Finding the purpose in
life is often spoken about directly or indirectly. We are inquisitive and
frequently compete while inquiring about what others do—judging in the silent
rooms of our minds. Be that as it may, I want us to ignore the trivia, because
that’s all it is. Forget what you've accomplished here on earth if it does not
envisage eternity as its main objective and goal.
Regardless of where you
stand on your opinionated platform, please give me the next five minutes of
your time.
In the
Beginning… everything created had a beginning, some say evolution rings true
while others, myself included cry without exception “GOD SAID” and so it
Many gods
compete for supreme authority, but there can only be one true God. And you
don’t need to be a rocket scientist to sift through the rot. Christianity is
the only religion that claims that Jesus is the son of God, whilst almost every
other religion claims Jesus as a prophet. Only a false prophet would claim to
be the Son of God and Jesus is very clear and on record claiming to be the Son
of God. If you are seeking the answers to life you should be smelling a dead
rat among some pages of literature.
So what
locks so many into the lie? Deception is an ongoing tactic used to change the
position of an individual from the ultimate goal, finding the answer to life!
Let us do
some basic math: the average person lives 70 years maybe a little more, place
that figure into a graph of eternity and what do you see?
The Bible
is clear, Judgment is coming… everyone will stand before the judgment seat of
the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be no place for the bribe or any wiggle room,
for those not clothed in white apparel, or put another way, for those who do
not have their names penned in the “Book of Life” They will be cast into a
“Lake of Fire” for eternity, not a 70-year stint, but forever and ever with
your consciousness in tacked. This is such a daunting thought it displeases me
to contemplate but a reality we daren’t overlook.
Where do
you stand? Where we all stand, whether we agree or not, God is the final
authority and His rules stand.
said, “I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father
except through me.” How will we escape the Lake of Fire, and how will we find
the answer to life? Make no mistake the day of God's judgment is coming and all
those who turned a blind eye to the love of God's gift, escaping His sin
judgment and the Lake of Fire. Will have no escape.
It’s the
love of God that compels me to speak the truth on this issue, what you do with
it is entirely up to you.
Conclusion; Beware of the
lies the world and so many religions propagate. If you want true freedom, not
the temporary freedom sin affords you, but for a moment. Ask yourself, why you
are never actually satisfied. Sure sin buys us temporary satisfaction, but it
is soon forgotten and we look for our next fix and the pattern continues until
we find the solution to break the stronghold. We must consider the bigger picture
and once our eyes fix on that reality, everything else will find its preferred
“For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will
be saved.”
(Romans 10:13) – But call you must or the Lake of Fire will
be your final destination
Signing off