The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 9 July 2011

Praise the name of Jesus!

(Psalms 103:2) “Forget not all His benefits.”

It is wonderful to admire the great achievements of the saints of old, and I am often inspired by some of their majestic bouts of faith, as we should be! These examples should drive us to be more diligent toward our great God and Father. But how often do we get lost in their stories, to our own detriment? In other words it remains their reality and goes no further. We must transfer what they are teaching us into what we are being taught. We have been called by the great I AM, He has sent His only begotten Son to pay the price for our sin, just as much as He sent Him for David, Samuel, Moses and the like. We are as much son’s as they were, no rather are, it is both past and present tense. Once God has begun a good work he will complete it. We may founder and fall at times but He will never taste defeat. We know setbacks too well, how often have I resolved to do something for my great God and before long I have gone back on my commitment.  I am truly thankful for our great Saviour’s achievement on Cavalry, who else could have bridged that gap? Absolutely no one else! Praise the name of Jesus our great Saviour!

Let us not get lost in failure but rather focus on victory, Christ’s victory! If we were able to do it alone, there would have been no need for Christ to die such a cruel death.

Haven’t we seen the work of His hand in our lives, of course we have! Samson faced such opposition that a thousand Philistine came at him in one attack, it was not just one challenge or concern but a thousand and all at the same time. Will we learn from his example and reach for the jawbone; will we reach for Christ in time of need and fight with His strength until me find grace to overcome? The same weapons available to him are available to all of God’s children. Have we not tasted the sweet joy of victory just like Samson did? Amen, we cry! Or what of David as he faced the goliath of all challenges, did he not shirk the armour of men as he stepped out in faith knowing in whom he believed, he did! Have we? There must have been times of victory, if we have Christ’s Spirit, it is a given! Think back on your life and savour the sweet taste of honey. No other victories are as sweet. Or what of Daniel as he was feed to the lions, did God not stop their mouths, we know He did! Have we not been in a similar place and left for dead, I know I have and sadly I must confess it was not for well-doing but my own folly at play left me desperate and almost without hope and yet my great Saviour saved the day. Praise His name! Have we not denied our Lord when we know we should have spoken out just as Peter did, I know I am guilty. And yet our great God finds it in His heart to forgive us, how great is He!

Words will never capture the immense enormity of His loving kindness, but may we never forget why we are privy to this love, PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS! How often have we dropped our guard just like Samson and believed that we are bullet-proof, I know I have and the pain was almost unbearable. But before long our hair once again begins to grow, thank you Lord Jesus! What a great Saviour we serve, may we never forget Calvary!

We will never forget Calvary as He will always bear the marks in his hands. Praise His glorious name! So today wherever it may be where we find ourselves, may we focus upon His achievements in our lives and it will be well with our souls. If we need to sing from the rooftops then sing with gusto. If we are weak and feeble, then let us fall to our knees and seek out His forgiveness as He is just a prayer away, Praise His name! And above all things let our lives day by day speak more of our obedience toward Him.

“Let us not forget all His benefits…”

Signing off


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