The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday, 8 June 2023

The Wrath of God!

Is there a time and place for anger to ever have its place in our lives?


My mind often toys with this question, yet it needs further investigation. The anger of God is as real as the setting of the sun. Scripture repeatedly proves that, and proving otherwise would be very hard. The phrase “wrath of the Lord” and the “anger of the Lord” come to mind. Those two words are often interchangeable in Bible translations. In the ESV translation, 35 verses of the Old Testament use that phrase 36 times. A very hard reality to try and skirt around, “THE ANGER OF THE LORD” is real. Only a fool would look to deny this and play into the hands of the coined phrases; “If God is love…” or “How can a God who loves…” Their conclusion will always try to accommodate sin in one form or another. Love is always conditional and there is always a cutoff point with our love for others. Agape is a proven unconditional love, or is it? Let’s look at that definition. Agape, Greek agapē, in the New Testament, the fatherly love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God. In Scripture, the transcendent agape love is the highest form of love and is contrasted with eros, or erotic love, and philia, or brotherly love.”


Having considered this, I will now conclude that Love “agape love” is confined to the person of Jesus Christ and that all those who reject Him will face God’s wrath. There will be no if and but for them. For those who accept Christ as their Saviour regardless of the way they live and disregard the Word’s instruction without true repentance is a thorny patch of ground.   Let me explain, to be covered by the unconditional love of God we must be covered by the righteousness of Christ. We must be born again. But many claim salvation in Christ and yet live as foreigners to the Word of God, His instruction to us as his children. The only way to know if we are truly born again is not if we have parroted off a sinner’s prayer but rather we know what the apostle John teaches us very clearly, “if we love Him we will keep his commandments”. I am not for one minute suggesting sinless perfection, but rather the will to eradicate sin from our lives as a priority. This is how we know if we are truly born again, and sure we may have a road to travel before we are persuaded by this truth, but unless we arrive, the possibility of not being covered by the love of God remains a daunting thought. To live a life irrespective of the instruction of the Word of God, The Bible, and disregard the obvious is the folly of the highest order, and yet we know the devil looks to twist the Word at every opportunity.., see Matthew 4…

God will never compromise His truth, He can’t! The Lord Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; we need all of Him to be covered by God the Father’s love, period!

The Wrath of God is real, make no mistake judgment is coming and I would encourage all to go and read the Old Testament to see how God deals with Israel’s enemies. No mercy is often the instruction.


However, today is the day of salvation, remember while we have breath we have hope, and we can right our wrongs, we can look to the storerooms of grace to help in time of need. He (the Lord Jesus) who has begun a good work in you will see you home, but remember not to make allowance for sin as if you are entitled to such behaviour, we are NOT!


Signing off

