If we are looking for a blessing from God it would be a good idea to flip through the pages of history. The Book of Psalms is a great place to start. David the shepherd boy, giant slayer and king was a man after God’s own heart. If its wisdom you want to study David. A well-rounded man who understood copious amounts of the everyday struggle of life that we ourselves face. If I allow my mind to tap into the imagery of his life and view it through a Director's lens, I see men, obviously Israeli, scrambling around a large battlefield table perfectly positioned in the middle of a tent considering their upcoming alternatives with a panicked emphasis on how to defeat Goliath, an almost impossible task. Here I see I clear indication of a shepherd boy, barely a man understanding a principle that the Apostle Paul teaches many years later, in fact thousands. The Option we face on a daily basis, do we put on the mind of Christ or do we look to our carnal abilities to overcome the day? “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.” (Romans 8:6-7)
Who would dare to tackle the mission, the terms had been thrown down, and whoever was left standing would be the victor. Goliath the giant man representing the Philistines a mighty man of Valour with innumerable notches carved into his belt which in itself told many a story. A freaked Israel looking to King Saul for the solution, on one hand hoping he would be man enough to take up the challenge, whilst on the other doubting he had the ability to tackle the giant. Whilst the faithful few tucked away in the corners held their peace trusting their God for victory. “Faith without works is dead…” God will never deny himself. David then enters the scene on a completely different errand. Summoned by his father Jesse to deliver food to his brothers who had followed Saul and where now with him on the frontline awaiting the upcoming battle against the Philistines. It what David then witnesses that seems to floor him, a giant, a man from Gath standing over ten feet tall defying the God of Israel, as he arrogantly took up his position on his side of the battlefield and bellowed these words; “I defy the ranks of Israel this day. Give me a man, that we may fight together.” A parley between two men to decide their nation’s fate, to be enslaved or the end up being served by slaves. This went on for 40 days, Goliath took his stand morning and evening and each day his challenge left the Israeli leadership cowering. The mood of the camp was one of great fear.
It’s at this point that God introduces a man of faith, almost accidentally sandwiched into the scene, but we know better, the providence of God now on display. David a man after Gods own heart on a mission to deliver bread to his brothers now witnesses the commotion. Let us stop and think for a minute, why was David referred to as “a man after Gods own heart”? As the story unfolds we see David is not filled with fear, because he, just like Abraham believes God. Who amongst us can honestly say we believe God when the trial of life presses in? Currently there is no greater strain that I face than the finical pressures of life. The burden of being an encumbrance to others drives me to a place of despair and unbelief pounds viciously at the door. This is why I love the Word of God and the examples we are able to glean from the Bible, it realigns the rudder and nourishes our souls. It feeds us, empowering us to get through another season. The test of faith must come for all, I believe it is a key fundamental for the Christians' walk, without it we will never truly learn to depend upon the grace of God. When we stay the course, the reward always far outweighs the trial. The greater the blessing the harder the struggle, seems to be a no-brainer for me. I may be wrong, but I do not think so!
We should all know how the story ends, if not let me not influence the lessons you can take from it, the account is to be found 1Samuel 17, read it and glean from it as there is a fortune of nourishment for the soul.
Father God give me the strength to humbly sit at the feet of my glorious Saviour and to wait for his Instruction, whatever that may be and not to always try to force his hand so that my flesh may benefit. Teach me your ways my God, Hallowed be they name, all hail King Jesus now and forever more, amen and amen!
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