Honesty is a luxury that not many of us are privy
too. Sure, we all experience honesty when it suits and it is comfortable for
all to stomach, but what of so many brutal truths that are easily overlook
until it is to late to make amends. Hindsight is what they call a perfect
science; it is easy to speak after the fact. But what if time had no effect on
your being? In other words you were an eternal being and not subject to time;
you operated outside the limits of time. Life teaches us that we all have a
lifespan and then we die, which is obviously true, that fact is undeniable.
However, we all have an eternal part to our being; it is known as our soul. Our
spirits will live or die forever, this is a fact that so many overlook, hoping
that all will turn out tolerable, regardless of the way we live here on earth.
Talk about the foolishness of an ostrich, how it hides its face from predators
with its body in full view with the mentality that because it can’t see the
hunter, it will be safe, have you ever heard the expression; “bury your head in
the sand like an ostrich?” There is no doubt that society has been programmed
by the enemies of the cross to avoid this topic at all costs. One of the most
powerful of all reason is to get people to avoid diving into the subject of
judgement and eternal life. None of us by default have any excellence in us,
God is good, He is brilliant and He alone is righteous within Himself. He
always does the right thing. Can we say the same? I know that some of you may
now be looking for “straw men” (objections to override my point) to prove me
wrong. Things like rape, hunger and brutal murders cannot be allowed by a God
of love. To you I say, you obviously have not read much of the Bible. God will
always rally in commitment for a people that love him, with faith an
overarching ally, but disregard his voice at your own peril. People that turn
their backs on God will face His judgement, whether living on earth or in
eternity, this fact remains true.
Why did Abraham’s seed, the son of promise,
eventually end up in slavery? In a nutshell they began to serve other gods and
disregarded His law. For every action there is an opposite reaction, bow the
knee to Jesus and you will be saved, refuse and suffer the consequences, the
Lake of Fire will be your eternal home.
The Jews have always been God’s chosen people and
it started with Abraham. However, as a nation they rejected their Messiah and
this is what they cried out when Pontius Pilate gave them a choice to free
Jesus; Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus who is
called Christ?" They all said, "Let him be crucified!" And he
said, "Why, what evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more,
"Let him be crucified!" So when Pilate saw that he was gaining
nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his
hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to
it yourselves." And all the people
answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!" (Matthew 27:22-25) – How much misery have the Jews been put through as
a people after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus? The account is endless!
Thankfully God has showed mercy to many Jews and some have also been saved and
confess Jesus Christ as their true Messiah.
This is a brutal truth that needs to be proclaimed
from the rooftops and yet so few are willing to put themselves out for the sake
of others. The Lord Jesus is a perfect example, a man who knew no sin, he live
a life of sinless perfection and yet was moved with such compassion that he was
willing to bleed and die on a cruel Roman cross, he gave up his own life, no man
took it from him. The reason was so that some may be saved from themselves
and escape God’s eternal judgment. But this compassion will only ever be realised once we bend the knee.
How often have you heard people at funerals say
that the parted are in a better place, when all they ever did, whilst on earth, was slam the gospel and blasphemed the name of Jesus? Really, they are in a
better place, hell a place of torment! Let us not be like the ostrich but be
wise in our understanding and call on the name of Jesus and find forgiveness
from Him for our sins, only then will we understand the deeper truths of life.
Only then will we have eyes to truly see...
Signing off