The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday, 24 November 2021



Understanding the authors intent when unpacking what has been penned, seems critical to me. If we get it wrong it may just send us down the wrong hole. Thankfully God has not left us to our own devices and we have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth. However it is obvious that professing Christians often gets things wrong, especially when it comes to the unpacking of scripture. On the other hand we find those so stuck on formula that they often miss out on a deeper spiritual understanding. Head knowledge must transform our beings into the image of Christ, if not, we have become like hollow clanging cymbals with no harmonious beat. Trees with very little fruit… Did not the Lord say that “you shall know a tree by its fruit”? The measure of one’s obedience is often reflected in the nourishing effects their fruit has one others. Notwithstanding the four season as we know them and then there is a time for pruning. All necessary for a tree to be exceedingly fruitful. Then we have the soil to consider, the amount of exposer to the sun and so on. With all factors considered we should be fruit bearers, if not it may just be time to reconsider the first principles of the doctrines of Christ. Where am I lacking and how can I rectify my predicament? Faith, hope and love must drive me at all times, if not I have lost my way.


Back to basics and it always starts with sitting at the feet of Jesus. Find a quiet place, preferably before the sun is up and there is no disruption, make your intention clear through prayer and then wait for direction. For those who journal do that. For others, make sure your bible is open and then bear your heart to our Saviour, He will attend the meet. He is faithful to his own, even when we remain faithless, for he cannot deny himself. He is our head and he understands our weakness, praise his holy name. Remember the butterflies of our first encounter that warn fuzzy feeling, which we could not get enough of. It’s that which needs rekindling. Oh Lord Jesus how I pray for that. A time in my life where everything instinctively was meted with scriptura. Even though, as a babe I got so much wrong when it came to application. To know that you know that whilst sitting at the feet of Jesus he always has your back. I want to live there without distraction, but whilst we have breath we need to endure the hardships of life, it is part of our journey and it shapes and moulds us. But what relationship ever lasts if quality time isn’t set aside for our partner without any distraction? Our Saviour never lets us down, but we must be specific with our engagement if we want the fullness of his blessing.          


Now back to my original thought and digging a little deeper into the authors of the Bible, it is apparent to see the struggles they were dealing with no differently to us. Don’t misunderstand me, not many of us fit into the same category when it comes to commitment, far from it. However, The Apostle John was obsessed with the love of God and what a perfect obsession to have. We know that the Christian should have three obvious traits; “faith, hope and love”. Without faith it is impossible to please God, without hope we will fall by the wayside and without love everything will become an uncomfortable grind. Peter was a man that expressed his emotions, an impulsive man, a leader and his commitment unequivocally undeniable. In fact he was the first to see Jesus as Christ (God in the flesh). It’s God the Father who honoured Him with that privilege. Picture the moment, wow! God felt that it was Peter who would be the first to see Jesus for who he really was.


I want us to look into Peter’s writings and then glean from them as I too have ended up weeping over failure. But Lord willing that we will do in the near future.


I would once again encourage you to sit at the feet of Jesus and be blessed by HIM.


Signing out

