest day of my life, hands down.
Here is a portion of scripture that
partially uncovers what I am talking about and to all who are sitting on the
fence, I pray that God would use lethargy to bring you to your senses; “For
since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it
pleased God through the folly of what
we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and
Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews
and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks,
Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is
wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (1Corinthians 1:21-25)
Signing off
Sunday, 21 June 2020
God is good!
(Romans 3:11-12) “None is righteous, no,
not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside;
together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”
The Goodness of God
who can fathom it? A rhetorical question and the answer lies deep within His
majestic beauty, no one knows, no one understands. However, millions of people
throughout the ages, has, at times, caught a marvellous glimpse of HIS
GOODNESS. God is good! We don’t understand what it means to be good. We all
have our perceived ideas of what “good” looks like, but in comparison to what
is truly good, we are clueless. “No one does good,
not even one.” We are worthless regarding our aptitude to please
God. This is a hard pill to swallow as it strips us to our core, which reminds
us that we are sinners and in desperate need of a Saviour. I understand that
the Apostle Paul is referring to individuals under the law and those who use
the law to find justification for their lives, accusing other whilst excusing
themselves. At times, even the Christian lives here, it is a default action
that we need to weed out of our lives if we are to please our heavenly Father.
We have been saved
apart from the law, the law of God could never save us or any who lived before
us. All it did was condemn us, so, to live as if we can find justification for
our lives in and through the law of God, is madness. Deception of the highest
order at play in people's lives. A simple breach of any one of God’s laws and
you are guilty, you will be indicted as a lawbreaker and the punishment of that
charge is death. Not of the flesh, we have all broken God’s law along life
journey and we still breathe the oxygen He has afforded us. This reference
speaks about our eternal deaths. An eternal life without God as our ally and
yet a never-ending life of pain and suffering. The Lake of Fire will be the law
breakers eternal home. Who wants to end up there, it is a place prepare by God
for the devil and his angels and Satan is looking to take as many human victims
with him as he can. Why? His defiance toward God.
The first reflex
retort is, “how can a GOOD God sent people to hell?” I assure you millions will
end up there, the Bible is clear on this. The only real question we need to ask
ourselves, will we be amongst that number? God has already concluded all under
the curse of sin, law breakers and there is no exceptions apart from the God
man Jesus Christ, He alone conquered death, a man who live in a flesh and blood
body but never breached a single law of God. Thus only qualifying
Him to pay the penalty for mankind’s sin. So, unless we find forgiveness
for our sins we will be herded into the cell of the lawbreakers and be judged
accordingly; “For
God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good
or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
Is this a thought
fearful enough to drive us to our knees, crying out to Jesus and probing Him to
save us from such a terrible destiny? Where does true wisdom begin? It’s not in
education, degrees or diplomas; “The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” (Proverbs
9:10) – Wisdom rests on the degree of our fear for the Lord. Do you believe
this? Or is that just a thought that you easily sweep to the side as if that
will have no actual bearing on your life. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is
foolishness to the Gentile and to the Jew a stumbling block. This is an
overview of the world’s perception, but where do you fit in? Personally
what do you believe?
If God is going to
send so many to hell, why is He good? God is a righteous God, it’s who He is
and he hates sin and loves all that is pure. It is impossible for Him to
entertain any form of darkness. It is beyond Him, not to say that He never
looked upon the human race with compassion, HE DID! In fact He was so move by
our predicament that he sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to
earth, to live a life as a man and then die a death he didn’t deserves. Why? So
that we could find forgiveness for our sins in and through His finished work.
If that isn’t the greatness act of kindness, then I don’t know what it will
take to echo a response, “that God is good!”
He sent his son to
die for sinners and the Apostle Paul puts it like this; “For while we were
still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will
scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would
dare even to die— but God
shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans
5:6-8) – If this reality doesn’t blow your mind, nothing of any eternal benefit
ever will. GOD IS GOOD! We, the converted sinner, who through repentance has
called on the name of Jesus and been saved from a devastating fate, now has the
ability to please God, wow! However without this act of attrition from God it
remains an impossible phenomena to please God and every effort will come up
I will leave you with
encouragement and know this if you are reading this I have prayed for
you; “For
“everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”” (Romans
Signing off
Friday, 19 June 2020
If Only!
If only!
If only I had… And I
will let you fill in the gaps. Life is full of regrets, hindsight the perfect
science. And yet our mistakes often teach us so much. Not to say that we aren’t
left with the regret “if only!” However if and when God’ affords us the opportunity
to come to our senses, we are grateful for the lesson, but until then our lives
are full of remorse. This only applies to us while we breathe the oxygen God
has freely afforded us. However once that chemical element no long keeps us
alive, it will be too late for another stab at getting it right. We have all
heard the quote, “we only live once”. A declaration which allows us to be wild
and free. However it is our perception to that quote that’s needs evaluating.
Some may arrive at a conclusion that we live and then we die and that is the
end of that. That is a lie!
Deception of the
highest order at play in the minds of the simple. Why do I single out those who
believe that as the simple? We all come from the same substance, not a similar
material but exactly the same stuff, we all have the same makeup. The human
race, consists of a flesh and blood body and we all have a hidden part that is
often referred to as the soul. It is not hidden from the individual but most
certainly from those around us. That part of us that looks for the deeper
meaning of life, the voice that is always speaking, the expressions that only
you can hear, whether we like to admit this reality it or not, it lives. That
part of you that has a need to be connected to God. We all look for that
connection, even the atheist has the same desire, apart from this fact, the sin
in their lives have so seared that portion to them that they cry; “there is no
God”. I believe it is a similar driving force that keeps the sinner from
approaching the light and calling upon the name of Jesus to be saved. The
Apostle John records some of the Lords insight on how this works; “And this is the
judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness
rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does
wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works
should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it
may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”” (John 3:19-21)
It would be amiss of
me not to be filled with compassion when it comes to the Christians
hypocritical behaviour whilst travelling along the Christian road. I know that
I have failed miserably in this area of my life, do I fly this flag alone? I
think not! Without looking for justification or giving our sin a pass, our
journeys are a marathon and not a sprint, most of us have been given a lifetime
to work it out. Some learn the lessons the Word of God teaches faster than
others. Thankfully God is faithful and extremely patient. Thank God for His
longsuffering in a believer’s life. Without it I would already be in the pigs
pens eating the husks of life. However, it’s the struggle that teaches us so
many valuable lessons, praise God!
The soul is the part
of us that constantly needs it desires met and so it needs scratching and until
you come to your senses and cry out to Jesus to find forgiveness for your sin
you will always be rubbing at that itch, and the more you scratch the itchier it
gets. We have all been bitten by mosquitoes. It fascinates me how we almost
always look for a substitute before we embrace the perfect remedy. I believe
that it’s the sin in us that drives us there. That part of us that wants to
keep us from the light. The Apostle Paul gives us insight into this in Romans
chapter 7.
We have lived enough
of life to understand that once we die, “if only” will ring out through the
throes of eternity if we do not come to our senses. We need to find repentance
for our sin and the God man Jesus Christ will save the sinner who repents and
called out to HIM from the Lake of Fire. Sadly, millions will end up there, do
you believe this? The Bible is clear on the matter. Whilst we have breathe we
have hope, so I appeal to you to cry out to Jesus, plead your case to Him
before it is too late and those words, “if only” remain glued to your lips for
Signing off
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
God rewards those...
God rewards those who diligently seek HIM! But before we
get there I suppose it would be good understand “what it meant to the Holy One to bear away my sin.” You may be
asking yourselves what on earth has to do with rewards. “Everything” is my retort. If we miss the wonder of what Christ the
God man endured in the flesh, to take away our sin, we will always be chasing
the wrong reward and hindering the perfect will of God for our lives. We know
because the Word of God has taught us, that if we “walk in the Spirit we will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.” A
help to achieve this would be to focus on Christ’s sufferings. Without this
knowledge dictating, we will always be half baked with our commitment. Like
James says, "you say you have faith but I will show you my faith by my works".
Faith without works remains dead. That type of faith tricks us into believing
that all is well, when in fact we have miles to travel. I reiterate works can
never save us, but because we have faith, workings will then complement our
commitment to God our Father, bringing Him the glory in and through our pledge.
Everything in life is the opposite way around, we set our sights on a goal and
we then work toward it, through blood sweat and tears. We achieve results by
our own efforts. This is why walking in the spirit can sometimes be rather challenging.
We need to view our spiritual journey through a different lens. Although both
the carnal and the spiritual belongs to the individual, they require different applications.
Our minds need to be conditioned with this understanding; “That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:6) – They both
have their part to play in an individual’s life. Many have worked this out
while others still grapple with the idea of “this spirit world”. For many it
remains a mystery, even the man that Jesus addresses in this chapter, Nicodemus
could not get his head around the idea of what it meant to be “born again” and
it obvious to see why. He was thinking with a carnal mind and then trying to
understand a spiritual truth with that type of balanced. It’s like trying to
mix oil and water, it is impossible. The carnal or fleshy realm requires a
logical explanation for us to settle. The spiritual realm is driven by faith
and this is the definition of faith; “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of
things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) - The only evidence we have
been given by God to understand HE exists without being “born again” is creation. It’s the awe of creation that should drive us to question a little
deeper when it comes to the spirit world and in turn gets us to ask the deeper
question, “How do I fit in?” It’s now up to the preacher to point those individuals
in the right direction. This is the way God, the Creator of the universe has
fashioned it.
“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and
how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they
hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14) – And so
the cycle continues, for over two thousand years this is how people have been
save, born again! This is the way it shall continue right up until God shuts
that door. Hopefully this will help you understand the need for those who have
been saved to pass on the same information they received from someone else. We
have been instructed by God; “freely ye have received, freely give.” Salvation is a
gift, it cannot be earned, nor can it be worked for. However, for us to receive
sight into the spiritual world we need to believe before we will ever receive.
Our carnal minds will never be able to process this truth. But once we realise
that we need God to save us from ourselves and we cry out to Jesus with a
contrite heart seeking out his forgiveness for our sin, that door is then
opened and we are given eyes to see into the spiritual realm. Our spiritual
journey begins and it’s such a marvellous revelation that it seems strange that
others cannot see what you see. In fact it is rather mind boggling. However, because we now understand we need to be gracious with those yet on the fringe.
Signing off