Self-examination is crucial today. The
sign of the times is ramping up, what do I mean by that? There is a checklist
we need to mirror ourselves against and then find grace to rectify the lack in
our lives. This is an important exercise, and we cannot afford to turn a blind
eye. It's not enough to have a form of godliness but in our closets live
powerless. Allowing the secret sins of the heart to rule our lives. For if we
live without persuasive conviction, we may be a vessel of dishonour. When I
examine my own life, I am aware of the rot that looks to live, deception under
a banner of love and grace will always look to excuse our behaviour. Here is
the call "Everyone who says they believe in the Lord must stop
doing wrong." 2 Timothy 2:19 – we cannot habitually continue with
unrighteous living believing we have a free pass. The fruits of the flesh have
been listed; "The wrong things the sinful self does are clear:
committing sexual sin, being morally bad, doing all kinds of shameful things,
worshipping false gods, taking part in witchcraft, hating people, causing
trouble, being jealous, angry or selfish, causing people to argue and divide
into separate groups, being filled with envy, getting drunk, having wild
parties, and doing other things like this. I warn you now as I warned you
before: The people who do these things will not have a part in God's kingdom."
(Galatians 5:19-22)
Am I implying that we are saved by
works and not by grace? Not! However, there is a sect of people who believe
grace excuses us from living unrighteously and still gets us to heaven.
"But God's strong foundation
never moves, and these words are written on it: "The Lord knows
those who belong to him." Also, these words are written there:
"Everyone who says they believe in the Lord must stop doing wrong."
In a large house there are things made of gold and silver. But there are also
things made of wood and clay. Some of these are used for special purposes,
others for ordinary jobs. The Lord wants to use you for special purposes, so
make yourself clean from all evil. Then you will be holy, and the Master can
use you. You will be ready for any good work." (2 Timothy 2:19-21) –
In a house there is a highly valued vessel whilst other items are needed but
taken for granted. Nevertheless, the point is clear if you are to be valued as
a special item used for a "special purpose" we are commissioned to
rid ourselves of all evil. If not we will not be involved with God's good
works. This is the scariest thought of all, Solomon said it like this; the
beginning of wisdom is to fear God and keep his commandments. We have also been
taught that perfect love casts out all fear. But that love will never seek out
its own at the expense of others. It can never accommodate a breach of God's
character… so what is this love preached from many a pulpit? The message is all
about acceptance and zero judgment, a pseudo-love that allows sin to thrive and
ostracises the righteous, in fact viciously calling them out. This is why as I
have stressed many times over the years, we only have one yardstick to measure
and be measured with and that is the WORD of GOD, Period! The Bible is our
final authority, it has to be otherwise the lines of life and society smudge so
badly, that deception will speak loudest and deceive even the elect if that
were possible—carnage of the highest order. Satan's time is at hand and his
brilliance is becoming very obvious for me to see and the hand he is playing.
He will unite the world and break down the barriers of the great divide
appearing as an angel of light with the intention of cloak and hidden daggers,
for his end game will result in the Lake of Fire.
"The Lord be with your spirit.
Grace be with you."
Signing off